Saturday, 10 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-4 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-4

The future Eliza and Tiffany walked into the boutique together, chatting about past memories. 

未來的 Eliza 和 Tiffany 一起走進服飾店,開心的聊著往事。

Suddenly, the future Eliza spotted a pretty dress on display, just when she was about to remove it from the display, so she could try it on, a dark-haired woman came from the other side, who also wanted to try it on. 

突然,未來的 Eliza 看見展示的假人模特兒身上有一件很美的洋裝,正要將它取下來試穿時,有一位迎面而來的黑髮女子也要試穿這件洋裝。

They grabbed hold of the dress together, neither was willing to let go.


"Excuse me, madam! I took the dress down first!" the future Eliza said, unwilling to give in.

「不好意思噢,這位太太!是我先把衣服拿下來的!」未來的 Eliza 說。

"But, I saw the dress first!" the dark-haired woman replied obstinately, "I was just walking towards it when you suddenly appeared!" 


Then, they started playing tug-of-war with the dress in the middle of the boutique and shouting insults at each other. Tiffany, and the friend of the dark-haired woman didn't know what to do, as they were unable to stop this war over a dress.

然後,他們倆便開始用衣服拔河,誰也不願意讓誰。Tiffany 和黑髮女子的朋友不知所措的在一旁觀看這個『洋裝大戰』。

Suddenly, the future Eliza and the dark-haired woman screamed together, threw the dress aside and hugged each other. As they have both recognised each other to be their old friend, in fact, the dark-haired woman was the future Claire!!

突然間,未來的 Eliza 和黑髮女子大聲尖叫,把洋裝丟在一邊,然後給對方一個大大的擁抱。原來,他們發現對方是他們的老朋友~其實,黑髮女子就是未來的 Claire!!

"OMG, Eliza! I didn't think of meeting you here, and especially not in this kind of situation where we fight over a dress!" the future Claire exclaimed.

「我的天呀!真没想到竟會在這兒遇到妳耶!而且還是在這種搶洋裝的場面!」未來的 Claire 說。

"Hahaha, I know right! I should've known it was you!" the future Eliza replied, "Anyways, the fight's over now, we could try on the dress together, just like old times!" 

「哈哈哈,對呀!就是說嘛!我應該早點兒認出你的!」未來的 Eliza 回答道。「不過,吵架已經結束啦!我們現在一起去更衣室試穿吧,就像以前一樣!」

"Totally! Looks like we still like the same style of dress, like we used to!" the future Claire responded as they walked towards the changing room and left their friends behind, gagging. 

「好啊!看來,這麼多年後,我們的眼光還是跟以前一樣啊!」未來的 Claire 一邊走向更衣室,一邊說道。

"And you still have the same hairstyle! LOL!" the future Eliza chuckled.

「而且你的髮型也和以前一模一樣!哈哈!」未來的 Eliza 笑著說。

Now that they've found the future Claire, how will the spies tell them about their mission without being able to communicate with their future selves?

現在他們找到了未來的 Claire,嬌娃們究竟要如何才能在不和未來的自己接觸的情況下,告知他們的任務呢?

~To be Continued~


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