Monday, 20 April 2015

Playmobil Spies: the Non-Existing Girl-4 摩比嬌娃之不存在的少女-4

Claire and Eliza soon arrived at the headquarters with Eliza's granny. 

Claire 和 Eliza 很快地和 Eliza 的阿嬤一起來到了總部。 

Just when Eliza was about to introduce their boss- Tom, to her granny, Tom spoke after extending his hand, which Eliza's granny shook, "Good morning Ms Elliot, oh, excuse me, I should say Mrs Dashwood, it has been such a long time since I've had the pleasure of enjoying your acquaintance."

正當 Eliza 準備介紹她們的老闆~湯姆給阿嬤認識時,湯姆把手伸出來和阿嬤握手後,開口説話了:「早安呀,艾莉特小姐,噢,不好意思,我應該説~達木太太,好久不見!」

"You look quite different from the last time I have seen you," Eliza's granny replied, "You have certainly grown!"

「你跟以前不一樣了耶!」Eliza 的阿嬤回答道:「長大了許多!」

"Indeed, time always leaves its marks on people." Tom responded, letting out a short sigh, "Mrs Dashwood, on the other hand, you did not seem to have let time make any of its ruthless marks on you! You are still as lively as before!"


"And you are quite as sweet as of yore!" Grandma smiled. 


Both Claire and Eliza were speechless, Claire recovered from her shock first and inquired, "Tom, do you know Eliza's grandma?"

Claire 和 Eliza 都驚訝地啞口無言,Claire 趕緊問道:「湯姆,你認識 Eliza 的阿嬤呀?」

"Yes, indeed I do!" Tom replied, "In fact, I have known Mrs Dashwood, who was Ms Elliot then, since my infancy, when she was still a spy in the P.M.S.S.O., and when my mother, bless her soul in heaven, was in my current position, as the manager of the agents."


After Eliza's grandma expressed some words of regret to hearing the tragic news, Tom, in order to conceal his tear-filled eyes, quickly said, "Right, Claire and Eliza, now, you'll have to download this application, which is developed by the headquarter's Research and Development Department, that will enable you to return to the 1960s without the need of a time machine."

當 Eliza 的阿嬤回答説:「聽到這個消息感到非常遺憾後」,爲了掩飾在眼睛裏不停打轉的淚水的湯姆趕緊説:「好了!Claire 和 Eliza,你們現在要在手機下載這個總部R&D部門最新開發的時空穿越軟體,這樣才能不用時光機就能回到60年代。」

"Phew! So no more of those weird-looking time-machines that look like aeroplanes and make such a loud racket, which we used to return to the Cretaceous Period?" Claire inquired excitedly.

「意思就是説,我們不用再坐我們當時回到白堊紀時期時,乘坐的那個長得像飛機,又會發出噪音的時光機嘍?」Claire 興奮地問道。

"Absolutely not!" Tom replied, "However, as this technology is still very new and under development, we cannot be a hundred percent sure that it wouldn't go wrong some time, therefore, be very very careful!" 


Then, Eliza selected the time, date and year that they wished to travel to, and pressed the button, the three of them held hands and closed their eyes, feeling the world swirling rapidly around them.

Eliza 選取了要回到的年、月、日以及時間後,便按下了按鈕。然後,她們三個人都閉上了眼睛,感覺到世界在她們的周遭快速地旋轉。

After they felt the swirling to have ceased completely, they gradually opened their eyes and found themselves to be exactly where they were before they attempted the time travel- in the office of the headquarters. The only difference was that Tom was no longer beside them.


Oh no! Has the time-travelling app gone wrong in its first trial?


~To be Continued~


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