Sunday, 18 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-11 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-11 (完結篇)

After discovering the door to exit the room was locked from the outside, the future spies started to panic. Just then, the new spies of the P.M. Organisation came forward and said, "Don't worry! Leave this to us!" Then, they moved backwards and charged at the door together.


Eventually, the door opened and the spies led everyone out of the room, just in time before it exploded.


After escaping from the room just in time before it exploded, the future spies contacted the police immediately and the two villains- Golding and McKeeper were soon arrested. 

逃離地下室後,未來的嬌娃們趕緊通報警方,警察也順利的逮捕了兩個壞人~Golding 和 McKeeper。

The future spies were extremely glad that the villains were arrested and their mission is accomplished. 


The present spies, who have returned to 2015 after their future selves have met and fell through the floor in the changing room, monitored the entire mission through their computer screen in case their future selves would need any help, were also delighted that the mission ended perfectly. 

現在的嬌娃們在未來的他們相遇、並掉進更衣室裏的洞後,便回到了2015年,在電腦螢幕前全程監視整個任務的過程,以便在需要時及時趕到幫助未來的自己。現在的 Claire 和 Eliza 也很高興這次的任務順利完成了!

"Although I utterly detest that Kimberley Golding who is such a bad villain, I kind of feel sorry for her," Eliza said to Claire whilst they were walking on the streets the following day.

「雖然我很討厭那個大壞蛋~Kimberley Golding,但是,我也覺得她其實還蠻可憐的!」Eliza 對 Claire 說。

"Yeah, me too!" Claire responded, "The reason why she is such an extremist is all due to her childhood hatred and how she was bullied."

「對呀!」Claire 回答說。「她之所以會如此偏激,都是因為她小時候的陰影所累積下來的怨念。」

Suddenly, a little girl about the age of 8 with orange hair dashed towards them and fell on the ground in front of them. 


Eliza, who has perceived the little girl to be crying, bent down and kindly inquired after the cause. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Why are you crying? What's your name?"

Eliza 看見小女孩在哭,所以趕緊彎下腰來詢問:「妳還好嗎?有沒有受傷?妳為什麼在哭呢?妳叫什麼名字?」

After sitting down on a bench with the little girl, who has by now calmed down a little, the little girl replied. "Thank you for asking, I am okay, I am not hurt at all......" the little girl sobbed loudly, "My name is Kim Golding.....sob...sob......I am crying because everyone is bullying me! They say I look really ugly......they call me Ugly Duckling and they laugh at me for the freckles on my face. Why do everyone call me ugly? Is it my fault for being who I am?"

她們三個人坐在板凳上,等到小女孩比較冷靜了後,小女孩回答道:「謝謝妳們的關心,我沒有受傷.....」小女孩啜泣道。「我的名字是Kim Golding.....嗚.....嗚....我會哭是因為大家都欺負我!他們都說我長得很醜,叫我『醜小鴨』,還笑我臉上的雀斑。為什麼大家都說我很醜?難道,我長這樣也是我的錯嗎?」

After hearing the name, Claire and Eliza exchanged a glance and they immediately understood what each other were thinking.

聽到小女孩的名字後,Claire 和 Eliza 互看了一眼就知道對方在想些什麼了。

"Who said you're ugly? To us, you look really cute!" Claire soothed little Kim, "And besides, no one has the right to judge you, it is not important at all what the others think of you. It is more important of what you think of yourself. As long as you're kind and have a benevolent heart, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, instead, it's the inside that counts!"

「誰說妳醜?我覺得你很可愛啊!」Claire 安慰小女孩說。「再說,沒有人有權利批評妳的外表,別人怎麼想並不重要,最重要的是你自己怎麼看!你只要有一顆善良的心,不管你外表長什麼樣子,你的內心才是最重要的!」

"Also, in the story of the Ugly Duckling, eventually, it became a beautiful swan when it grew up!" Eliza added, "So, don't be angry at what others call you, it is only their perspective, as long as you don't hurt anyone, who has the right to judge you?"

「還有,在『醜小鴨』的故事裏,最後,醜小鴨變成了美麗的天鵝!」Eliza 說。「所以,不要因為人家這麼叫你而感到生氣,那只是他們的看法,只要你不要傷害別人,他們怎麼可以批評你呢?」

After hearing Claire and Eliza's words, little Kim was very thoughtful for a long time. 

Kim 聽完了 Claire 和 Eliza 的話後,沈思了許久。

Little did Claire and Eliza know, their words were able to change the views of little Golding, and were able to stop her from being the villain their future selves have encountered. From just a few kind words, Claire and Eliza were able to change the future and make the world a better place by eliminating on villain from our world. 

 Claire 和 Eliza 所不知道的是,她們的話改變了Golding的想法,讓她以後不會變成未來的嬌娃們所遇到的那個大壞蛋。只是幾句簡單的好話,Claire 和 Eliza 就改變了未來,讓世界減少了一個壞人,多了一個好人,讓我們所居住的世界變成了一個更美好的地方。

~The End~


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