Thursday, 13 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-4 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-4

As they entered the room, the spies and detectives began to make their salutations. 


They first perceived a lady dressed all in green, who was standing closest to the door, wearing a Parisian hat, and saluted to Jeffrey first.


"Bonsoir monsieur," said the woman in green, who was, in fact, French, "Very nice to meet yooo, as yooo can see, eh, I am, eh, from France, and eh, my Anglais ees not very good. Please pardon mon Anglais."

"Bonsoir monsieur," 的確是法國人的綠衣女說。「很搞星忍濕泥!妮克能也聽得除賴,我詩發過人。我嘚中文不失很好。」

"Bonsoir mademoiselle, enchantez!" Jeffrey replied in fluent French, "Ce n'est pas grave du tout, je parle un petit peu de français, aussi. Comment vous-appellez vous?"

"Bonsoir mademoiselle, enchantez!" 傑佛瑞用流利的法語回答道。"Ce n'est pas grave du tout, je parle un petit peu de français, aussi. Comment vous-appellez vous?"

"O! Je m'appelle Laverte, enchantez! Vous êtes très douce!" the French Lady in Green replied.

"O! Je m'appelle Laverte, enchantez! Vous êtes très douce!" 法國女子說。

"Je m'appelle Jeffrey, merci bisous pour votre compliment!"

Then, Saunders' star broker, whose name was Ms Smith and who did not understand a single thing from their conversation, suddenly appeared, as if feeling that it was her duty to introduce everyone to each other, began to introduce Miss Laverte to Jeffrey. "This is Ms Laverte, she is a French actress, also a very intimate friend of Ms Saunders."


Then, Ms Smith started introducing to them another lady, so the group was obliged to move from one corner of the room to another.


"And this, is Ms Park, a Korean actress from Gangnam, another close friend of Ms Saunders'," Ms Smith introduced in her unconfident manner.


"안녕하세요, 어떻게 당신은? 내 이름은 Shaun 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다! " This time, it was Shaun, who was fluent in Korean, that came forward to say hello to the Korean actress.

"안녕하세요, 어떻게 당신은? 내 이름은 孝恩 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다! " 這次換懂得流利韓語的孝恩出場打招呼。

"안녕하세요! 당신은 한국어를 구사하는 방법을 알고? 만나서 반갑습니다!" Ms Park was extremely surprised that Shaun was able to speak Korean. "

"안녕하세요! 당신은 한국어를 구사하는 방법을 알고? 만나서 반갑습니다!" 朴小姐非常驚訝孝恩竟會說韓語。

Then, Ms Smith swiftly moved to another corner, and began introducing a man with blond hair, wearing a purple suit as an Italian singer, "This is Signore Aita."


"Buona sera, Signore Aita, piacere di conoscerti. Il mio nome è Eliza." Eliza, who knew a bit of Italian, came forward to greet the Italian singer.

"Buona sera, Signore Aita, piacere di conoscerti. Il mio nome è Eliza."  會一點兒義大利文的Eliza出面打招呼。

"Piacere di conoscerti, Eliza!" The singer replied in such a romantic tone that it nearly melted Eliza's heart.

"Piacere di conoscerti, Eliza!" 歌手用著多麼浪慢的語調回覆 Eliza,讓她的心都融化了。

Then, they were introduced to everyone else, which took some time.


Lastly, they were introduced to the lady whom they heard to be shouting abuses at Ms Smith when they came in. "This is Ms Nagel, she is from the Netherlands, a VERY VERY close friend of Ms Saunders'." Ms Smith introduced the Dutch lady in black in such a sarcastic tone that startled the four young people.


The lady in speaking, who was sitting on the Victorian coach the whole time, did not even bother to stand up, and just nodded to them in acknowledgement in such a haughty manner that enraged Claire.

這段時間一直坐在復古長沙發上的黑衣女子根本懶得站起來,只是很傲慢地向他們點了點頭,讓 Claire 為之氣結。

~To be Continued~


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