Monday, 12 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-6 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-6

Just when Claire and Eliza were starting to figure out that something was horribly wrong with these young girls, suddenly, they heard a high-pitched laugh: "Hahahaha! Work, girls, work! Make me those pretty dresses, but you can't wear any of 'em! Hahahaha!"

正當 Claire 和 Eliza 開始察覺到似乎有哪裡不對勁兒時,突然,他們聽到了一個尖銳的笑聲:「哈哈哈哈!工作吧,女孩們!幫我製作這些美麗的洋裝,但是你們一件也不能穿!哈哈哈哈!」

They looked in the direction of the voice and perceived a woman in her mid-twenties wearing a colourful dress, a mini skirt, a pink hat with fake flowers on top and pink high heels.


Then, the woman saw Claire and Eliza. "Welcome to my kingdom of dresses! What are you staring at? Get yourselves behind a bench and get to work!" she demanded in a sharp tone.

這時,那個女人看見 Claire 和 Eliza 了,她用尖銳的聲音說:「歡迎來到我的洋裝王國!妳們還愣在那兒幹嘛?還不趕緊站到桌子後面開始工作!」

"People here must have all gone insane!" Eliza muttered under her breath before she said out loud, "Excuse me, miss, we don't understand what you're talking about! But, could you tell us where this place is? Or, if it's too difficult for you, at least just tell us how to get back to the clothing boutique?"

「這裡的人都瘋了!」Eliza 喃喃自語的說,然後便問道:「不好意思喔,我們聽不懂你在說些什麼耶!可否請你告訴我們這裡是哪裡呀?還是,如果這對你來說太困難了的話,那就告訴我們怎麼出去吧!這個你總會了吧!?」

"Hahahaha!" the weirdly dressed woman laughed her penetrating laugh again, "Get out of here? No way! You've just been selected to be my clothes-making slaves, just like these girls over here, so you'll stay here forever and make those pretty dresses you saw upstairs in the boutique for your entire lives! Until you get as old as the hills! Hahahaha!"


Bewildered, Claire and Eliza stared at the mad woman and were completely speechless. 

疑惑的 Claire 和 Eliza 凝視著那個瘋女人,不知到底要說什麼才好。

"But usually, my boyfriend chooses young and pretty girls to be my slaves, not inquisitive, old and ugly women like you two," the woman continued, "Oh! And here he comes! Brian, why on earth did you choose those old women? Didn't I specifically emphasise that I want young, pretty girls?"


Claire and Eliza turned their heads to perceive Mr. McKeeper, whom they just met in the boutique upstairs, appearing by the doorway. In fact, the cute, handsome, and seemingly polite Mr. McKeeper was actually apart of this case of missing young girls!

Claire 和 Eliza 轉過身來,赫然發現他們不久前在服裝店遇到的新老闆~McKeeper先生正從他們身後的門走進來。原來,長得帥又看似彬彬有禮的服飾店新老闆竟是這次少女失蹤案的共犯!

"Well, I guess they are a bit old," Mr. McKeeper replied, "And very picky too, insisting on changing together. But, they sure aren't that ugly, considering the fact that there weren't many pretty girls that came to the boutique today, at least not as pretty as you, Kimberley!"

「他們是老了點兒啦!」McKeeper先生回答說。「而且還很龜毛呢~堅持一定要一起換衣服。但是,說醜嘛~他們可是目前全店最美的了!今天來的客人都不是些美女嘛!至少,都沒像你這麼漂亮的,Kimberley !」

How will the future spies escape the evil plans of this insane woman?


~To be Continued~


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