Welcome to a fantastic PLAYMOBIL world constructed by an ardent Taiwanese 🇹🇼 fan! 歡迎蒞臨一個台灣🇹🇼摩比迷的摩比世界! Bienvenue dans un monde PLAYMOBIL fantastique construit par un fan taïwanais 🇹🇼 !
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Sunday, 3 December 2023
Sunday, 5 November 2023
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Friday, 29 September 2023
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Monday, 3 July 2023
Sunday, 18 June 2023
Saturday, 10 June 2023
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-13 (Final Ending)
That evening, Ms. Verinder was sitting on the comfortable coach in her living room and reading a book when she suddenly heard a small sound in the little room where she brainwashed her students.
Sunday, 4 June 2023
Saturday, 27 May 2023
「你別靠近老師!」突然,Eliza 跳到了老師前面說。「魏老師是一位好老師。她並沒有做錯什麼。今天她就算有做錯,也都是為了她的學生著想!」
「我才不管呢!」Eliza 喊道。「老師在我無助的時候給了我希望。她告訴我現在的困境都是因為當年會考沒考好造成的。她讓我有重新來過的機會。」
「湯姆,你錯了!」突然,Claire 脫下頭盔,緩緩走向湯姆說。「人生是可以重來的!魏老師答應我們要幫助我們以15歲的身份重新考一次會考。考進好的高中,我們大學學測也會更好。如此一來,我們可以進更好的大學,讀我們想讀的系所。讓未來的道路變得更加寬廣。不會像我們現在一樣,都要畢業了,還是一片茫然。這都是因為當年忙著出任務,沒有好好學習的下場!」
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-12
"Spies, I've come to help you," said Tom as he jumped down from the windowsill. "It seems like the mission is too hard for you to complete on your own. Let's arrest Ms. Verinder together."
"Don't you dare come anywhere near her!" Suddenly, Eliza jumped in front of Tom, trying to protect the Maths teacher.
"Eliza!? What are you talking about?" questioned the bewildered Tom.
"Ms. Verinder is such a good teacher, she hasn't done anything wrong," shouted Eliza. "Even if she has done something wrong, she has done it for the benefits of her students."
"Eliza, are you mad? You're supposed to help me. We represent the PMSSO, have you forgotten?" demanded Tom.
"I don't care," yelled Eliza. "Ms. Verinder has given me the hope of improving my current situation. She told me that the reason why I'm unsatisfied now was because I didn't do well enough in my GCSEs."
"What on earth are you talking about, Eliza?" retorted Tom. "You cannot possibly relive your life again. You only live once. When your chance is gone, it's gone forever. It's impossible to start all over again! You've got to learn to like and live with your current situation."
"You're wrong, Tom," said Claire, who took off the helmet and slowly walked towards her boss. "Ms. Verinder has promised us that she'll help us redo our GCSE qualifications as the identity of a 15-year-old. Then, we'll do better at our A-Levels, we'll then get into better universities, and lots more opportunities will be open to us than what we have right now. We're about to graduate, yet we still feel at a loss of our next steps. It was all because we didn't do so well back school."
"No, don't listen to her. She's lying to you, you cannot possibly......."
Saturday, 20 May 2023
經過了一個晚上後,被關在魏琳德住處的 Claire 聽到了腳步聲。
「終於早上了!」Claire 心想。
「什麼都不必說了!」Claire 答道。「我已經決定了⋯⋯Eliza 說得對!如果當年會考我考好一點兒,我今天的機會會截然不同。我離成功會更近一步。你可能真的在洗腦學生,可是,這又如何?您身為老師,希望自己的學生更好,助他們一臂之力,又有何不對?」
「我決定以 Clara 的身份重讀國三,並且重新參加會考。我會比以前更加努力,讓那些曾經嘲笑過我的人瞅瞅我的厲害!」Claire 意志堅定地說。「魏老師,您願意幫我保守秘密嗎?」
「我會告訴他們我這麼做是為了監督您,」Claire 說。「如此一來,他們就不會懷疑了!」
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-11
After being stuck overnight in the transparent cage inside Ms. Verinder's apartment, Claire perceived Ms. Verinder's footsteps.
