Sunday, 16 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-7 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-7

After hearing about the abrupt disappearance of the actress, the group, who had long been ready for this moment, rushed out of the room and started looking frantically everywhere for any traces of the missing victim. 


As they got onto the stone bridge Shaun suddenly pointed above and shouted, "Look! It's the phantom!"


As the rest of the group raised their eyes, they did, indeed, see that behind a window one storey above them stood the pale figure of the phantom. With that ghastly smile hanging on her snow-white face, she waved at the spies and detectives before disappearing into thin air right in front of their eyes. 


"Quickly, follow her!" Jeffrey yelled as they dashed from the bridge into the other part of the building and up a long flight of stairs.


"This way!" Shaun directed them towards the room where they worked out that the phantom had been in when they perceived her. 


As they opened the door, they were shocked to discover that there was nothing strange about the room, it was just a normal box where the guests could talk in private without anyone interrupting them. There was a wooden table placed right next to the window which the phantom had been standing next to some minutes ago. 


"I told you that was a real phantom!" Jeffrey exclaimed, "If she was human, she couldn't have stood there with that table over there."


"Hello? Doesn't she have hands? She could move the table and then move it back!!" the quick-minded Eliza responded on the long debated subject about whether this restaurant was really haunted.

「拜託~她難道沒有手,不會移動桌子嗎?」機靈的 Eliza 馬上給傑佛瑞吐槽。

"Guys, quit arguing and look at this ladder," Claire spoke as she pointed towards a ladder that seemed to be leading upstairs.

「大夥兒別吵了,趕緊來瞧瞧兒這個梯子。」Claire 一邊指著靠在牆上的木梯子一邊說。

"I wonder where it leads to?" Eliza inquired.

「這究竟是通往哪兒的呢?」Eliza 問道。

"Well, this seems strange, as there are already a flight of stairs in the corridor that leads upstairs. What do they put a ladder here for?" Jeffrey thought out loud.


"This must signify that there is a little room that is in the main building, but could not be accessed to using the main stairs," Shaun reasoned, "And could only be reached from this room."


"All the more reasons that we should go and investigate!" Claire concluded.

「更加說明我們應該去一探究竟兒!」Claire 答道。

After ascending the long ladder, they found themselves to be situated in the attic of the main building, which was very different to what they anticipated that would be in a restaurant. As they discovered that the small room was furnished like a dressing room, with a dresser, a mirror, a pink screen and a plastic model with a wig.


"Hmmmm, this is interesting.... What is a dressing room doing in a restaurant? What, do the customers have to dress before they can eat?" Eliza said jokingly.

「這就有趣了!在餐廳裏設置梳妝室做啥呀?難不成客人要先化妝才能吃飯?」Eliza 開玩笑道。

"I've done some research which indicates that this place used to be an opera house some hundreds of years ago," Jeffrey replied, "So this could be the former dressing room of the singers, which hadn't been used all this time."


"Well, this sure doesn't look like it has been deserted some hundreds of years!" Shaun responded after wiping his finger on the dresser and proving that it was, in fact, quite clean and free of dust.


"And look at the cosmetics bottle," Claire reasoned as she picked one up from the dresser, "This is the latest anti-ageing formula of the newest product belonging to the famous brand "Channel". If my knowledge of cosmetics hasn't failed me, this is just released this February!"

「還有這個化妝品罐子。」Claire 邊拿起放在梳妝台上的化妝品邊說。「這是知名化妝品品牌『香乃爾』所推出的最新抗老化配方。據我對化妝品的瞭解,這是今年二月才推出的新產品。

"I can smell something fishy going on here!" Eliza joined in.

「看來,這裡非常的可疑!」Eliza 說。

~To be Continued~


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