Saturday, 28 September 2019




「天啊!這不是像多拉A夢裏面的任意門一樣嗎?」Claire 興奮地説。「這也太~~酷了吧!我一直都想體驗一下走過任意門是什麼感覺呢!」


「唉唷,湯姆!你又不是今天第一天認識我們!」Eliza 説。「跟我們說這麼多也沒用啦!反正,我們也有聽沒有懂。還不如務實些,趕緊告訴我們這玩意要怎麼打開!」


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-8

Soon, Tom, who was still in his pyjamas, and the spies arrived at a secret room inside the building. The spacious room was quite empty, except for a black door with a golden plate on it, which was located at the other side of the room.

"This must be the legendary 'Door of Babylon'," said Tom as he walked towards the door. "This is alien technology invented by the Galileans that can lead you anywhere instantly. This was what the Galileans used to transport themselves to Earth. This technology is still currently unachievable by humans, as it's practically a wormhole that can bend the curvature of time and....." 

"OMG, you mean like the Anywhere Door in Doraemon?" enquired Claire. "That's soooo cool! I've always wanted to know what it feels like to go through one of those." 

"Well, you'll know what it feels like soon," answered Tom. "As you'll have to go through this door to Mercury - the planet that is closest to the Sun - which is the place they have placed their machine that is absorbing the Sun's energy. Your mission is to destroy that machine, and hopefully, that way, it will return all the energy back to the Sun. That machine is a very complicated device that is unafraid of the Sun's extreme heat, and can transfer heat energy to stored chemical energy......Wait! What are you doing?" Before Tom has finished, the spies have started to turn the golden plate on the door to open it. 

"I thought you said we don't have time for all this nonsense, Tom," responded Eliza. "So, hurry up and tell us how to open this thing." 

"Well, unfortunately, I am not sure either," replied Tom, shrugging. "It looks like the Galileans, in fear of any human beings ruining their plan, have locked the door. The lock consists of very complicated combination of....." 

Saturday, 21 September 2019


「你竟敢傷害我的好姐妹,你還眞不知好歹!」Claire 罵完後拿出總部發明的雷射槍,指著女外星人説:「我會讓你後悔的!」

然而,Claire 纔剛開始發射雷射槍時,女外星人就以迅雷不及掩耳的速度換上了外星科技所研發的衣服,順利讓雷射直接反彈回去。

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-7

"How dare you hurt my friend!" exclaimed Claire as she took out a Raygun (another one of those gadgets invented by the headquarters) and pointed it at the alien. "You'll be sorry for this!" 

Before she even finished her sentence, Claire started firing the laser rays at the alien. Nevertheless, in the blink of an eye, the alien had already changed into her alien outfit, which has successfully protected her from all the harm. 

Saturday, 14 September 2019



「什麼意思啊?宇宙裏不是就只有一種外星人嗎?」Claire 好奇地問道。


「噢買尬,這不就像星際大戰裏面的橋段一樣嗎?這也太酷了吧!」Eliza 驚呼道。


「可是,另一個星球的外星人爲何要和我方並肩作戰呢?」Claire 問道。「他們一定有利可圖,不然,哪兒會有這麼好的事兒!」


「等等,所以你的意思是説:如果太陽的能量被吸光了,不僅我們會滅絕,他們也會?」Claire 問道。「我怎麼感覺我開始慢慢瞭解整件事兒的來龍去脈了呢!」


Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-6

"It must've been the other alien race," mumbled Tom under his breath.

"What d'you mean? I thought there's only one type of alien?" enquired Claire.

"No, actually this is a war of the universe - one alien race is plotting to steal the energy of our sun, whilst the other alien race is on our side, trying to protect us," elucidated Tom patiently.

"OMG, this is like star wars! How cool is that!" exclaimed Eliza in excitement.

"Yes, something like that," responded Tom, nodding.

"But why is the other alien race protecting us?" questioned Claire. "There must be some benefit to them. Or else there is no reason to be on our side."

"Yes, you're absolutely right, Claire," answered Tom. "This is because our allies are the Plutonians, who are the inhabitants of Pluto, another dwarf planet with which we share our solar system and hence, the sun."

"Wait a sec, so that means the destruction of the sun will also lead to their extinction?" queried Claire. "I feel like I'm actually starting to get something here!"

"Yes, indeed! Bravo, Claire!" laughed Tom as he clapped sarcastically. "Looks like you're not as hopeless as I thought! Hahaha!"

Saturday, 7 September 2019


「跟著她!」Claire 小聲地說。 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-5

After the female alien has exited the restroom, she turned a corner, glanced around her and began going up a flight of stairs. 

"Follow her!" mouthed Claire as they tiptoed quietly behind the alien.