"It's finally morning!" thought Claire as she gradually woke up from her sleep.
"It's nearly time for me to head to school," said Ms. Verinder. "I give you two choices....."
"There's no need to say anymore," replied Claire. "I have decided.....Eliza is right. If I had done better in my GCSEs, I could have more opportunities now. I will be a step closer to being successful. You might be brainwashing students for your own research, but who cares? As long as you're helping your students thrive, which is the duty of a teacher, no one can condemn you to be immoral!"
"You have finally come to your senses, Claire," answered the maths teacher.
"Yes, I have decided to redo my GCSEs using my current identity as Clara Lee, I will work harder than ever and show the people that have laughed at me what potential I can achieve," said Claire with determination. "Will you keep this secret for me and Eliza, Ms. V?"
"Yes, of course, Clara," responded Ms. Verinder. "It's always impressive as a teacher to see that your students are willing to work hard and improve. But what will you tell your boss and the headquarters?"
"I'll tell them that I'm doing this in order to spy on you," replied Claire. "That way, they won't become suspicious."
Saturday, 13 May 2023
隔天一早,Claire 和 Eliza 第一節課就考數學。考完後,魏老師叫大家互改考卷。大家改完後,這次打賭的贏家便揭曉了~Eliza 拿的分數竟然比 Claire 高出許多;Claire 則是低空略過,剛好及格。上完課後,魏老師走到 Claire 身邊問道:「Clara,妳現在好一點的嗎?頭還痛嗎?」
「已經不疼了!昨晚我回家吃了點兒感冒藥就好轉許多了!謝謝老師。」Claire 從容地答道。
「看來,你今天小考表現地不是太好喔!」魏老師看了看 Claire 的試卷說。
「我好像對一些概念還不太熟悉。我今天可以去上您的輔導課嗎?」Claire 問道。
「老師,您的課輔好有幫助喔!我今天可以再去嗎?」Eliza 問道。
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-10
As anticipated, Claire and Eliza had a Maths test in the first period of the following day. They were asked by Ms. Verinder to swap papers with the person sitting next to them, and mark each other's tests.
After marking each other's paper, the winner of the bet was revealed. It turned out that Eliza got a score much higher than that of Claire, who had barely scraped a pass mark.
After class, Ms. Verinder walked towards Claire and said. "Clara, how are you feeling right now? Do you still have a headache?"
"Um, no, miss. My headache has stopped after I've taken some medication as soon as I returned home," answered Claire.
"It seems like you haven't done so well in this morning's test," said the maths teacher as she glanced at Claire's mark.
"No, I'm afraid I don't quite understand the concepts you taught in class," replied Claire.
"Would you like to come to extra lessons today?" questioned Ms. Verinder.
"Yes, miss," responded Claire.
"Very well," said Ms. Verinder. "You should know the way by now. I will be expecting you at the same hour as yesterday."
"May I come again, miss?" queried Eliza. "Your lessons are so helpful."
"Of course you may, Lizzie," answered the maths teacher. "I am impressed by your studiousness."
Sunday, 7 May 2023
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Claire 從窗戶窺視到房間景象後,心想:「我得趕緊進去拯救 Eliza,否則她會被洗腦了!」
這時,房間的門被打開了。魏老師和 Eliza 一塊走出房間。
「老師,真⋯⋯真抱歉。我好像身體不太舒服。我頭好疼,然後感覺噁心想吐!」Claire 趕緊說。
「我可能是感冒了,那我這就回家休息!老師咱們明天見!」Claire 說完便拉著 Eliza 走出魏老師的住家。
Wednesday, 26 April 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-9
After perceiving the horrific scene inside Ms. Verinder's room, Claire was so shocked that she had to return to her seat on the coach.
