Saturday, 29 November 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost Bride-1 摩比嬌娃之鬼新娘-1

One Saturday morning, Claire and Eliza were chatting away merrily on the sofa in Claire's home when Claire suddenly received an E-mail.

一個星期六早晨,Claire 和 Eliza 正在 Claire 家的沙發上聊天時,Claire 突然收到了一封電子郵件。

"Hmmmm, looks like this is from my cousin Josephine." Claire concluded.

「看來是我表姐 Josephine 寄來的耶!」Claire 說。

Claire clicked into the E-mail and was very shocked to read the following:

Claire 點進去郵件後便開始讀:

『親愛的 Claire:你最近好嗎?一切都好嗎?請幫我和阿姨問好。你可能也聽到了,我和 Robert 很快就要結婚了。我們還沒有決定好婚禮的細節(地點、日期、等等);但是,我們決定先拍婚紗照,這也是為何我最近都這麼忙,忙到沒時間和妳連絡的原因。妳也知道我一直都很喜歡德國的中古世紀城堡,這次,我們非常幸運地租到了德國的 Konigschloßburg 城堡,好讓我們上星期的整個週末都可以拍婚紗。可是,非常不幸的是,當我們在我的筆電上檢視相片時,發現一些很奇怪的事。我不告訴你那些是什麼,就讓你自己看吧!我和 Robert 因為這件事情都感到非常沮喪,甚至我覺得這是個不祥的徵兆,試圖暗示我們要解除婚約;可是 Robert 一直不肯,所以才要我寫這封信請你幫我們的忙。請看一看下面的附件,然後幫我們調查這件事情!謝啦!!祝好,Josephine』

"What could be so overwhelming about wedding photos that is indicating a bad omen?" Claire thought out loud, "Surely, it must be Josephine overreacting again!"

「到底是什麼東西這麼驚人要到取消婚約呀?」Claire 喃喃自語,「不會又是表姐在大驚小怪了吧!?」

Claire clicked into the attachments and was unable to spot anything strange with them. 

Claire 點入附件後,什麼異樣也沒發現。

"All I can see is that it is very special, the bride and the groom are all dressed in old-fashioned clothing!" Eliza exclaimed. 

「我只覺得這些婚紗照超特別的!新娘、新郎居然都穿古裝!」Eliza 驚嘆道。

"Oh! This is because both my cousin and her husband are actors and actress, not those superstars, but those ones that'll never be the main character, if you see what I mean!" Claire explained whilst chuckling. "And I guess this is the only time that she'll be 'the main character', so she is taking her chance! Hahaha!"

「噢!這是因為我表姐跟她先生都是演員啦!但不是那種超級大明星,而是那種永遠也不會演主角的那種!」Claire 一邊笑著一邊解釋道。「我想這應該是他們唯一可以當主角的一次,所以要好好把握機會吧!哈哈哈!」

"Wait a minute!" Eliza suddenly shouted, "What's that over there, peeping in from one of the windows!"

「等等!」Eliza 突然大叫道。「這是什麼從窗外看進去呀?」

Only then, did Claire look carefully and, to her horror, discovered a white face looking in from the window from behind the bride and groom!

這時,Claire 赫然發現,在那張相片裏有著一位白臉女子從窗外往內看,正好看著新娘、新郎!

They quickly viewed the next photo in the attachments and discovered the same white-faced figure in it as well!


Just then, Eliza received a video call, from her boss- Tom.

這時,Eliza 的手機響了,他們的老闆~湯姆正在打視訊電話給他。

In fact, Claire and Eliza aren't just any ordinary high school girls, they work as spies for the P.M. Spies Organisation!


Tom said: "Good morning ladies! The headquarter has just received a report that a Ghost Bride seemed to be haunting Konigschloßburg Castle in Germany, the headquarter suspects that it might be terrorists plotting something dangerous. Your mission this time is to investigate further and find out the truth behind this Ghost Bride. Please contact the headquarters in case of any news! Good luck!"

湯姆說:「嬌娃們早安啊!總部剛剛收到通報:位在德國的 Konigschloßburg 城堡疑似有『鬼新娘』出沒。根據總部推斷,很有可能是恐怖份子不知又在計劃著什麼危險事情了。妳們這次的任務是揭開這個『鬼新娘』的真面目。若有任何新消息請儘快和總部報告!祝好運!」

Claire and Eliza fell into a deep thought after the talk, as the Castle that Tom mentioned was exactly the Castle that Claire's cousin took her pre-wedding photos. Could the white-faced woman that appeared in their photos be The Ghost Bride herself?

Claire 和 Eliza 講完電話後陷入了沈思,湯姆所說的城堡就是 Claire 的表姐去拍婚紗的地點。難道,在照片裏出現的白臉女子就是傳說中的鬼新娘本尊嗎?

~To be Continued~


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