Saturday, 29 April 2023


Claire 從窗戶窺視到房間景象後,心想:「我得趕緊進去拯救 Eliza,否則她會被洗腦了!」

這時,房間的門被打開了。魏老師和 Eliza 一塊走出房間。


「老師,真⋯⋯真抱歉。我好像身體不太舒服。我頭好疼,然後感覺噁心想吐!」Claire 趕緊說。


「我可能是感冒了,那我這就回家休息!老師咱們明天見!」Claire 說完便拉著 Eliza 走出魏老師的住家。


Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-9

After perceiving the horrific scene inside Ms. Verinder's room, Claire was so shocked that she had to return to her seat on the coach. 

"What's that woman doing to Eliza?" thought Claire. "I have to go and save her before she got brainwashed."

Just when Claire summoned up her courage to stop Ms. Verinder, the door of the little room opened and Eliza walked out of the room followed by the maths teacher. 

"Clara, it's your turn," said Ms. Verinder.

"I'm so sorry, miss," replied Claire as her mind raced to think of an excuse to get both her and Eliza out of here before any more damage was done. "I....I don't feel very well. I have a horrible headache and I feel nauseous."

"Oh, do you?" answered Ms. Verinder, raising an eyebrow. "Well then, it seems like you're unfit for an extra lesson now."

"Yes, Ms. Verinder," responded Claire. "I'd better get home and take some medication immediately. I must have somehow caught a cold."

"Very well, then," said Ms. Verinder, looking unconvinced. "See you tomorrow, then."

"Goodbye Ms. Verinder," said Claire and Eliza as they walked out of the apartment.


Saturday, 22 April 2023


魏老師和馬莉安進去小房間一陣子後,嬌娃們決定去一探究竟。於是,兩人躡手躡腳地走到小房間的門前,發現門上有面玻璃窗戶。Eliza 從書包拿出鏡子,透過鏡子反射的倒影窺視到房內的景象。她們看見魏老師正坐在電腦前面瘋狂地打字。

「她在幹嘛呀?為什麼一直在打字?」Eliza 小聲地問道。

「這是數學課,又不是電腦課!」Claire 答道。

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-8

After Marianne and Ms. Verinder had gone into the room for some time, the spies, unable to hide their curiosity, decided to peek in from the gap in the door. Thus, as quiet as a mouse, Claire and Eliza tiptoed towards the small room. Nevertheless, they discovered that the door was firmly closed. Luckily, there was a transparent window pane on the door, yet they dared not peek in from there lest they should be discovered by Ms. Verinder. 

"I have an idea!" whispered Eliza as she took out a mirror from her school bag. Using the refection of the mirror, the spies could just about make out the figure of Ms. Verinder standing in front of a computer, tapping away rigorously. 

"What's she doing tapping away on her computer?" queried Eliza.

"Wait, I thought this is a Maths lesson, not an ICT class!" whispered Claire, bewildered.

Saturday, 15 April 2023


下午上完了魏老師的數學課後,Claire 和 Eliza 被要求課後留下來。等到其他同學都離開教室後,魏老師說:「Clara、Lizzie,從今天的表現看來,妳們好像跟不太上班上的進度。」

「是啊,老師!感覺這兒教的數學比我們以前的學校還困難太多了。」就連以前高中數學不算差的 Claire 都完全跟不上進度。


「有什麼可以讓我們進步的方法嗎?」Eliza 問道。


「真假!?真的是免費的嗎?」Eliza 驚訝地說。


Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-7

After a terrible two-hour session of Maths with Ms. Verinder, in which Claire and Eliza, despite their age, could not keep up with the year 10 syllabus, they were asked to stay behind after class by Ms. Verinder. 

After everyone has left the classroom, Ms. Verinder sat down with the girls and said. "Clara, Lizzie, it seems like you two were having a hard time catching up with the class today." 

"Yes, Ms. Verinder. It seems like the syllabus here is much harder than what we did in our old school," replied Claire, who still struggled despite having done A-Level Maths. 

"Yes, the syllabus I teach here is much more advanced than the normal GCSE curriculum, as I wish my students to strive and challenge themselves," answered Ms. Verinder.

"Is it any way for us to improve?" enquired Eliza. 

"There are two routes, it's up to you," responded the maths teacher. "One way is for you to move to a lower set, where they will be teaching a simpler syllabus, more suitable for your level."

"What about the other route, miss?" questioned Claire, knowing what was coming next.