"What's that woman doing to Eliza?" thought Claire. "I have to go and save her before she got brainwashed."
Just when Claire summoned up her courage to stop Ms. Verinder, the door of the little room opened and Eliza walked out of the room followed by the maths teacher.
"Clara, it's your turn," said Ms. Verinder.
"I'm so sorry, miss," replied Claire as her mind raced to think of an excuse to get both her and Eliza out of here before any more damage was done. "I....I don't feel very well. I have a horrible headache and I feel nauseous."
"Oh, do you?" answered Ms. Verinder, raising an eyebrow. "Well then, it seems like you're unfit for an extra lesson now."
"Yes, Ms. Verinder," responded Claire. "I'd better get home and take some medication immediately. I must have somehow caught a cold."
"Very well, then," said Ms. Verinder, looking unconvinced. "See you tomorrow, then."
"Goodbye Ms. Verinder," said Claire and Eliza as they walked out of the apartment.
Saturday, 22 April 2023
魏老師和馬莉安進去小房間一陣子後,嬌娃們決定去一探究竟。於是,兩人躡手躡腳地走到小房間的門前,發現門上有面玻璃窗戶。Eliza 從書包拿出鏡子,透過鏡子反射的倒影窺視到房內的景象。她們看見魏老師正坐在電腦前面瘋狂地打字。
「她在幹嘛呀?為什麼一直在打字?」Eliza 小聲地問道。
「這是數學課,又不是電腦課!」Claire 答道。
Wednesday, 19 April 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-8
After Marianne and Ms. Verinder had gone into the room for some time, the spies, unable to hide their curiosity, decided to peek in from the gap in the door. Thus, as quiet as a mouse, Claire and Eliza tiptoed towards the small room. Nevertheless, they discovered that the door was firmly closed. Luckily, there was a transparent window pane on the door, yet they dared not peek in from there lest they should be discovered by Ms. Verinder.
"I have an idea!" whispered Eliza as she took out a mirror from her school bag. Using the refection of the mirror, the spies could just about make out the figure of Ms. Verinder standing in front of a computer, tapping away rigorously.
"What's she doing tapping away on her computer?" queried Eliza.
"Wait, I thought this is a Maths lesson, not an ICT class!" whispered Claire, bewildered.
Saturday, 15 April 2023
下午上完了魏老師的數學課後,Claire 和 Eliza 被要求課後留下來。等到其他同學都離開教室後,魏老師說:「Clara、Lizzie,從今天的表現看來,妳們好像跟不太上班上的進度。」
「是啊,老師!感覺這兒教的數學比我們以前的學校還困難太多了。」就連以前高中數學不算差的 Claire 都完全跟不上進度。
「有什麼可以讓我們進步的方法嗎?」Eliza 問道。
「真假!?真的是免費的嗎?」Eliza 驚訝地說。
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-7
After a terrible two-hour session of Maths with Ms. Verinder, in which Claire and Eliza, despite their age, could not keep up with the year 10 syllabus, they were asked to stay behind after class by Ms. Verinder.
After everyone has left the classroom, Ms. Verinder sat down with the girls and said. "Clara, Lizzie, it seems like you two were having a hard time catching up with the class today."
"Yes, Ms. Verinder. It seems like the syllabus here is much harder than what we did in our old school," replied Claire, who still struggled despite having done A-Level Maths.
"Yes, the syllabus I teach here is much more advanced than the normal GCSE curriculum, as I wish my students to strive and challenge themselves," answered Ms. Verinder.
"Is it any way for us to improve?" enquired Eliza.
"There are two routes, it's up to you," responded the maths teacher. "One way is for you to move to a lower set, where they will be teaching a simpler syllabus, more suitable for your level."
"What about the other route, miss?" questioned Claire, knowing what was coming next.
"Or, you can let me help you improve," smiled Ms. Verinder strangely. "In fact, I offer extra lessons that can help you boost your ability in a very short time."
