Saturday, 6 December 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost Bride-6 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之鬼新娘-6 (完結篇)

After changing into their outfits, they hurried to Konigschloßburg Castle. 

他們換裝完畢後便趕到了 Konigschloßburg 城堡。

On arriving at the doorway of the Castle, they discovered a bunch of people dressed in Medieval-style clothing.


"Looks like Tom has hired some actors and actresses for the show!" Claire said. 

「湯姆還想得真周到,看來他還找了臨時演員呀!」Claire 說。

"Indeed!" said a familiar voice behind them.


"Tom!" Eliza exclaimed as she turned around to see their boss- Tom, smiling at them, "You've came to help us!!"

「湯姆!」當 Eliza 轉身看到她的老闆~湯姆後,驚訝得大叫道:「你來幫我們了!」

Then, the spies quickly summarised the details of the act to the actors and actresses and they entered the castle, all set for the show.


As Eliza walked into the castle on the red carpet with her arm in Aaron's arm, she could hear her heart thumping like a stampede of buffaloes. On one hand, she was afraid that something would go wrong, as although she has been to numerous weddings before, she has never been the bride. Also, on the other hand, she was extremely anxious. What if the ghost bride didn't turn up? Then what will they do?

當 Eliza 從城堡的大門走進去,踏在紅地毯上時,她的心撲通撲通地跳得好厲害。一方面,她害怕會出甚麼差錯,因為雖然她去過數十個婚禮,但是她從來没演過新娘。另一方面,她也非常擔心。如果鬼新娘没有出現怎麼辦?那她們的計畫不就泡湯了嗎?

Tom, acting as the priest, said solemnly. 


"Raynard Baumgartner, do you take this woman, Alfonsa Bottcher, to be thy wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death thee do part, according to God's holy ordinance?"

「Raynard Baumgartner,你願意在這個女人~Alfonsa Bottcher成為你的妻子後,一生中每一天都對她忠實。是好是壞,是疾病是健康,都要愛護她,尊中她,不離不棄;直到死亡將你們分開為止嗎?」

Aaron nodded his head whilst replying, "Yes, I do!"

Aaron 點了點頭,並回答道:「我願意!」

"And, Alfonsa Bottcher, do you take this man, Raynard Baumgartner, to be thy wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death thee do part, according to God's holy ordinance?" Tom continued.

「還有,Alfonsa Bottcher,你願意在這個男人~Raynard Baumgartner 成為你的丈夫後,一生中每一天都對他忠實。是好是壞,是疾病是健康,都要愛他,尊中他,不離不棄;直到死亡將你們分開為止嗎?」

Just when Eliza was about to open her mouth to reply, a high-pitched voice from the audience screamed. 

正當 Eliza 要開口回答時,一個尖銳的聲音從觀眾傳出來。

"NOOOO! She does not!!" 


Everyone turned around to see a woman with a pale face dressed in a yellowing bride's dress standing in a corner, hidden by the shadows of the castle.


The ghost bride has appeared!!


Seizing their opportunity, Claire and Eliza quickly took out their phones and changed into their spy outfit.

Claire 和 Eliza 抓緊時間、拿出手機,趕緊變裝。

The dashed towards the Ghost Bride and seized her by the arms.


The Ghost Bride struggled and kicked but was unable to escape from Claire and Eliza's firm grasp.


"NOOOO!" the Ghost Bride screamed and sobbed at the same time, "Why can others obtain happiness whilst I cannot! Is it because of my name? Am I cursed the moment I was born? NOOOO! It's not fair! If I cannot get happiness, no one else should.....Nooooo...."


Eventually, the Ghost Bride gave up struggling and collapsed onto the ground.


Actually, this woman, named Alfonsa Bottcher, had exactly the same name as the main character in the local legend of the Ghost Bride, whom, according to the tale, was abandoned by her groom in her wedding in Konigschloßburg Castle, where she committed suicide right afterwards. There were even rumours that her ghost still haunted this castle.

原來這個女人的名字是 Alfonsa Bottcher,和一當地的一個傳說的女主角同名同姓。在傳說裏,女主角在 Konigschloßburg 城堡舉行婚禮時,被新郎拋棄後,便當場自殺。傳說她的鬼魂還在城堡裏游動,陰魂不散。

This modern-day Alfonsa Bottcher had exactly the same fate as that in the tale, and it also happened in this castle. After the tragedy, Alfonsa decided to dress as the Ghost Bride in order to take revenge on any happy couple, which was what Claire's cousin- Josephine and her fiance encountered whilst they were taking their pre-wedding photos, as she could not stand others being whilst she was suffering from the memories of her past.

這個現代的 Alfonsa Bottcher 也和故事中女主角遭受了同樣慘痛的遭遇,也是在這個城堡裏發生的。事情發生後,Alfonsa 決定裝扮成鬼新娘好報復所有恩愛的夫妻,因為她自己無法得到幸福,因此她不能接受別人得到它。這個鬼新娘也就是 Claire 的表姐~Josephine 和她的未婚夫拍婚紗時遇到的。

After Alfonsa was captured by the police, Claire asked her: "Why did you lock us in the room in the tower when we first came here to investigate? Don't you know that it is very dangerous?"

Alfonsa 被警察逮捕後,Claire 便質問她:「那天我們來城堡勘察時,妳為什麼要把我們鎖在塔裡的房間裏?你不知道這樣很危險嗎?」

"What nonsense are you talking about?" the bewildered Alfonsa responded, "I haven't even seen the two of you before. My only aim is to destroy the happiness of couples, it has nothing to do with you!" After Alfonsa finished, she entered the police car with tears swelling up in her eyes.

「你在說什麼呀?」Alfonsa 回答道。「我之前根本就看過你們兩個好不好?我的目標是摧毀夫妻的幸福,跟你們一點兒關係也沒有!」Alfonsa 說完後,她便淚流滿面地坐上了警車。

If what Alfonsa said was true, then who did the spies encounter when they first came to the castle to investigate?

如果 Alfonsa 所說的是真的,那麼那天嬌娃們來城堡看到的又是誰呢?

~The End~


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