Monday, 15 July 2013

Playmobil Customisation Medieval Mansion II 中古世紀大豪宅 II

自從上次將 美黛子 的三棟中古世紀房屋合併成一間:就覺得愈玩愈喜歡自己設計、自己組裝的感覺。上次蓋得那棟也剛好剩下一些牆壁、配件,所以就再次造訪美黛子的家〜和她的小孩將上次蓋得那間再擴大、並改變造型。

After my last combination of the new Medieval Museum, Bakery and Blacksmith:I feel very addicted to redesigning and reconstructing Playmobil's original houses. From my last construction, I had some leftovers of walls, doors, roofs, etc. So I thought: why not extend the house I built last time into an even bigger mansion?

完工啦〜〜Voilà~~My finished work!!

正面〜Front view~


This time, I decided to make one side of the house taller to be more creative.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Playmobil Customisation Medieval Mansion I 中古世紀大豪宅 I


A few days ago, I saw 美黛子 bought a lot of new Medieval houses! So I decided to visit her and check out her new collection! Just as I anticipated, those Medieval shops were mesmerizing! Then, I suddenly had an idea- why not combine all the three shops together into one big Medieval mansion?

成品圖片〜My customisation~

前景〜Front view~

It is very incredible! Being able to redesign and rebuild the houses is surely a good thing about Playmobil, as all the accessories (walls, roofs, etc) from the same theme can match with each other; which greatly extends our creativity and stretch our imagination!

Saturday, 6 July 2013