"Is it going to be expensive, miss?" queried Eliza. "If so, I'll have to go home and talk to my parents about it."
"No, on the contrary, it will free of charge," replied Ms. Verinder with that weird smile again.
"Really? That seems too good to be true!" exclaimed Claire.
"Yes, as a teacher, I feel that it is my duty to help my students when they're struggling in class," said Ms. V kindly. "Come with me to my apartment after school. Marianne will also be coming. But remember to let your parents know first, in case they think you're missing and start calling the police to look for you."
Saturday, 8 April 2023
「吃午餐最適合聊八卦了!咱們來問問大家對魏琳德的看法,」Claire 說。
「哈囉!你們就是 Clara 和 Lizzie,對吧?我是班長馬莉安。魏老師叫我下課帶你們到處走走,認識環境。妳們還好嗎?一切都還習慣嗎?」
「目前為止都還不錯!上工藝課時咱們坐的位置離太遠了,都沒法兒好好聊天。」Claire 答道。
「好啊!蛤~下一節是化學課,我好擔心喔!」Eliza 說。「我國二化學就上得不好,我真搞不動那些什麼元素。」
「妳化學很好嗎?妳好厲害喔!」Eliza 說。
「魏老師?妳是指咱們班導嗎?」Claire 問道。
「可她看起來好兇喔!我們今天上自習課時偷聊天就被她抓到了啦!妳為什麼覺得她教得特別好啊?」Eliza 問說。
「課後輔導?」Claire 和 Eliza 互看了一眼後說。「不過,數學這種東西懂就是懂,不懂就是不懂。我覺得課後輔導好像也沒啥多大的意義。不是像史地這樣可以用背的。」
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-6
After a double period of DT class, it was finally the spies' favourite time at school - lunch time!
"This is the time to ask around and see what people think about Ms. Verinder," whispered Claire as they are queuing to get their lunch in the canteen.
Suddenly they discovered that the class representative in the student council, who name was Marianne, was queuing up in front of them.
"Oh, hey! You are Clara and Lizzie, right?" said Marianne. "I'm Marianne, the student council representative of our class. Ms. Verinder asked me to be your buddy and show you around the school. How's everything going so far for you? Have you made any friends yet?"
"Everything's great, thanks," responded Claire politely. "It's a shame that you weren't in DT class with us. We didn't know anyone in that class - most of them seem not to be in our form."
"Yeah, year 10 is weird - we all do different subjects for GCSE, so it's hard to meet people in your form during normal lessons, except for PSHE," answered Marianne.
"What subject do you do in that block?" enquired Eliza.
"I chose chemistry," answered Marianne. "But all the stuff on organic chemistry is so complicated I almost wish I've chosen DT instead."
"Science was my worst subject in KS3, so I'm only doing a combined science," said Claire. "You must be very interested in the subject to take chemistry."
"To be honest, I'm not a fan of science either," responded Marianne. "But my parents are both scientists, so they forced to me take all three sciences. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to cope though. It's only been 3 months since the start of term and I already feel like I'm struggling. I wish the science teachers were as good at teaching as Ms. Verinder."
"Ms. Verinder? Do you mean our form tutor?" enquired Eliza, pretending to act confused.
"Yeah, she teaches maths and she's such a good teacher," said Marianne.
"She seems so strict, though. She caught me chatting when we were supposed to be talking about alcohol and drug abuse and she literally glared at me," said Eliza as she shuddered. "What makes you think she's a good teacher?"
"She gives us extra lessons outside of class time," answered Marianne. "And for free as well."
"What's the point of extra classes though?" queried Claire as she exchanged a knowing glance with Eliza. "Surely, it's just the same thing she said in class but said again? I feel that maths isn't something you'll do well in if you listen to the teacher over and over again. If you don't get it, you won't get it no matter how many times you listen to the explanation. Whereas for history, if you hear something again and again, it actually helps you to memorise things."
