Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish VI 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-6


After everyone has left the conference hall, the spies quickly took out their Contact Mirror, pressed a button on the touchscreen and in a blink of an eye, they've changed into their Spies Outfit!


The spies investigated everything that the Fairy Godmother has touched, even above and below the table, however, all were in vain as they couldn't discover anything suspicious at all.


Despite the strong emphasis of the Fairy Godmother of the water not containing any poisonss, the spies were reluctant to give up anything that could help them solve this mystery. Therefore, they took out their gadget: "Toxin Detector", which was the newest gadget recently developed by the headquarters. The "Toxin Detector" is able to not only detect any poisons and toxins, but could also analyse their contents.

Claire 先將【毒物偵測器】放入壺內的水中,發現水並無具毒,成份只是普通的水而已。

Claire firstly dipped the Toxin Detector into the jug of water, however, according to its analysis, it was only ordinary water.

Eliza 說:「有可能是神仙教母將水從壺內倒出時放了毒,說不定盆子裏的水是有毒的!」隨後便將【毒物偵測器】放入盆內的水裏。

Eliza said: "Perhaps the Fairy Godmother added the poison whilst pouring the water into the basin!" And she dipped the Toxin Detector into the water in the basin.


Nevertheless, the result was still the same- there was no poison in the water either!


The case suddenly became ever more bizarre, the spies sat down on the long settee and fell into a deep thought.

Claire 說:「看來,神仙教母並不是使用毒來殺害那個老紳士的。所以,一定另有它法!」

Claire concluded: "Looks like the Fairy Godmother did not kill the old gentleman by poisoning him.....there must be some other way!"

「可是,看老紳士的模樣,並不是因外傷而死亡的。除了下毒已外,還會有甚麼能讓他那麼快就死去呢?」Eliza 回答說。

"But, by the look of the old gentleman, it didn't seem like death from outer injury either. Other than poison, what could've caused such a rapid death?" Eliza replied.

「難道....神仙教母的魔力是真的?」Claire 驚恐得問。

"What if....the powers of the Fairy Godmother are all real?" Claire asked in a frightened tone.

Eliza 一邊站起來,一邊說:「我不相信!我一定要把這個案子查個水落石出!」

Eliza replied as she stood up from her seat: "I don't believe it! I have to discover the truth!"

Eliza 又拿著【毒物偵測器】東戳戳西戳戳,突然間,偵測器「畢畢畢」的大叫,原來是在盆子內部邊緣偵測到毒了!

After Eliza did some poking here and there using the Toxin Detector, an alarm suddenly came on, poison was detected on the inner brim of the basin!


According to the Toxin Detector, this was an odourless and colourless poison, when gained contact with a wound, it would flow into the person's body through their bloodstream, causing them a great inflammation-like pain and cause death. The boiling point of this poison is extremely low, it will start to evaporate rapidly at 32 degrees Celsius. 

Eliza 大叫:「我知道了!神仙教母是預先將此毒抹在盆子的邊緣,因為室內有放冷氣,所以溫度控制在攝氏32度以下。神仙教母再把普通的溫水倒入盆內,當老紳士將手放入水中後,水位便會上昇,觸碰到盆子的邊緣,將毒液帶入水中,導致身亡!」

Eliza exclaimed: "I got it! The Fairy Godmother smeared this poison on the inner brim of the basin and as the room was air-conditioned, it was kept under its boiling point of 32 degrees Celsius. The Fairy Godmother then poured warm water into the basin, when the old gentleman submerged his hands into the basin of water, the water level rose and washed the poison into the water, causing his death."

Claire 也不甘示弱,繼續說到:「起初神仙教母將自己的手放入盆中時,之所以沒有將毒液帶入水中是因為重量還不夠。可是,換到老紳士時,神仙教母假借以公平起見之名義,將自己的手和老紳士的一起放入盆內,此時,重量增加,水位也就跟著上昇,毒液就被帶入水中了!然後,神仙教母再趕緊將自己的手取出,以免碰到毒液!她就是這樣殺害老紳士的!」

Claire continued: "At first when the Fairy Godmother placed her hands into the basin of water, the reason why poison was not washed into the water was because the weight was not enough to make the water level rise to that degree. However, when it's was the old gentleman's turn to put his hand in, the Fairy Godmother pretended to be fair and placed her own hand into the basin with the old gentleman. At that moment, the weight was increased, which caused the water level to rise further and wash the poison on the inner brim into the basin. And then, the Fairy Godmother quickly withdrew her hands so she won't gain contact with it! That's how she murdered the old gentleman!"

「沒錯!而且剛開始我們將偵測器放入盆內的水中後並沒有真測到毒液的原因是因為當時所有流入水中的毒液早已蒸發掉了!只留下盆內邊緣未接觸到溫水的毒液沒有蒸發掉才可以被偵測出來!」Eliza 說。

"Precisely! And the reason why our detector did not detect any traces of poison at first when we dipped it into the water in the basin was because the poison have all evaporated! Only the poison left on the inner brim of the basin that did not gain contact with the water was able to be detected as it didn't evaporate!" Eliza explained.

「真是個心狠手辣的女人!可是,她究竟為何要如此毒害一個老人家呢?」Claire 不禁好奇得問。

"Such a cunning old woman! But, what did she want to kill an old person for?" Claire inquired inquisitively.

「這個就要等到我們抓到神仙教母後再問個明白囉!」Eliza 邊說邊離出口的方向走去,準備前往神仙教母的住所。

"We would have to wait until we've captured her to find out!" Eliza said as she walked towards the direction of the exit, preparing to head towards the Fairy Godmother's place.


Will the spies successfully capture the Fairy Godmother? And what is the Fairy Godmother's motive of killing the old gentleman?


~To be Continued~

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