Saturday, 25 February 2023




「天哪!回到之前讀過的初中覺得好怪喔!」Claire 在路上說。「畢竟咱們畢業也快8年了!」

「真假!?有這麼久啦!我怎麼突然覺得自己好老喔!」Eliza 答道。

「不知道學校大樓會不會有什麼改變?」Claire 說。

「不管有沒有變,都很詭異吧!」Eliza 回答道。「如果環境沒變,曾經的同學和老師都不在了,感覺也怪怪的。如果環境都改變了,那根本和另一所學校沒兩樣嘛!」

「對啊!而且我們還得假裝我們是新同學!」Claire 說。

「糟了!如果以前的老師認出我們該怎麼辦哪?」Eliza 說。

「估計是不會!」Claire 答道。「我知道我以前絕對不會穿這樣去學校!」

「哈哈~妳說得對!」Eliza 笑道。「我是說⋯⋯我這身打扮也太詭異了吧!」

兩人走了一陣子後,Eliza 打破沉默說:「我有點怕怕的誒!我是說⋯⋯我好久沒寫數學、做科學實驗和畫畫了!我怕我會比那些國中生還笨了啦!」

「別擔心!」Claire 回答說。「咱們再怎樣也比那些小屁孩兒聰明的!他們比咱們小好幾歲,而且別忘了咱們還是大學生呢!」

「嗯!而且,如果我們很優秀,說不定還顯得太突兀了!」Eliza 答道。


Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-3

 "I have already arranged all the necessary things for you and have informed the school of two new students joining them," said Tom after he was satisfied with the spies' disguise. 

It was a cloudy morning when the spies eventually set off for school.

"OMG, it feels kinda weird to return to our old high school," said Claire on their way. "I mean, it's been more three years since we've graduated."

"What? Already? Girl, I feel old," replied Eliza. 

"I wonder whether the school building will look any different?" pondered Claire. 

"It's gonna be pretty awkward either way!" answered Eliza. "If it looks the same - it'll seem weird without all our friends there; and if it looks different, it'll seem like a totally different school altogether."

"I know right! And we actually have to pretend that we're new there!" added Claire. 

"Wait, what if one of our old teachers recognise us?" questioned Eliza suddenly. "That'd be really awkward!"

"Don't worry, in our disguise, we look nothing like our old selves!" replied Claire. "I know that I, for one, will never wear this shirt with this skirt."

"Hahahaha, true that!" laughed Eliza. "I mean...I legit look like an American cowgirl with this outfit. Plus, since when have I ever done my hair like this?"

The spies fell into a deep silence for some time until it was eventually broken by Eliza. "I kinda feel scared. I's been a while since I've done any algebra or science or art! I'm scared that I'll be dumber than those kids."

"Don't worry," responded Claire. "We might not be the smartest people in our year group, but I'm sure we'll at least be smarter than those year ten kids! Don't forget, they're seven years younger than us!"

"You're right!" agreed Eliza. "If we're too clever, we might actually even appear suspicious. It's best to just blend in with everybody and go with the flow."

"Yup, just like in the old days," answered Claire pensively. 


Saturday, 18 February 2023


「歡迎回來啊!」湯姆見到 Eliza 後說。「度假好玩嗎?」

「哼~虧你還敢問咧!我根本沒玩到就被你叫回來了,好嗎?」Eliza 翻著白眼答道。


「天哪!真假!?」Eliza 興高采烈地衝向前抱著湯姆說。「湯姆,你是世界上最好的老闆了!」


「天哪!那不就是我們以前就讀的初中嗎?」Claire 驚訝地說。


「等等,這有什麼好可疑的啊?」Eliza 說。「他的學生可能都很努力啊!」


「她可能只是純粹厭煩了整天盯著電腦寫程式,想跟真實的人類接觸吧!」Claire 說。


「不會吧!這也太不人道了!」Eliza 驚恐地說。



Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-2

 "Welcome back, Eliza," said Tom. "I hope you've enjoyed your holiday in Taiwan?"

"Well, thanks for asking. It was going perfectly until you ruined it," replied Eliza whilst rolling her eyes.

"There are plenty of time to fly to Taiwan again after your mission," answered Tom. "In compensation for ruining your holiday, the headquarters have decided to buy you another ticket to send you back to Taiwan after you've finished your mission. But this time, you're going by First Class!"

"OMG! Really?" exclaimed Eliza in ecstasy as she dashed forwards to hug her boss. "Thanks, you're the best boss ever, Tom!"

"Right, enough chit chat," said Tom as he quickly turned around to hide his blushes. "Let's get down to business. Your mission this time is to investigate on a Maths teacher at Playmobil High School."

"OMG! That's the high school we've attended!" interrupted Claire in astonishment.

"Yes, exactly. That's why you two are the perfect candidates for accomplishing this mission," responded Tom. "As I was saying, a teacher of mathematics at Playmobil High School, whose name has escaped my memory.....ah yes! Ms. Verinder..... Her conduct is extremely suspicious as her students have performed extraordinarily well in the previous year's examinations."

"What's so suspicious about that?" questioned Eliza. "The students could've simply worked their arse off for that exam!"

"Yes, Eliza, indeed, that is one potential explanation," continued Tom patiently. "Nevertheless, after investigating Ms. Verinder's background, the headquarters have discovered that she used to be a former researcher in Artificial Intelligence when she suddenly quitted her position last year and became a Secondary school teacher. Thus, we cannot possibly overlook the coincidence in this event. We suspect....."

"She's probably just sick of working with robots so want to try working with humans instead," contemplated Claire. "But if you ask me, humans are just as annoying as robots, if not even more so!"

"Yes, Claire, that is indeed a possibility, too," answered Tom, ignoring Claire's personal remark. "Nonetheless, we are tempted to suspect a hidden motive is behind such a dramatic move, which could well be to use these students as an experiment for an innovative development in the fields of artificial intelligence!"

"NO WAY! That's illegal and inhumane!" exclaimed Eliza in horror.

"Exactly," replied Tom. "That's why we need you to help us investigate on what she's really up to."


Saturday, 11 February 2023


在倫敦一個11月的下午,大學四年級學生 Claire 正試著要開始著手撰寫畢業論文。然而,無論她多麼努力地思考,就是想不出該從哪裡下手。於是,她只能儍儍地盯著電腦螢幕發呆。

這時,Claire 瞄到了桌上的行事曆:11月25日。再過一個月就是耶誕節了,再過一週就要和指導教授會面,向他報告論文的撰寫進度了!

正當 Claire 終於要開始打字時,她的手機響了,是她的老闆~湯姆打得視訊電話。事實上,Claire 並非普通女大學生,而是在摩比秘密間諜組織(簡稱PMSSO)工作的嬌娃。

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-1

One chilly November afternoon in London, Claire, a final-year university student, was endeavouring to start her dissertation. Nevertheless, try as she might, Claire was unable to leave off procrastination and stop her own thoughts from wandering as she stared blankly at the computer screen. 

Glancing at the calendar on her desk, Claire started as she perceived the date - 25th November - one month before Christmas and one week before she was due to present the draft of the first section of her dissertation to her supervisor. 

Just as Claire was about to start typing on her laptop, her phone rang. Claire wasn’t just any ordinary university students. She worked as a spy agent for the PMSSO (Playmobil Secret Spies Organisation).