Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-4

 After arriving on the topmost floor of the hotel, the manager led the group of friends along a straight corridor with a terrace on one side. Approaching the first room on the corridor, Mr. Kim swiped the key card and opened the door for them. 

"This is your friends' room, miss," said Mr. Kim addressing Tiffany. "Your room is room 202, which is right next door."

As the door of the room opened, what came into view was a spacious presidential suite furnished with two luxurious double beds, a comfortable-looking sofa set, in front of which was a large flat-screen LED television. 

"OMG! This is amazing!" exclaimed Eliza as she sat down on the armchair and put her feet up. 

"Whoa, the bed is so soft it's like lying on a piece of cloud," exclaimed Jeffrey as he jumped onto the double bed closer to the door. 

"Well, technically, it's not possible to lie on a piece of cloud, as it's just precipitation of water vapour and....." Shaun was about to explain the science to his friend when he was interrupted by Tiffany. 

"Shut up, nerd! How dare you contradict ma dear Jeffie!" snapped Tiffany. "Jeffie, you're staying with me in my room! I'm sure it's gonna be even better than this! Mr. What's-your-name, show me my room!" As Tiffany turned around, she was appalled to discover that Mr. Kim had already disappeared without taking leave, placing the key card to room 202 on a small table beside the door. 

"Well, it looks like he barely met you for half an hour and he hates you a lot already, Tiffany," joked Eliza. 

"Imma tell my dad about this!" wailed Tiffany.

Shaun was about to recount what he heard Mr. Kim saying about Tiffany in Korean at the reception, but thought better of it lest Tiffany would explode with fury and commit a crime.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024









「天哪!這老闆真可怕!」Claire 對 Eliza 小聲地說。

「是啊!簡直就是黑心企業嘛!我突然覺得我打工的地方的老闆跟他比起來,簡直跟天使一樣!」Eliza 回應道。

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-3

 "You must be Ms. Tiffany! Extremely honoured to meet you. I am Mr. Kim, the manager of the hotel," said the hotel manager in English with a strong Korean accent as he approached Tiffany and her friends. "You look as beautiful as your social media profile photo! No, actually you look even prettier!" 

"Aw, thanks," answered Tiffany. "As my dad probably mentioned to you already, my friends will be staying at this hotel for a few days whilst visiting Busan. Have you prepared a room for them?"

"Of course, miss," replied the manager. "I have prepared the best VVIP suite in the entire hotel for your lovely friends. It is located on the topmost floor, with a magnificent scenery overlooking this amazing city. You can view the......"

"What about my room?" interrupted Tiffany. 

"Your room, Ms. Tiffany, is also situated on the topmost floor," responded Mr. Kim. 

"Do Hyun-Woo, hurry up with the luggage, you slow-poke! Are you going to take all day to take the luggage upstairs?" shouted Mr. Kim sternly in Korean at the poor bell boy, who had just finished unloading their luggage from the hotel bus. 

"I'm so sorry, miss," said the manager to Tiffany. "He is the new boy here and he doesn't know how to do nothing! He needs me to shout at him before he's willing to move his lazy ass."

"OMG, what a mean manager," whispered Claire to Eliza, whilst rolling her eyes. 

"I know right! I suddenly feel like my manager at my part-time job back home seems like an angel compared to this douchebag," responded Eliza. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2024



「我們要怎麼前往旅館啊?」Eliza 在提領行李時隨口問道。


