Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Playmobil Detectives: Rapunzel - The Demon Ship-3

“Blythe, this is Jeffrey Donovan, my friend from university; and Jeff, this is Blythe Lee, my cousin from Taiwan,” introduced Shaun whilst Jeffrey and Blythe shook hands.

“I’ve finally met you!” exclaimed Jeffrey joyfully after the handshake. “After hearing Claire say that you're the ‘pretty genius’ of your school, I simply couldn’t wait to meet you!”

“Oh, I’m sure that’s too much of an exaggeration of which I’m unworthy,” replied Blythe with perfect English and a sense of self-confidence quite uncommon in girls of her age.

“I’ve heard that you’re from Taiwan!” continued Jeffrey, “I’m quite surprised that your English is so good! Are all Taiwanese people as fluent as you in English?”

“Thanks for the compliment. Well, I wouldn’t be honest if I said that all Taiwanese people are as fluent in English as me, as I study in an international school, which requires a different level of English compared to ordinary schools,” responded Blythe. “However, Taiwanese people do indeed have one of the highest average English proficiencies in Asia.”

“You’re here in England for an interview, aren't you?” enquired Jeffrey. “If you don’t mind me asking, which subject and which university are you applying for?”

“Of course!” answered Blythe. “I’m hoping to study Physics with Philosophy at Playmobil University.”

“Oh wow! That’s the university me and Shaun graduated from!” exclaimed Jeffrey as he nudged his friend, “And physics, too – that’s the same as Shaun, though he’s Physics with Astrology.”

“Um, actually, it’s Astronomy,” corrected Shaun.

“Whatever! There’s no difference least for me!” said Jeffrey, shrugging his shoulders. “Both equally difficult, and both something that I, for one, wouldn’t want to study.”

As the group of friends laughed, Jeffrey suddenly glanced at his watch and complained. “Jeez, where’s Tiffany? She’s late again! Can she ever be on time for anything?”

“There she is!” exclaimed Shaun as he pointed at the parking lot.

 Blythe and Jeffrey turned around to discover Tiffany parking her expensive yellow convertible in the car park. “Who drives her convertible to a bus stop to wait for a bus?” commented Jeffrey as he shook his head in bewilderment.

When Tiffany arrived, Shaun introduced his cousin and Tiffany to each other. “Blythe, this is Tiffany – Claire’s ex-high-school classmate; and erm, Tiffany, this is my Taiwanese cousin - Blythe Lee.”

The moment Tiffany set eyes on Blythe, she immediately categorised the latter to be someone that could ‘potentially seduce her Jeffie’, thus starting to regard her with malice. She gave Blythe a sideways glanced and pretended not to see the latter’s extended hand whilst brushing back her hair.

~To be Continued~

Saturday, 23 February 2019


那天下午,Claire 和 Eliza 順利地説服了老闆讓她們提早下班,並在4點一刻抵達了咖啡廳。她們進去後纔發現原來蒂芬尼把整間咖啡廳都包了下來,所以裏面只擺了一張桌子。蒂芬尼、傑佛瑞以及孝恩都已經到了。

「快點兒~別慢吞吞的!」蒂芬尼看見了 Claire 和 Eliza 後不耐煩地説。「大家都在等著呢!哼~竟敢讓我親愛的小傑等妳們倆!」


Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Playmobil Detectives: Rapunzel - The Demon Ship-2

That afternoon, Claire and Eliza managed to persuade their boss to let them off for the rest of the day and arrived at quarter past four at the café. They entered only to discover that Tiffany has 'reserved the entire café', and the only table was in the middle of the room, where Tiffany, Shaun and Jeffrey sat. 

"Chop-chop, slow pokes!" exclaimed Tiffany impatiently after she perceived Claire and Eliza. "Everyone's waiting for you! How dare you keep ma Jeffie waiting!"

As they approached, Claire and Eliza discovered that the table was already full of desserts, set up for a traditional English afternoon tea, with savory chocolate biscuits and colourful macarons.

Saturday, 16 February 2019


一個既溫暖又風光明媚的星期一早晨,今年就讀大學三年級的學生 Claire 和 Eliza 正在同一間公司裏實習。Claire 正在整理檔案時,忽然她的手機響了。

Friday, 15 February 2019

Les Détectives Playmobil: Rapunzel - Le Navire du Démon-1

Un lundi matin chaud et ensoleillé, Claire et Eliza, étudiantes de troisième année en université, faisaient leur stage dans le même bureau. Ce matin-là, Claire était en train de trier des documents lorsque son portable sonna.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Playmobil Detectives: Rapunzel - The Demon Ship-1

One warm, sunny, Monday morning, Claire and Eliza, third-year university students, were doing their placements in the same office. That particular morning, Claire was sorting some documents when her phone rang. 

Saturday, 9 February 2019



Friday, 8 February 2019

Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-27 (Grand Finale)

Sans avertissement, le fantôme, qui les avait aidés, se glissa dans le donjon par le mur de pierre, suivi par un autre et un autre. Bientôt, le couple de vampires était entouré de fantômes. En fait, ces fantômes étaient ceux des gens dont le couple avait bu le sang.

"Qu'est-ce que vous voulez? Se perdre d'ici!" hurla Kradula.

Bosko essaya de les frapper, mais tout était en vain, car ils étaient trop nombreux.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Playmobil Detectives: Island of the Spectres-27 (Final Ending)

Without warning, the ghost, which had helped them, glided into the dungeon through the stone wall, then followed by another, and another. Soon, the vampire couple were surrounded by ghosts. In fact, these ghosts were that of the people of whom the evil couple had drunk the blood. 

"What do you want? Get lost from here!" howled Kradula. 

Bosko tried to flick them away, but all was in vain, as there were just too many of them. 

Saturday, 2 February 2019



Friday, 1 February 2019

Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-26

"Mon dieu!" Soudainement, Tiffany s’exclama avec enthousiasme. "Je sais! Je sais! La princesse Kradula et Bosko, le garçon d'écurie, étaient des amants, mais la princesse Kradula était interdit d'épouser Bosko par son père, le roi. Plutôt, la princesse Kradula a été obligé d’épouser contre son gré un roi gros, laid et vieux du pays voisin afin de renforcer le lien politique entre les deux pays. Bosko a été également interdit de quitter le pays pour rendre visite à sa petite amie car le roi craignait qu’ils s’enfuient ensemble. Ensuite, la princesse Kradula est devenue malade à cause de son amoureuse, au point qu’elle ne restait que quelques jours pour vivre dans ce monde triste. Après que Bosko eut appris la nouvelle tragique, il risquait d'être puni pour avoir enfreint la loi, il a quitté son pays et s'est rend à Kradula. Mais quand il est finalement arrivé au lit de mort de la princesse Kradula, elle était déjà trop malade pour récupérer, alors, utilisant son dernier souffle, Kradula et Bosko ont prié la Déesse Chauve-souris et ont juré d'être ensemble pour l'éternité, après quoi elle est morte dans les mains de son amant. À ce moment-là, Bosko a été attrapé par la garde du roi et a été pendu le même jour pour se glisser dans la chambre de la reine Kradula. Le mari de la princesse Kradula (le gros roi), qui ne l'avait jamais aimée, a décidé, avec pitié des deux amants, de les enterrer ensemble et, le lendemain, a épousé une autre jeune et jolie princesse d'un autre pays. La Déesse Bat a entendu le souhait des deux amants et les a ressuscités en les transformant en vampires immortels, afin qu'ils puissent enfin être ensemble pour toujours ........ ."