"I see what you're saying, but.....it's different with Ms. Verinder," said Marianne hesitantly.
"How do you mean?" questioned Claire.
"Well, it's hard to explain. She seems to be so much better at teaching in her private lessons than in school," replied Marianne. "You'll know what I'm saying after you've had a lesson with her. Everyone in the class have been to her extra lessons and everyone improved so much you wouldn't believe it! Even Ben, the worst student in the class got an A in his last test."
"Wow! It seems like magic!" exclaimed Eliza.
Monday, 3 April 2023
Saturday, 25 March 2023
「天哪!那女人真的超可怕!她的眼神太有殺氣了!」Eliza 在走出教室後,小聲地和 Claire 說老師的壞話。
「就是說呀!幸好今天下午才有數學課,咱們還有一些時間好好考慮要怎麼對付她。」Claire 回答說
「我們可以用午休時間問問其他學生對她的看法。」Eliza 說。
「嗯,咱們可以先問問那個班長馬莉安,說不定她知道些什麼。」Claire 說。
「好主意!對了,我們下一節是什麼課?」Eliza 問道。
「工藝。」Claire 瞄了一眼課表後說。
「天哪!該不會工藝老師還是傅老師吧!糟了,如果是他一定會認出我們的!」Eliza 突然想到說。
「沒事兒!他都這麼老了,肯定退休了!」Claire 肯定地說。
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-5
After pretending to talk about alcohol and drug abuse for two periods, it was finally break time for Claire and Eliza.
"OMG! I swear, that woman is crazy," whispered Eliza after they stepped out of the classroom and made sure that Ms. Verinder was out of ear shot. "Her stare was so penetrating that she totally saw through me!"
"I know right!" responded Claire. "It was so noisy in the classroom, how did she know we weren't talking about relevant stuff. I mean.....it's not like we looked like we were chatting at all, we were pro at this at school, remember?"
Eliza shuddered as she remembered the piercing look of Ms. Verinder. "That woman isn't someone we can fool around with," said Eliza thoughtfully. "We gotta be careful lest she'll see through our tricks."
"Luckily, we don't have her lessons until this afternoon," replied Claire. "We'll have plenty of time to think of how to deal with her in the meantime."
"We have to use lunchtime to ask around to see what the students think of her," said Eliza.
"We can start with that girl whose name is Marianne," said Claire. "From the way she looks at Ms. Verinder when her name was called, I can sense that she knows something."
"Great idea! Oh, by the way, what do we have next?" asked Eliza.
"DT," replied Claire after glancing at her timetable.
"OMG! Don't tell me the DT teacher is still Mr. Pratt!" exclaimed Eliza suddenly. "I bet he's gonna recognise us if he sees us!"
"Don't worry," responded Claire. "It's been such a long time since he was our DT teacher, he's probably retired by now."
Sunday, 19 March 2023
Saturday, 11 March 2023
進入校園後,嬌娃們很快地找到了自己的班級。級任老師魏琳德看到嬌娃們說:「妳們應該就是轉學生 Clara 和 Lizzie 吧?我是你們的班導魏老師。歡迎來到我們班。」
「老師,對不起,我們來的時候迷路了,所以遲到了!」Eliza 無辜地說。
「沒關係!下面兩堂課是自習課,剛好給你們一點兒時間熟悉一下教室及同學。」魏琳德說完後,拍了一下手吸引全班同學的注意。「各位同學,站在前面的是這學期的新轉學生~Clara 和 Lizzie。我希望你們用最誠摯的心情歡迎她們。馬莉安,身為班長,妳要負責利用下課時間帶這兩位新同學認識校園環境,知道嗎?」
「好啦!Clara 和 Lizzie,妳們兩個去那邊兩個空著的座位坐好,我們要開始上課了。這週的自習課,我們要先來開班會,檢討一下上週的整潔及秩序的表現,以及訂定這週的班級目標⋯⋯」老師說。
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-4
On entering the school building, it didn't take the spies long to locate their form room - 10V, of which the form tutor was no other than Miss Verinder!
