Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-36

As Jeffrey and Tiffany reached the end of the aisle, Blythe's grandma, who was standing behind a desk, began to speak.

"Mr. Tan Huat. Are you willing to take Ms. Ang Huey as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do thee part?"

"Yes, I do," replied Jeffrey, taking the name of Ahuat, who was allegedly his identity in his former life.

Then, the old lady began to speak in her rusty Taiwanese Hokkien, which Blythe had scribbled down for her last minute, and her speech could be translated as: "Ms. Ang Huey. Are you willing to take Mr. Tan Huat as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do thee part?"

"Yes, I do," Tiffany's voice responded from under the wedding veil.

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. Now, the groom may lift the veil and kiss the bride," continued Blythe's Grandma, switching back to English again.

Saturday, 26 September 2020



Friday, 25 September 2020

Les Détectives Playmobil: Histoire d'amour de Taipei-35

Après quelques préparatifs supplémentaires, à l'heure fixée,  les futurs mariés arrivèrent dans une limousine conduite par le frère de Blythe - Gary. Bien que le visage de Tiffany soit caché par un voile de mariage, le groupe d'amis pouvait sentir que c'était Ahuey à l'intérieur de son corps, ce qui avait provoqué un frisson dans le dos. Jeffrey, qui était assis à côté de Tiffany dans son beau costume, était exceptionnellement raide.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-35

After some further preparation, at the appointed time, the bride and groom arrived in a limousine driven by Blythe's brother, Gary. Despite Tiffany's face being concealed by a wedding veil, the group of friends could feel that it was Ahuey inside her body, which caused a chill to run down their spines. Jeffrey, who was sitting next to Tiffany in his handsome suit, was unusually stiff.

Saturday, 19 September 2020



Friday, 18 September 2020

Les Détectives Playmobil: Histoire d'amour de Taipei-34

Le lendemain matin, le groupe d'amis s'est réveillé tôt, s'habillèrent et arrivèrent au lieu du mariage - une petite église locale à Taipei. Ils commencèrent à décorer le lieu et à préparer le début de la cérémonie.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-34

The following morning, bleary eyed and bushy tailed, the group of friends woke up early, got dressed and arrived at the venue for the wedding - a small, local church in Taipei. They started decorating the venue and preparing for the commencement of the ceremony. 

Saturday, 12 September 2020



「信義計畫區有16間百貨公司,我們該從哪間開始逛起啊?」Eliza 問道。


「那咱們還在這兒等啥呢?趕緊開逛吧!」Claire 興高采烈地説。


Friday, 11 September 2020

Les Détectives Playmobil: Histoire d'amour de Taipei-33

Après avoir embarqué dans le métro de Taipei depuis leur résidence temporaire à l'appartement de la grand-mère de Blythe, ils descendirent à la station de MRT Taipei 101 et arrivèrent au cœur du district de Xinyi, qui est souvent connu sous le nom de "Manhattan de Taipei'' pour ses gratte-ciel modernes, son luxe centres commerciaux avec de nombreuses marques haut de gamme, restaurants Michelin et vues nocturnes pittoresques.

"Il y a totalement 16 grands magasins dans le district de Xinyi, vers lequel devrait-on aller en premier?" s'enquit Eliza, dépassée par la densité des centres commerciaux du quartier, qui est en fait le plus élevé du monde.

"Ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai déjà planifié notre itinéraire de shopping", répondit Blythe. "D'abord, Taipei 101 Mall, puis Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store, puis enfin, Bellavita Shopping Mall. Suivez-moi!"

"Alors qu'attendons-nous?" s'écria Claire en extase.

"Oh la la," soupira Jeffrey.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-33

After boarding the Taipei Metro from their temporary residence at Blythe's grandma's apartment, they alighted at the Taipei 101 MRT Station and arrived at the core of the glamorous Xinyi District, which was often known as 'the Manhattan of Taipei' for its modern skyscrapers, luxury shopping malls with numerous high-end brands, fancy Michelin restaurants, and picturesque night views.

"There are 16 department stores in Xinyi District, which one should we go to first?" enquired Eliza, overwhelmed by the density of shopping malls in the district, which is in fact the highest in the world.

"Don't worry, I've already planned out our shopping route," replied Blythe. "First, Taipei 101 Mall, then Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store, then finally, Bellavita Shopping Mall. Just follow me!" 

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's shop till we drop!" exclaimed Claire in ecstasy. 

"Oh bother," sighed Jeffrey.

Saturday, 5 September 2020






「那婚禮何時擧行?」Claire 問道。



Friday, 4 September 2020

Les Détectives Playmobil: Histoire d'amour de Taipei-32

Après que Tiffany soit redevenue inconsciente, Blythe expliqua toute la situation aux autres.

"Alors, je dois épouser cette fille Ahuey, qui sera dans le corps de Tiffany? C'est ridicule ..... et ..... et scandaleux!" s'exclama Jeffrey en apprenant la nouvelle choquante.

"J'ai bien peur que nous n'ayons pas d'autre choix", répondit Blythe en secouant la tête. "Elle est très obstinée et ne négocierait aucune condition avec moi."

"Donc, il semble que si on veut sauver Tiffany afin qu'elle ne perde pas possession de son corps, on doit satisfaire les exigences du mauvais esprit", conclut Shaun pensivement.

"Quand aura lieu le mariage?" s'enquit Claire.

"Malheureusement, elle nous a donné un délai", ajouta Blythe. "Mamie avait raison, après sept jours de possession, Tiffany perdra automatiquement possession de son corps. Donc, nous devrons organiser le mariage avant que cela ne se produise."

"Attendez un instant, je vais chercher mon almanach de Huang Li pour voir quel jour est bon pour un mariage", déclara la grand-mère taïwanaise en sortant un livre de la bibliothèque. Après avoir feuilleté les pages, elle conclut. "On dirait que demain est une bonne journée. Le prochain jour de chance pour un mariage est dans 5 jours à partir d'aujourd'hui, ce qui ne fonctionnera pas, car cela aurait dépassé la date limite."

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-32

After Tiffany fell unconscious again, Blythe explained the whole situation to everyone. 

"So, I have to marry this girl Ahuey, who will be inside Tiffany's body? That's ridiculous.....and.....and outrageous!" exclaimed Jeffrey upon being informed of the shocking news. 

"I'm afraid we have no other options," replied Blythe, shaking her head. "She is very obstinate and wouldn't negotiate any conditions with me." 

"So, it looks like if we want to save Tiffany so that she won't lose possession of her body, we have to satisfy the demands of the evil spirit," concluded Shaun pensively, with his eyebrows stitched. 

"When will the wedding take place?" enquired Claire.

"Unfortunately, she gave us a deadline," added Blythe. "Grandma was right, after seven days of being possessed, Tiffany will automatically lose possession of her body. So, we'll have to host the wedding before that happens."

"Wait a moment, I will fetch my Huang Li almanac to see which day is good for a wedding," said Grandma as she took out a book from the bookshelf. After flicking through the pages, she concluded. "Looks like tomorrow's a good day. The next lucky day for a wedding is 5 days from today, which won't work, as that would have passed the deadline."