Friday, 11 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor I 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-1

某天,Claire、Eliza 正在和最近從英國轉到她們學校的新轉學生~Jennifer Jennings 聊天。

One day, Claire and Eliza were chatting with the new student- Jennifer Jennings, who has recently came to their school to study from England.

Jennifer 邀請 Claire 和 Eliza 暑假到她家在英國北部新買的渡假別墅- 【諾威格莊園】去住幾晚。

Jennifer invited Claire and Eliza to spend some of their summer holidays with her and her family in their new holiday home- Norwinger Manor, which is situated in the countryside in the North of England.

Claire 和 Eliza 都感到非常的興奮,因為 Jennifer 說那個渡假莊園的歷史悠久,在 Claire 和 Eliza 看來,簡直就像她們最愛看的恐怖小說裏的場景一模一樣!

Claire and Eliza were both extremely excited, as according to Jennifer, Norwinger Manor has a very ancient history that dates back to the 18th Century, it seems to be exactly like the settings in their favourite genre of literature- Gothic stories!


They waited for a long time when the summer holidays finally arrived!!

Claire 和 Eliza 跟著 Jennifer 搭了好久的飛機,又換了好幾班火車,終於來到【諾威格莊園】了!

After travelling for a very long time in a plane, and changing many trains, eventually, they arrived at Norwinger Manor!!


Norwinger Manor fits exactly its description, it looked very ancient with the Gothic Style that dates back to the 18th Century.


After Jennifer rang the doorbell, a butler wearing a suit, with a small moustache to answer the door.


"Wow, not only the building is very ancient, the manner is also very old fashioned indeed!" Claire exclaimed.


"Yes, I am afraid that my family is indeed extremely old fashioned, please don't be offended!" Jennifer explained.

「不會啦,怎麼會呢!相反的,我們還覺得非常有趣呢!」Eliza 回應說。

"Oh no! We are not offended at all! On the contrary, we are very interested in the traditional British ettiquette!" Eliza replied.


After the butler opened the door for them, a maid led them through many corridors, hallways and turned many corners before they eventually arrived at the parlour.

Eliza 邊走邊想著:「哇!Jennifer她家的渡假山莊還真是大呀!簡直就像迷宮一樣,若是讓我一個人走,我一定會迷路的。」

Eliza thought to herself as she walked: "Wow! This house is enormous, just like a labyrinth. If I am left alone in this house, I will certainly get lost in no time!"

Jennifer 的媽媽和奶奶在會客室等著 Claire 和 Eliza,她們互相打完招呼後,Claire 和 Eliza 便發現Jennifer的媽媽和奶奶雖然非常保守,可是都是好人,待人都非常的親切。

Jennifer's mother and grandmother were waiting for them in the parlour. After exchanging greetings and salutations, Claire and Eliza discovered that although Jennifer's mother and grandmother are very old-fashioned, they have a benevolent disposition and very agreeable.


When they have finished, the maid led them upstairs to their room to put down their luggage and spend the night resting after such a long journey.


The furniture in their bedroom was also very old-fashioned which seemed to date back to the Victorian Era.


The maid said: "Miss Claire and Eliza, if you are in need of anything, please do not hesitate to just call me. I will leave you to rest for now."

Claire 和 Eliza 道謝後,梳洗一番便上床休息了。

After thanking the maid, they went to bed.


What other interesting things are waiting for them in the following day?


~To be Continued~

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