Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Playmobil Spies: Frankenbeauty-3

The spies got to the end of the queue just as the woman dressed in the pink Mediaeval princess costume has finished. The next candidate up was a woman dressed as a Japanese princess, who took out a fan and started dancing as the traditional Japanese music sounded, which was played by the traditional instrument Shamisen. Behind her was a Chinese 'princess', who seemed to be ready to dance the moment she was born.

"OMG, her dancing skills wouldn't lose to a Japanese Geisha," Claire whispered as she admired the beautiful dance, "What are we gonna do? We are totally unprepared for this!" 

"Well, our mission is not to win anyways, though I'd actually love to!" Eliza replied with a hair flick, "Luckily, our mission is to investigate this pageant, not to win it."

"Unluckily, in order to have an excuse to stay here and secretly investigate, we'll need to still be in the eligible candidates list for as long as possible," Claire reasoned, "And if we're out after the opening contest, our mission is practically ruined as we'll be kicked out immediately."

"You know what? You're right!" Eliza responded, "Looks like joining the Dance Society in uni this term has paid off, I'm so gonna shine!"

"Yeah, except that you've only actually been to it once, and that was before all those essays caught up with you, remember?" Claire said.

Before long, it was already Eliza's turn. She called up any old song she could remember that was related to flowers and improvised through the whole thing. After the performance, the spies could perceive some of the 'prince' judges shaking their heads in disapproval. 

Afterwards, it was Claire's turn. Absolutely clueless about how to dance, Claire had a sudden idea and grabbed hold of two candle holders and called up 'Set Fire to the Rain' by Adele. As that was all she could imagine after hearing the song for the first time- a woman holding a candlestick to the rain drops, trying to 'set fire to the rain'. She managed to dance through the whole song without setting fire to either herself or the palace, so that was already an accomplishment for her.

Nonetheless, after her performance, she was absolutely astonished to perceive that the judges applauded so loudly that the entire hall was ringing with their applause, some were nodding their heads in approval too. 

Will the spies successfully make it past the opening contest into the semi-finals?

~To be Continued~

Saturday, 27 May 2017


嬌娃們做完頭髮及敷完臉後,便穿著嬌娃制服來到了選美比賽的會場。「這個地方簡直和皇宮一般金碧輝煌!」Eliza 看著奢華的入口驚嘆道。

「我猜是爲了搭配『皇家』的主題吧!」Claire 邊說邊拿出手機,再次讀了一遍幫姆傳給她的電郵。「湯姆傳給咱們的電郵裏面說因爲這場選美比賽叫做『皇家日記』(眞是有夠俗氣的名字),所以整個會場佈置都採用宮廷風。參賽者也得裝扮成貴族~不管是公主、伯爵夫人還是皇后都可以自由發揮。」Claire 讀完信後說。

「那我們趕緊來瞧瞧這個總部研發的服裝app裏面有什麼吧!」Eliza 迫不急待地拿出了手機。

Friday, 26 May 2017

Les Espions Playmobil: Frankenbeauté-2

Après avoir fait faire leurs cheveux et leurs visages, les espions arrivèrent à l'extérieur de l'endroit où le concours de beauté se déroulerait dans leur tenue d'espions. "Cet endroit ressemble à un palais!" s'exclama Eliza en regardant la porte d'entrée luxueuse.

"Je suppose que c'est juste pour tenir compte du thème de la royauté", répondit Claire alors en sortant son téléphone pour examiner le courrier électronique que Tom leur avait envoyé. "D'accord, selon ce courrier électronique, alors que ce concours s'appelle les journaux des royalties, il y a un thème de la royauté, alors nous devrons nous habiller comme une princesse, une duchesse ou tout autre membre d'une sorte de royauté pour participer au concours." conclut Claire après avoir lu le courrier électronique.

"Eh bien, voyons ce que cette apparence de l'app dont le siège a développé a pour nous." répondit Eliza en cherchant son téléphone pour l'application.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Playmobil Spies: Frankenbeauty-2

After having had their hair and facial done, the spies arrived outside the place where the beauty pageant would take place in their spies outfit. "This place looks like a palace!" Eliza exclaimed as she glanced at the luxurious entrance door. 

"I guess it's just to fit the royalty theme," Claire responded as she took out her phone to review the E-mail that Tom has sent them. "Okay, according to this E-mail, as this pageant is called the Royalty Diaries (lame name by the way), it has a royalty theme running all the way through, so we'll have to dress up as either a princess, a duchess or any other member of some form of royalty to take part in the contest." Claire concluded after reading the E-mail. 

"Well, let's see what this outfits app the headquarters have developed have for us." Eliza replied as she searched her phone for the app.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 12 摩比抽抽樂第12彈

The Playmobil Fi?ures Series 12 will be launched in July 2017, let's take a look at what it contains.


Saturday, 20 May 2017


一個春天的午後,兩位讀同一所大學的好友 Claire 和 Eliza 正在一間咖啡廳裏一邊喝著下午茶,一邊享受悠閒的午後時光。

「天啊!最近課業眞是重得喘不過氣來呢!」Eliza 喝了一口茶說。「月底前我得交三份報告。說實話,我現在不應該在這兒喝下午茶了,該是埋頭苦幹得時候了。」

「唉唷,拜託!你已經忙很久了好嗎?你現在需要的是多多休息!你要是再不睡覺,人家還眞以爲你是動物園裏逃出來的貓熊呢!」Claire 答道。「更何況你不是報告都寫完了?別當完美主義者,又不是什麼都得追求滿分!」

Friday, 19 May 2017

Les Espions Playmobil: Frankenbeauté-1

Un après-midi de printemps, Claire et Eliza, deux meilleures amies qui étudiaient dans la même université, discutaient tout en profitant du thé de l'après-midi dans un petit café en ville.
"Mon dieu, j'ai trop de travail!" commenta Eliza en prenant une gorgée du thé, "il était trop tard quand je me suis rendu compte que j'ai trois essais à rendre à la fin de ce mois. A dire vrai, je ne devrais pas être ici maintenant, j'ai besoin de retourner au travail."