The spies were just in time to arrive in their classroom just before the end of the registration. Luckily, it was Monday, so the class was going to have PSHE, which meant that they would be staying in their form room for the next two classes.
"Ah, there you are!" exclaimed Miss Verinder on seeing her two new students.
"Is this 10V, miss?" enquired Claire, who pretended to have got lost on the way.
"Yes, you must be Clara and Lizzie!" responded Miss Verinder. "I am Ms. Verinder. Welcome to class 10V!"
"We're so sorry for being late, miss. We got lost on the way here," said Eliza innocently.
"No worries! We have PSHE for the next two periods, which will give you some time to familiarise yourselves with your form room and get to know some people in your form," elucidated Ms. Verinder, who clapped her hands to attract the attention of her students. "Students, this is Clara and Lizzie - two new students that will be joining us this semester. I hope you will make yourselves hospitable to our newcomers. Marianne, as our class representative in the student council, you are in charge of taking Clara and Lizzie around the school to familiarise themselves, understand?" Miss Verinder said as she glanced sharply at a brunette girl.
"Yes, miss," answered Marianne.
"Good! Clara and Lizzie, please go and sit down at the two empty seats over there," continued Miss Verinder pointing at an empty table at the back of the classroom. "The bell has just rung. So, now, we will start PSHE. This week, our topic will be about alcohol and drug abuse. Before we start, I would like you to start brainstorming in groups of two on everything you can think of surrounding this topic. You can include anything relevant, including what you've learnt in KS3.........."
Sunday, 5 March 2023
Saturday, 25 February 2023
「天哪!回到之前讀過的初中覺得好怪喔!」Claire 在路上說。「畢竟咱們畢業也快8年了!」
「真假!?有這麼久啦!我怎麼突然覺得自己好老喔!」Eliza 答道。
「不知道學校大樓會不會有什麼改變?」Claire 說。
「不管有沒有變,都很詭異吧!」Eliza 回答道。「如果環境沒變,曾經的同學和老師都不在了,感覺也怪怪的。如果環境都改變了,那根本和另一所學校沒兩樣嘛!」
「對啊!而且我們還得假裝我們是新同學!」Claire 說。
「糟了!如果以前的老師認出我們該怎麼辦哪?」Eliza 說。
「估計是不會!」Claire 答道。「我知道我以前絕對不會穿這樣去學校!」
「哈哈~妳說得對!」Eliza 笑道。「我是說⋯⋯我這身打扮也太詭異了吧!」
兩人走了一陣子後,Eliza 打破沉默說:「我有點怕怕的誒!我是說⋯⋯我好久沒寫數學、做科學實驗和畫畫了!我怕我會比那些國中生還笨了啦!」
「別擔心!」Claire 回答說。「咱們再怎樣也比那些小屁孩兒聰明的!他們比咱們小好幾歲,而且別忘了咱們還是大學生呢!」
「嗯!而且,如果我們很優秀,說不定還顯得太突兀了!」Eliza 答道。
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-3
"I have already arranged all the necessary things for you and have informed the school of two new students joining them," said Tom after he was satisfied with the spies' disguise.
It was a cloudy morning when the spies eventually set off for school.
"OMG, it feels kinda weird to return to our old high school," said Claire on their way. "I mean, it's been more three years since we've graduated."
"What? Already? Girl, I feel old," replied Eliza.
"I wonder whether the school building will look any different?" pondered Claire.
"It's gonna be pretty awkward either way!" answered Eliza. "If it looks the same - it'll seem weird without all our friends there; and if it looks different, it'll seem like a totally different school altogether."
"I know right! And we actually have to pretend that we're new there!" added Claire.
"Wait, what if one of our old teachers recognise us?" questioned Eliza suddenly. "That'd be really awkward!"
