Saturday, 31 August 2019



Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-4

Claire and Eliza couldn't believe their eyes after they've put on the contact lenses. In fact, after glancing around, they noticed that the office workers who had heretofore looked completely normal now looked like aliens. Some of the office workers now had green faces, others had no noses.

Saturday, 24 August 2019


嬌娃們最後決定先在大樓外逗留個幾分鐘,觀望是否有人進入樓內,在跟著進去。「我的天啊!烈日當空的,我都要融化了!」Claire 邊擦拭著額頭上的汗水,邊說。

「就是說啊!我的妝都要花了!」Eliza 答道。

正當嬌娃們準備放棄時,他們注意到一位褐色頭髮的帥哥朝著大樓入口的方向走去。「快點兒!錯過這次機會可能就要再等很久了!」Claire 小聲地說。

「嗯,帥哥,不好意思!」Eliza 用著甜美的聲音說。「我們是新來的實習生~Ella 跟 Cindy。可是,我們在來的途中把證件遺留在公車上了,所以進不去。可不可以請你用你的證件讓我們進去呢?」


Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-3

The spies decided to loiter outside the building for some minutes to see if they would be able to follow anyone in. "OMG, I'm literally melting under this weather," complained Claire as she wiped huge beads of sweat off her face.

"I know right! My makeup is all smudged by my sweat!" replied Eliza.

Just when they were about to give up, the spies noticed a handsome young man with brown hair walking towards the door.

"Hurry! It's either now or never!" whispered Claire as she approached the man.

"Um, excuse me, sir!" said Eliza as she put on her most seductive smile, which, to be honest, actually seemed pretty awkward. "We are Ella and Cindy and we're new interns in this company. But, unfortunately, we've lost our ID cards on the bus on our way here, so we can't get in. Would you be so kind as to let us in using your card?"

"Sure thing!" responded the young man as he brushed back his hair and took out his ID card to swipe on the door. As the door opened, he held it open for them and said, "Ladies first!" 

Saturday, 17 August 2019


「你還眞會挑時間啊,湯姆!」Eliza 和 Claire 立刻躱進一旁的樹叢內聽電話。「正要輪到我們買冰淇淋的時候你就打電話了!哎唷,你看啦,現在冰淇淋車要走了。都是你的錯!」


「天啊!湯姆這是怎着?」Claire 一頭霧水地問道。「吃了炸藥嗎?他從來没這樣對咱們說過話,不管任務是什麼,他每次都會耐下性子,好聲好氣地解釋給咱們聽。」

「就是說啊!」Eliza 答道。「你聽到了嗎?他竟然說我們好吃懶做?眞是太無理了!我們又没做錯事,他没有權力用這種態度對待我們!」

「他八成是和他老婆吵架還是咋的,」Claire 聳聳肩說。「咱別理他!若他不好聲好氣地向咱們說明任務,今天就算是天塌下來了,本大小姐也不會縱容他這種無理的行為!」

「非常贊同!」Eliza 回答說。「我們還是繼續慢跑吧!冰淇淋餐車不可能走遠,說不定我們跑著跑著又會遇到呢!」

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-2

"Bad timing, Tom!" said Eliza as the two girls dashed under a tree to answer the phone. "It was nearly our turn for ice cream and now, look, the ice cream van is leaving and you've ruined everything!" 

"This is no time for ice creams, you lazy girls!" shouted Tom. "If you don't hurry up, Earth will soon be destroyed. Someone is trying to steal the energy of the sun, and it is your mission to save the planet! Hurry up to the location I've just sent you and investigate this further, be careful of......." Without warning, the video-call ended with a 'low signal' message. 

"OMG, what's up with Tom?" enquired the bewildered Claire after they hung up. "Has he eaten some dynamite or something? He's never talked to us like that, no matter how urgent the mission is, he always tries to explain everything to us in a nice manner."

"I know, right?" replied Eliza. "Did you hear that? He called us lazy girls! Well, that's a first! I wonder what's got into him? Have we done something wrong? He has no right to talk to us like that!" 

"Well, whatever! He's probably had an argument with his wife or something," shrugged Claire. "Nobody ain't got no time for his tantrums. If he doesn't ask us nicely, there's no way we're doing anything. Even if the world is falling apart, manners are still important."

"Couldn't agree more!" replied Eliza. "You know what, let's get on with our jogging and ignore him. The ice cream van couldn't have gone far, we might just be able to find him if we're lucky!"

Saturday, 10 August 2019


一個炎熱的秋天早晨,兩名剛升大學四年級的學生~Claire 和 Eliza 正在戶外慢跑。「天啊!我突然間想起今天下午兩點和我的指導教授有約!」Claire 邊跑邊說。

「你的畢業論文的標題決定好了嗎?」Eliza 擦拭著額頭上的汗珠問道。

「還没呢!」Claire 喘著氣說。「我從清單中挑出了兩個我覺得比較簡單的,但是我始終猶豫不決!我的指導教授強力建議我選擇:『人力資源組織如何提高能源產業的盈利水平?』,因爲他説這道題更好得高分。可是,我對能源產業一竅不通,根本就没法寫嘛!我個人更傾向於選擇那道有關流行產業的題目,因爲咱們倆去年就在衣服公司實習;可是你知道我指導教授怎麼說嗎?他說如果我選這道題,他就幫不了我,因爲他没經驗!可是,我又没把握自己寫能得高分。我眞的很需要畢業論文拉高我的總平均成績,我纔有機會在畢業時拿到一等學位。怎麼感覺纔開學不到兩週就已經忙得焦頭爛額了呢?」

「別擔心!至少妳的目標還是一等學位,好嗎?」Eliza 回答說。「我啊,可能連二等學位都很難拿到了!再說,我根本就没有辦法選擇畢業論文的題目。禮拜一一大早就收到系統自動傳來的郵件說我被分配到寫:『調查大型多元化企業組織中員工的社交溝通與互動。」這題目聽起來就好難,我都要哭了!」

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-1

One scorching autumn morning, Claire and Eliza, two final-year students at university, were jogging. 

"Oh gosh, I just remembered that I have a meeting with my superviser today at 2pm for my dissertation!" exclaimed Claire. 

"What's the title of your dissertation? Have you decided?" enquired Eliza as she wiped off beads of sweat from her forehead.

"No, I haven't! And that's the problem!" replied Claire, panting, despite having only started the jog ten minutes ago. "I've narrowed it down to two titles, but I'm torn between them. My superviser strongly advises me to choose the title: "How does the organisation of human resources increase profitability in the energy industry?", as he said it's much easier to get a high mark in. But I have absolutely no idea about the energy industry! I was more inclined to choose the one on the fashion industry, which we did our placement in last year, but my superviser said he won't be able to help me with that as he has no experience with it, and I'm not confident enough to do this without any help. I really need to get a good mark in this to graduate with a first! We're literally two weeks in, but I feel like I'm just so done with my final year already!" 

"Don't worry! At least you're aiming for a first!" responded Eliza. "I'm barely scraping off a two-one! Plus, I don't even get a choice for my dissertation! On Monday, I was allocated to the title: "The investigation of social communication and interaction in a large and diversified business organisation", which actually sounds so hopeless that I just wanna cry!"