Saturday, 27 May 2023



「你別靠近老師!」突然,Eliza 跳到了老師前面說。「魏老師是一位好老師。她並沒有做錯什麼。今天她就算有做錯,也都是為了她的學生著想!」


「我才不管呢!」Eliza 喊道。「老師在我無助的時候給了我希望。她告訴我現在的困境都是因為當年會考沒考好造成的。她讓我有重新來過的機會。」


「湯姆,你錯了!」突然,Claire 脫下頭盔,緩緩走向湯姆說。「人生是可以重來的!魏老師答應我們要幫助我們以15歲的身份重新考一次會考。考進好的高中,我們大學學測也會更好。如此一來,我們可以進更好的大學,讀我們想讀的系所。讓未來的道路變得更加寬廣。不會像我們現在一樣,都要畢業了,還是一片茫然。這都是因為當年忙著出任務,沒有好好學習的下場!」



Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-12

"Spies, I've come to help you," said Tom as he jumped down from the windowsill. "It seems like the mission is too hard for you to complete on your own. Let's arrest Ms. Verinder together."

"Don't you dare come anywhere near her!" Suddenly, Eliza jumped in front of Tom, trying to protect the Maths teacher. 

"Eliza!? What are you talking about?" questioned the bewildered Tom.

"Ms. Verinder is such a good teacher, she hasn't done anything wrong," shouted Eliza. "Even if she has done something wrong, she has done it for the benefits of her students."

"Eliza, are you mad? You're supposed to help me. We represent the PMSSO, have you forgotten?" demanded Tom.

"I don't care," yelled Eliza. "Ms. Verinder has given me the hope of improving my current situation. She told me that the reason why I'm unsatisfied now was because I didn't do well enough in my GCSEs."

"What on earth are you talking about, Eliza?" retorted Tom. "You cannot possibly relive your life again. You only live once. When your chance is gone, it's gone forever. It's impossible to start all over again! You've got to learn to like and live with your current situation."

"You're wrong, Tom," said Claire, who took off the helmet and slowly walked towards her boss. "Ms. Verinder has promised us that she'll help us redo our GCSE qualifications as the identity of a 15-year-old. Then, we'll do better at our A-Levels, we'll then get into better universities, and lots more opportunities will be open to us than what we have right now. We're about to graduate, yet we still feel at a loss of our next steps. It was all because we didn't do so well back school."

"No, don't listen to her. She's lying to you, you cannot possibly......."


Saturday, 20 May 2023


經過了一個晚上後,被關在魏琳德住處的 Claire 聽到了腳步聲。

「終於早上了!」Claire 心想。


「什麼都不必說了!」Claire 答道。「我已經決定了⋯⋯Eliza 說得對!如果當年會考我考好一點兒,我今天的機會會截然不同。我離成功會更近一步。你可能真的在洗腦學生,可是,這又如何?您身為老師,希望自己的學生更好,助他們一臂之力,又有何不對?」


「我決定以 Clara 的身份重讀國三,並且重新參加會考。我會比以前更加努力,讓那些曾經嘲笑過我的人瞅瞅我的厲害!」Claire 意志堅定地說。「魏老師,您願意幫我保守秘密嗎?」


「我會告訴他們我這麼做是為了監督您,」Claire 說。「如此一來,他們就不會懷疑了!」

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-11

 After being stuck overnight in the transparent cage inside Ms. Verinder's apartment, Claire perceived Ms. Verinder's footsteps. 

"It's finally morning!" thought Claire as she gradually woke up from her sleep. 

"It's nearly time for me to head to school," said Ms. Verinder. "I give you two choices....."

"There's no need to say anymore," replied Claire. "I have decided.....Eliza is right. If I had done better in my GCSEs, I could have more opportunities now. I will be a step closer to being successful. You might be brainwashing students for your own research, but who cares? As long as you're helping your students thrive, which is the duty of a teacher, no one can condemn you to be immoral!"

"You have finally come to your senses, Claire," answered the maths teacher. 

"Yes, I have decided to redo my GCSEs using my current identity as Clara Lee, I will work harder than ever and show the people that have laughed at me what potential I can achieve," said Claire with determination. "Will you keep this secret for me and Eliza, Ms. V?"

"Yes, of course, Clara," responded Ms. Verinder. "It's always impressive as a teacher to see that your students are willing to work hard and improve. But what will you tell your boss and the headquarters?"

"I'll tell them that I'm doing this in order to spy on you," replied Claire. "That way, they won't become suspicious."

Saturday, 13 May 2023


隔天一早,Claire 和 Eliza 第一節課就考數學。考完後,魏老師叫大家互改考卷。大家改完後,這次打賭的贏家便揭曉了~Eliza 拿的分數竟然比 Claire 高出許多;Claire 則是低空略過,剛好及格。上完課後,魏老師走到 Claire 身邊問道:「Clara,妳現在好一點的嗎?頭還痛嗎?」

「已經不疼了!昨晚我回家吃了點兒感冒藥就好轉許多了!謝謝老師。」Claire 從容地答道。

「看來,你今天小考表現地不是太好喔!」魏老師看了看 Claire 的試卷說。

「我好像對一些概念還不太熟悉。我今天可以去上您的輔導課嗎?」Claire 問道。


「老師,您的課輔好有幫助喔!我今天可以再去嗎?」Eliza 問道。



Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-10

 As anticipated, Claire and Eliza had a Maths test in the first period of the following day. They were asked by Ms. Verinder to swap papers with the person sitting next to them, and mark each other's tests. 

After marking each other's paper, the winner of the bet was revealed. It turned out that Eliza got a score much higher than that of Claire, who had barely scraped a pass mark. 

After class, Ms. Verinder walked towards Claire and said. "Clara, how are you feeling right now? Do you still have a headache?"

"Um, no, miss. My headache has stopped after I've taken some medication as soon as I returned home," answered Claire.

"It seems like you haven't done so well in this morning's test," said the maths teacher as she glanced at Claire's mark. 

"No, I'm afraid I don't quite understand the concepts you taught in class," replied Claire. 

"Would you like to come to extra lessons today?" questioned Ms. Verinder.

"Yes, miss," responded Claire.

"Very well," said Ms. Verinder. "You should know the way by now. I will be expecting you at the same hour as yesterday."

"May I come again, miss?" queried Eliza. "Your lessons are so helpful."

"Of course you may, Lizzie," answered the maths teacher. "I am impressed by your studiousness."