Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-13 (Final Ending)

At that instant, Tom rushed towards Dr. Hansen from behind and tied him up with ropes before he could react. "Hooray, girls! Well done, you did it! You've saved the day once again!" applauded Tom.

"But....but I didn't mean to!" replied Eliza, feeling extremely guilty about destroying Fyre. "Now, you're just making me feel ungrateful!"

"The fact that you didn't mean to destroy it was the precise reason why you've succeeded," explained Tom. "If you had plotted to or even had a tiny thought about destroying the robot, you would've stood no chance, as AI technology is millions of times smarter than you! But no matter how intelligent AI is, it will never become a human, as it doesn't possess or understand human emotions. The ability to possess emotions is precisely the intrinsic value of human beings. Without love, happiness, trust, or even sadness, anger or shame, this world will longer exist as these emotions are precisely the values we live by. If no humans exist anymore, robots will also be destroyed, as it'll have no one to learn from. Even if they learn from each other, there is always a limit. But love and happiness know no limit. Remember that, Dr. Hansen. It seems like you've learnt a lesson from these girls here. They might not be very clever....."

"Hey!" exclaimed Eliza, crossing her arms.

"They might not be very clever," continued Tom. "But they have a kind heart. In fact, they are role models for both you and me." 

Saturday, 26 October 2019


「糟了,現在咱們該咋辦?」Claire 慌張地説。


「我的天啊,湯姆!你眞是個天才!」突然,Eliza 靈機一動説。「Claire,我們就做我們最拿手的事吧!」

「不會吧!」Claire 驚訝地回答道。「妳該不會是説那件事兒吧?」

「對~就是那件事!那是我們最後的希望了!」Eliza 説畢,便開始放空。原來,Eliza 所指的她們最拿手的事情就是『放空』!




「天哪!你在幫我寫畢業論文麼?你眞是太好了!」Claire 興高采烈地讚美道。



「別忘了用自己的話寫喔~」Eliza 提醒道。「我可不想因爲侵犯別人的智慧財產權而拿零分呢!」

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-12

"OMG, what're we gonna do?" panicked Eliza.

At this instant, Tom punched Dr. Hansen's face and said, "Spies, don't panic! You can do this! Just do what you normally do, I have faith in you."

"OMG, Tom! You're an absolute genius!" Suddenly, Claire had an idea as she was lifted up from the ground by Fyre. "Eliza, let's do what we're best at!"

"No way!" exclaimed the astonished Eliza. "You can't possibly mean that!"

"Yes! I do!" responded Claire. "It's our only hope!" At the conclusion of her speech, she immediately stopped thinking. In fact, what Claire had meant was exactly this: thinking about nothing - that's what the spies were best at.

Without warning, Fyre, who had previously lifted Claire up into the air in order to throw her back to the ground, has stopped midway when it was unable to receive any signal to interpret from either Claire or Eliza.

Suddenly, Fyre has started to receive a signal! Claire has started thinking about her dissertation! In response, Fyre, with one hand still holding Claire, grabbed a pen and paper which happened to be lying around and started scribbling.

Saturday, 19 October 2019



*啪*突然,Eliza 用左手賞了嚴博士一記耳光。嚴博士一邊撫摸著腫脹的臉頰,一邊用著驚訝的眼神看著Eliza。「你没聽過:此路不通另擇道,總有一條通臺北嗎?」Eliza 説。




Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-11

Eliza raised her hand to slap Dr. Hansen again, but this time, she was stopped midway. "Don't think that I am stupid enough to be slapped twice on the same spot by the same person," smirked the doctor as he pushed Eliza away. 

*pflaf* Without warning, Eliza slapped the doctor's face using her left hand. Dr. Hansen looked at Eliza in astonishment whilst touching his face - now swollen on both cheeks. "If Plan A doesn't work, there're always 25 more letters in the alphabet!" said Eliza. 

"Well, looks like I have nothing more to say to you, violent girl!" responded Dr. Hansen as he commanded the robot. "Get the violent girls, Fyre! I'll deal with their boss."

Before he has even finished his commands, Dr. Hansen ran across the room and struck Tom, who was just in time to dodge the punch. 

"Don't you think it's a bit ungentlemanly to do a secret attack?" asked Tom, who has already changed into his Kung Fu outfit. "C'mon baby, I'll show you my Kung Fu skills." Tom said as he gave Dr. Hansen a kick. 

Saturday, 12 October 2019



Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-10

Without warning, an old man with long white hair tied into a bun and long white beard appeared by the entrance. He was dressed all in green and was wearing a green hat. Furthermore, he was followed by a giant robot which was twice the height of the man, with a ball in the middle of his chest. 

Saturday, 5 October 2019



「天啊!這裡怎麼這麼亮啊?」Eliza 遮著眼睛説。「而且,我感覺我快窒息了!」

「你説得對!」Claire 邊說邊掏出手機。「水星上好像没有氧氣,所以咱們得趕緊換上太空衣,纔不會因缺氧而窒息。」


「這裡怎麼這麼熱啊?」Eliza 説。「我都要融化了!」

「湯姆說水星是太陽系裏最接近太陽的星球,所以我估計這就是爲啥這兒這麼熱的原因吧!」Claire 答道。

「那我們得趕緊找到那臺機器,」Eliza 説。「並且儘速消滅它,纔能在我們倆都融化前逃離這裡。」

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Playmobil Spies: Alien Attack-9

After walking along the pitch-black tunnel for a seemingly never-ending amount of time, the spies finally got to the very end. Immediately, the blinding light at the end of the tunnel made them cover up their eyes. 

"OMG! Why is this light so strong?" said Eliza as she tried in vain to shield the light from her eyes. "And gosh, I feel like I'm suffocating." 

"You're right!" said Claire as she took our her smartphone. "Quick! I don't think there is oxygen on Mercury, so we'll have to change into our space outfits so we can actually breath." 

Only after they were fully dressed in their astronaut outfits, which they have selected in the 'Attire' App invented by the headquarters, did the spies dare to step out of the exit. The moment the spies have stepped out of the Door of Babylon, they perceived a blinding light and immense heat, even through their thick astronaut outfit. 

"Gosh! It's scorching hot here!" said Eliza. "I feel like I'm melting." 

"Yeah, Tom said that this is the planet closest to the sun in the solar system, so maybe that's why it's so hot out here," replied Claire as she intuitively tried to use her hand to wipe off the sweat on her forehead, but only to bump into her helmet, which covered her head. 

"So where's that fricking machine?" enquired Eliza. "Best get rid of it asap before I start melting."