Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-2 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-2

That afternoon, Claire and Eliza immediately boarded the next flight to the Marco Polo Airport in Venice, Italy from London; as for Shaun and his friend- Jeffrey, they flew from Edinburgh, where the two boys were having a holiday. 

那天下午,Claire 和 Eliza 立馬從倫敦搭了下一班前往威尼斯馬可波羅機場的班機。孝恩和他的朋友傑佛瑞則是從愛丁堡飛去的。

On arrival at the destination, Claire and Eliza both exclaimed in appraisal, "This is like a dream!" the former marveled. 

到達了目的地,Claire 不禁贊嘆道:「真像是置身夢境一般!」

"Look at all the water surrounding us, fancy we're in the city in the setting of the famous classic: 'The Phantom of the Opera'!" Eliza replied. 

「你看那些環繞著我們的水。你能想像我們就在古典文學小說:『歌劇魅影』所寫的城市裏嗎?」Eliza 答道。

That evening, Claire and Eliza, dressed in their newest gowns, arrived at the appointed place where Shaun and Jeffrey would be waiting for them. 

晚上,Claire 和 Eliza 便穿著新買的晚禮服前往和孝恩和傑佛瑞約好了的地點。

As they approached the place, Eliza couldn't help but to exclaim, "OMG! Your brother's actually pretty cute! And look at that cutie next to him!"

他們走進後,Eliza 不禁說:「噢買尬!你哥長得還挺帥的嘛!還有,妳瞧站在他身旁的帥哥!」

And we can be sure the guys were also having quite a similar conversation, too, "Your sister's quite pretty!" Jeffrey said and let out a whistle, "And who's that hottie besides her?"


As the group met under the lamppost, they exchanged salutations.


"Shaun, this is my friend, Eliza!" Claire introduced, "And, Eliza, this is my brother Shaun!"

「哥,這是我朋友 Eliza!」Claire 介紹道。「Eliza,這是我哥!」

"Oh, um, Jeff, this is my sister Claire," Shaun said, "And Claire, um, this is Jeffrey!"


Suddenly, Eliza and Jeffrey stared at each other in astonishment, and exclaimed each other's name in one voice. "It's you!"

突然,Eliza 和傑佛瑞驚訝得看著對方,便異口同聲地大叫對方的名字。「是你!」

After Shaun and Claire's inquiry, Eliza explained, "Yes, we do know each other. Jeffrey is my cousin, he's from my mother's side! But it has been such a long time since we met each other, I couldn't quite recognise him at first."

在孝恩和 Claire 的詢問下,Eliza 才解釋道:「是呀,我們認識,傑佛瑞是我的表哥。只是,距離上次我們見面有好一段時間了,我一時無法認出他來。」

"Yeah! I was eight years old when we last met!" Jeffrey said, shyly.


"You've not changed a lot, Jeffrey!" Eliza pointed out, "Except that now you're now half a head taller than me, and no longer so naughty-looking!"

「你沒多大改變呀!」Eliza 說。「除了你現在比我高半顆頭,還有也沒像小時候一樣長得那麼頑皮了以外!」

They all laughed as Jeffrey scratched his head in embarrassment.


After the salutations were over, they headed towards the dock were they were going to board a gondola in order to travel to the restaurant, which was situated on a small island off the coast of mainland Venice.


They perceived that there was already a long waiting line at the entrance, where there was a fat, middle-aged man checking the invitation cards of the guests.


When it was their turn, just when Claire and Eliza held out their invitation cards, suddenly, they perceived that the middle-aged man was, in fact, their boss- Tom!

輪到他們時,Claire 和 Eliza 掏出邀請函時才赫然發現,原來那個中年男子就是他們的老闆~湯姆!

"Tom!" Claire and Eliza exclaimed in astonishment.

「湯姆!」Claire 和 Eliza 驚叫道。

"Shhhhhh! Don't be so loud!" Tom whispered, "I am here to check that everything is alright and that there is no one fishy entering. Go on in, you two, there's still a long line behind you." Then he paused as he perceived Shaun and Jeffrey staring at him, and another exchange of salutations followed.


~To be Continued~


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