Saturday, 25 March 2023



「天哪!那女人真的超可怕!她的眼神太有殺氣了!」Eliza 在走出教室後,小聲地和 Claire 說老師的壞話。

「就是說呀!幸好今天下午才有數學課,咱們還有一些時間好好考慮要怎麼對付她。」Claire 回答說

「我們可以用午休時間問問其他學生對她的看法。」Eliza 說。

「嗯,咱們可以先問問那個班長馬莉安,說不定她知道些什麼。」Claire 說。

「好主意!對了,我們下一節是什麼課?」Eliza 問道。

「工藝。」Claire 瞄了一眼課表後說。

「天哪!該不會工藝老師還是傅老師吧!糟了,如果是他一定會認出我們的!」Eliza 突然想到說。

「沒事兒!他都這麼老了,肯定退休了!」Claire 肯定地說。

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-5

 After pretending to talk about alcohol and drug abuse for two periods, it was finally break time for Claire and Eliza. 

"OMG! I swear, that woman is crazy," whispered Eliza after they stepped out of the classroom and made sure that Ms. Verinder was out of ear shot. "Her stare was so penetrating that she totally saw through me!"

"I know right!" responded Claire. "It was so noisy in the classroom, how did she know we weren't talking about relevant stuff. I's not like we looked like we were chatting at all, we were pro at this at school, remember?"

Eliza shuddered as she remembered the piercing look of Ms. Verinder. "That woman isn't someone we can fool around with," said Eliza thoughtfully. "We gotta be careful lest she'll see through our tricks."

"Luckily, we don't have her lessons until this afternoon," replied Claire. "We'll have plenty of time to think of how to deal with her in the meantime."

"We have to use lunchtime to ask around to see what the students think of her," said Eliza. 

"We can start with that girl whose name is Marianne," said Claire. "From the way she looks at Ms. Verinder when her name was called, I can sense that she knows something."

"Great idea! Oh, by the way, what do we have next?" asked Eliza.

"DT," replied Claire after glancing at her timetable.

"OMG! Don't tell me the DT teacher is still Mr. Pratt!" exclaimed Eliza suddenly. "I bet he's gonna recognise us if he sees us!"

"Don't worry," responded Claire. "It's been such a long time since he was our DT teacher, he's probably retired by now."

Saturday, 11 March 2023


進入校園後,嬌娃們很快地找到了自己的班級。級任老師魏琳德看到嬌娃們說:「妳們應該就是轉學生 Clara 和 Lizzie 吧?我是你們的班導魏老師。歡迎來到我們班。」

「老師,對不起,我們來的時候迷路了,所以遲到了!」Eliza 無辜地說。

「沒關係!下面兩堂課是自習課,剛好給你們一點兒時間熟悉一下教室及同學。」魏琳德說完後,拍了一下手吸引全班同學的注意。「各位同學,站在前面的是這學期的新轉學生~Clara 和 Lizzie。我希望你們用最誠摯的心情歡迎她們。馬莉安,身為班長,妳要負責利用下課時間帶這兩位新同學認識校園環境,知道嗎?」


「好啦!Clara 和 Lizzie,妳們兩個去那邊兩個空著的座位坐好,我們要開始上課了。這週的自習課,我們要先來開班會,檢討一下上週的整潔及秩序的表現,以及訂定這週的班級目標⋯⋯」老師說。


Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-4

On entering the school building, it didn't take the spies long to locate their form room - 10V, of which the form tutor was no other than Miss Verinder! 

The spies were just in time to arrive in their classroom just before the end of the registration. Luckily, it was Monday, so the class was going to have PSHE, which meant that they would be staying in their form room for the next two classes.

"Ah, there you are!" exclaimed Miss Verinder on seeing her two new students. 

"Is this 10V, miss?" enquired Claire, who pretended to have got lost on the way.

"Yes, you must be Clara and Lizzie!" responded Miss Verinder. "I am Ms. Verinder. Welcome to class 10V!"

"We're so sorry for being late, miss. We got lost on the way here," said Eliza innocently.

"No worries! We have PSHE for the next two periods, which will give you some time to familiarise yourselves with your form room and get to know some people in your form," elucidated Ms. Verinder, who clapped her hands to attract the attention of her students. "Students, this is Clara and Lizzie - two new students that will be joining us this semester. I hope you will make yourselves hospitable to our newcomers. Marianne, as our class representative in the student council, you are in charge of taking Clara and Lizzie around the school to familiarise themselves, understand?" Miss Verinder said as she glanced sharply at a brunette girl.

"Yes, miss," answered Marianne.

"Good! Clara and Lizzie, please go and sit down at the two empty seats over there," continued Miss Verinder pointing at an empty table at the back of the classroom. "The bell has just rung. So, now, we will start PSHE. This week, our topic will be about alcohol and drug abuse. Before we start, I would like you to start brainstorming in groups of two on everything you can think of surrounding this topic. You can include anything relevant, including what you've learnt in KS3.........."