"Allez, tu as assez travaillé! Tu as vraiment besoin de plus de repos et de sommeil. Si cela se poursuit, il ne faudra pas longtemps avant que tu ressembles un panda échappé du zoo", répondit Claire. "En plus, pour autant que je sache, tu as fini tous tes essais. Arrête d'être une telle perfectionniste!"

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Playmobil Spies: Frankenbeauty-1

One spring afternoon, Claire and Eliza, two best friends studying at the same university, were chatting whilst enjoying afternoon tea in a small cafe in town. 

"OMG, I'm having such a work overload recently," Eliza remarked as she took a sip of her tea, "It was all too late when I realised that I have three essays all due in by the end of this month. To be honest, I really shouldn't even be here, I need to get back to work."

"Oh, come on, you've been working for ages. You really do need some rest and more sleep. If this continues, it won't be long before you'll be mistaken for an escaped panda from the zoo," Claire replied. "Well, as far as I'm aware, you're done with all of the essays. Stop being such a perfectionist such that you have to get full marks in everything."  

Saturday, 13 May 2017





Friday, 12 May 2017

Contes de Fées Playmobil: Le Petit Chaperon Rouge-5 (Grand Finale)

"Oh non! Mon maquillage, ma beauté, mes pouvoirs magiques!" cria Jacqueline d'agonie en posant ses paumes sur son visage avec embarras. Seulement quand Joanne déchira impitoyablement les mains de Jacqueline loin de son visage, elle se rendit compte que l'apparence de la sorcière s'est complètement transformée d'une femme attrayante sur le visage ridé d'une vieille femme avec les cheveux gris.

"Regardez ce que vous avez fait, femme violente!" cria Jacqueline en touchant son visage ridé de ses mains: "Vous saviez que j'ai peur de l'eau et que cela me laverait tous mes pouvoirs magiques et, pourtant, vous avez versé cette eau sur mon visage! Vous ... vous, sorcière du mal!"

"Regardez, je vais bien si vous ne me remercierez pas d'avoir amélioré votre apparence en supprimant cette couche de maquillage anti-balles sur votre visage", déclara Joanne. "Mais je n'avais aucune intention de détruire vos pouvoirs magiques. Comment devrais-je savoir que tu as peur de l'eau? Mais j'aurais dû deviner par l'apparence de ta peau déshydratée! J'essayais seulement de vous abandonner de vos rêves. Personne ne peut vivre éternellement ni être belle pour toujours. Ce que vous devriez faire, c'est embrasser vos changements et arrêter d'imaginer que vous n'avais que 18 ans lorsque en fait vous avez 1018 ans! Et si je ne me trompe pas, aujourd'hui, c'est votre anniversaire. Joyeux anniversaire!"

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Playmobil Fairy Tales: Little Red Riding Hood-5 (Final Ending)

"Oh no! My make-up, my beauty, my magical powers!" Jacqueline screeched in agony as she placed her palms over her face in embarrassment. Only when Joanne ruthlessly tore Jacqueline's hands away from her face did the former realise that the sorceress' appearance have completely transformed from an attractive lady into the wrinkled face of an old woman with grey hair. 

"Look what you've done, you violent woman!" Jacqueline screamed as she touched her wrinkled face with her hands, "You knew that I was afraid of water and it would wash away all my magical powers and, yet, you poured that water over my face! evil witch!"

"Look, I'm fine if you don't thank me for enhancing your appearance by removing that bullet-proof layer of make-up on your face," Joanne replied, "but I had no intention of destroying your magic powers at all. How should I know that you're afraid of water? But I should've guessed by the look of your dehydrated skin! I was only trying to slap you out of your dreams. No one can live forever or be beautiful forever, so what you should do is embrace your changes and stop imagining that you're only 18 when you're in fact 1018! And if I'm not mistaken, today is your birthday. Happy birthday!"

Saturday, 6 May 2017




Friday, 5 May 2017

Contes de Fées Playmobil: Le Petit Chaperon Rouge-4

Finalement, le loup ne pouvait plus résister aux tentations des biscuits frais et faits maison. Il sauta dans le chalet en bois, seulement pour découvrir que, non seulement il n'y avait aucun de biscuits à trouver; mais aussi, il n'y avait pas de vieille et gentille grand-mère. Au lieu de cela, une sorcière attrayante qui porta une mini jupe et un maquillage lourd, et tenait un personnel magique avec une boule de cristal d'un bout, était devant-il.

En déteçant le danger, le loup se mit immédiatement à tenter de sortir du chalet. Cependant, seulement pour découvrir que la porte était fermement fermée par la magie. Réalisant qu'il était pris au piège, le loup lâcha un long hurlement.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Playmobil Fairy Tales: Little Red Riding Hood-4

Eventually, the wolf could resist the temptations of the fresh, homemade cookies no more. It leapt into the wooden cottage, only to discover that, not only were there no cookies to be found; but also, there was no old, kind granny. Instead, an attractive witch wearing a mini skirt and heavy make-up, who was holding a magic staff with a crystal ball at one end, was standing in front of it. 

Sensing danger, the wolf immediately turned in attempt to dash out of the cottage; however, only to discover that the door was firmly closed by magic. Realising that it was trapped, the wolf let out a long howl.