"Or, you can let me help you improve," smiled Ms. Verinder strangely. "In fact, I offer extra lessons that can help you boost your ability in a very short time."

"Is it going to be expensive, miss?" queried Eliza. "If so, I'll have to go home and talk to my parents about it."

"No, on the contrary, it will free of charge," replied Ms. Verinder with that weird smile again.

"Really? That seems too good to be true!" exclaimed Claire. 

"Yes, as a teacher, I feel that it is my duty to help my students when they're struggling in class," said Ms. V kindly. "Come with me to my apartment after school. Marianne will also be coming. But remember to let your parents know first, in case they think you're missing and start calling the police to look for you."

Saturday, 8 April 2023



「吃午餐最適合聊八卦了!咱們來問問大家對魏琳德的看法,」Claire 說。


「哈囉!你們就是 Clara 和 Lizzie,對吧?我是班長馬莉安。魏老師叫我下課帶你們到處走走,認識環境。妳們還好嗎?一切都還習慣嗎?」

「目前為止都還不錯!上工藝課時咱們坐的位置離太遠了,都沒法兒好好聊天。」Claire 答道。


「好啊!蛤~下一節是化學課,我好擔心喔!」Eliza 說。「我國二化學就上得不好,我真搞不動那些什麼元素。」


「妳化學很好嗎?妳好厲害喔!」Eliza 說。


「魏老師?妳是指咱們班導嗎?」Claire 問道。


「可她看起來好兇喔!我們今天上自習課時偷聊天就被她抓到了啦!妳為什麼覺得她教得特別好啊?」Eliza 問說。


「課後輔導?」Claire 和 Eliza 互看了一眼後說。「不過,數學這種東西懂就是懂,不懂就是不懂。我覺得課後輔導好像也沒啥多大的意義。不是像史地這樣可以用背的。」



Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-6

 After a double period of DT class, it was finally the spies' favourite time at school - lunch time! 

"This is the time to ask around and see what people think about Ms. Verinder," whispered Claire as they are queuing to get their lunch in the canteen. 

Suddenly they discovered that the class representative in the student council, who name was Marianne, was queuing up in front of them. 

"Oh, hey! You are Clara and Lizzie, right?" said Marianne. "I'm Marianne, the student council representative of our class. Ms. Verinder asked me to be your buddy and show you around the school. How's everything going so far for you? Have you made any friends yet?"

"Everything's great, thanks," responded Claire politely. "It's a shame that you weren't in DT class with us. We didn't know anyone in that class - most of them seem not to be in our form."

"Yeah, year 10 is weird - we all do different subjects for GCSE, so it's hard to meet people in your form during normal lessons, except for PSHE," answered Marianne. 

"What subject do you do in that block?" enquired Eliza.

"I chose chemistry," answered Marianne. "But all the stuff on organic chemistry is so complicated I almost wish I've chosen DT instead."

"Science was my worst subject in KS3, so I'm only doing a combined science," said Claire. "You must be very interested in the subject to take chemistry."

"To be honest, I'm not a fan of science either," responded Marianne. "But my parents are both scientists, so they forced to me take all three sciences. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to cope though. It's only been 3 months since the start of term and I already feel like I'm struggling. I wish the science teachers were as good at teaching as Ms. Verinder."

"Ms. Verinder? Do you mean our form tutor?" enquired Eliza, pretending to act confused.

"Yeah, she teaches maths and she's such a good teacher," said Marianne.

"She seems so strict, though. She caught me chatting when we were supposed to be talking about alcohol and drug abuse and she literally glared at me," said Eliza as she shuddered. "What makes you think she's a good teacher?"

"She gives us extra lessons outside of class time," answered Marianne. "And for free as well."

"What's the point of extra classes though?" queried Claire as she exchanged a knowing glance with Eliza. "Surely, it's just the same thing she said in class but said again? I feel that maths isn't something you'll do well in if you listen to the teacher over and over again. If you don't get it, you won't get it no matter how many times you listen to the explanation. Whereas for history, if you hear something again and again, it actually helps you to memorise things."

"I see what you're saying,'s different with Ms. Verinder," said Marianne hesitantly. 

"How do you mean?" questioned Claire.

"Well, it's hard to explain. She seems to be so much better at teaching in her private lessons than in school," replied Marianne. "You'll know what I'm saying after you've had a lesson with her. Everyone in the class have been to her extra lessons and everyone improved so much you wouldn't believe it! Even Ben, the worst student in the class got an A in his last test."

"Wow! It seems like magic!" exclaimed Eliza.