"Don't worry, in our disguise, we look nothing like our old selves!" replied Claire. "I know that I, for one, will never wear this shirt with this skirt."
"Hahahaha, true that!" laughed Eliza. "I mean...I legit look like an American cowgirl with this outfit. Plus, since when have I ever done my hair like this?"
The spies fell into a deep silence for some time until it was eventually broken by Eliza. "I kinda feel scared. I mean.....it's been a while since I've done any algebra or science or art! I'm scared that I'll be dumber than those kids."
"Don't worry," responded Claire. "We might not be the smartest people in our year group, but I'm sure we'll at least be smarter than those year ten kids! Don't forget, they're seven years younger than us!"
"You're right!" agreed Eliza. "If we're too clever, we might actually even appear suspicious. It's best to just blend in with everybody and go with the flow."
"Yup, just like in the old days," answered Claire pensively.
Saturday, 18 February 2023
「歡迎回來啊!」湯姆見到 Eliza 後說。「度假好玩嗎?」
「哼~虧你還敢問咧!我根本沒玩到就被你叫回來了,好嗎?」Eliza 翻著白眼答道。
「天哪!真假!?」Eliza 興高采烈地衝向前抱著湯姆說。「湯姆,你是世界上最好的老闆了!」
「天哪!那不就是我們以前就讀的初中嗎?」Claire 驚訝地說。
「等等,這有什麼好可疑的啊?」Eliza 說。「他的學生可能都很努力啊!」
「她可能只是純粹厭煩了整天盯著電腦寫程式,想跟真實的人類接觸吧!」Claire 說。
「不會吧!這也太不人道了!」Eliza 驚恐地說。
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Playmobil Spies: 15 Again-2
"Welcome back, Eliza," said Tom. "I hope you've enjoyed your holiday in Taiwan?"
"Well, thanks for asking. It was going perfectly until you ruined it," replied Eliza whilst rolling her eyes.
"There are plenty of time to fly to Taiwan again after your mission," answered Tom. "In compensation for ruining your holiday, the headquarters have decided to buy you another ticket to send you back to Taiwan after you've finished your mission. But this time, you're going by First Class!"
"OMG! Really?" exclaimed Eliza in ecstasy as she dashed forwards to hug her boss. "Thanks, you're the best boss ever, Tom!"
"Right, enough chit chat," said Tom as he quickly turned around to hide his blushes. "Let's get down to business. Your mission this time is to investigate on a Maths teacher at Playmobil High School."
"OMG! That's the high school we've attended!" interrupted Claire in astonishment.
"Yes, exactly. That's why you two are the perfect candidates for accomplishing this mission," responded Tom. "As I was saying, a teacher of mathematics at Playmobil High School, whose name has escaped my memory.....ah yes! Ms. Verinder..... Her conduct is extremely suspicious as her students have performed extraordinarily well in the previous year's examinations."
"What's so suspicious about that?" questioned Eliza. "The students could've simply worked their arse off for that exam!"
"Yes, Eliza, indeed, that is one potential explanation," continued Tom patiently. "Nevertheless, after investigating Ms. Verinder's background, the headquarters have discovered that she used to be a former researcher in Artificial Intelligence when she suddenly quitted her position last year and became a Secondary school teacher. Thus, we cannot possibly overlook the coincidence in this event. We suspect....."
"She's probably just sick of working with robots so want to try working with humans instead," contemplated Claire. "But if you ask me, humans are just as annoying as robots, if not even more so!"
"Yes, Claire, that is indeed a possibility, too," answered Tom, ignoring Claire's personal remark. "Nonetheless, we are tempted to suspect a hidden motive is behind such a dramatic move, which could well be to use these students as an experiment for an innovative development in the fields of artificial intelligence!"
"NO WAY! That's illegal and inhumane!" exclaimed Eliza in horror.
"Exactly," replied Tom. "That's why we need you to help us investigate on what she's really up to."