Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Playmobil Spies: Meteor Garden-7 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之流星花園-7(大結局)

After the gigantic robot (Andrews' boyfriend) has tied Claire up, Andrews said, "Sit here and keep an eye on this naughty girl! I have to change the navigation path before we can get out of here, as the meteor showers seemed to have changed direction due to the powerful gravitational field of the Sun."

巨大的機器人(也就是安德魯的男朋友)將 Claire 綁起來後,安德魯說:「乖乖坐在這兒把這個臭丫頭給我看好!我得先去改變航道後我們才能離開這裡。流星雨的動向好像因為太陽強大的地心引力有些為改變航道。

"Yes ma'am!" The robot replied as he sat on the side next to Claire.

「是的,大小姐!」機器人答覆完後便坐在 Claire 旁邊監督她。

After Andrews left, Claire's mind began racing rapidly as she kept stealing glances at the resting robot beside her, suddenly, she noticed an eye-ball shaped object in the middle of its body, which is in the position of where the heart would be if the robot was a living person.

安德魯離開後,Claire 便開始想對策了,他偷瞄著機器人時赫然發現其身體中心有著一個眼球造型的圓球,也就是真人的心臟所在的位置。

"Aha! That must be the weakness of that robot!" Claire thought to herself, "But, how am I gonna get him here so I can attack his weakness?"

「那一定就是機器人的致命傷!」Claire 心想。「但是,我要怎麼把它引誘過來好攻擊他的弱點呢?」

After a few seconds of thought, Claire whispered with a silky tone, whilst pulling her skirt up a little bit, "Hey, tough guy, can you come over here a sec? My thigh is itchy, could you please come over and scratch it for me, I can't reach it!"

Claire 思考了幾秒後,便一邊將裙子稍稍拉上來一點,一邊說:「嘿,猛男,你可以過來一下嗎?我的大腿癢癢的,可是我抓不到,你可以幫我抓一下嗎?」

"Yes....of pretty it this part?" The robot said as he started touching Claire's thigh.

「當然可以嘍~漂亮美眉~你是說這裡嗎?」機器人開始摸 Claire 的大腿。

"Ahhhhh! You pervert!" Claire screamed as she leapt up from her previous position, after a turning a somersault in the air, landed a hard kick on the 'eye-ball-shaped heart' of the robot, which rolled to the floor. The robot immediately stopped functioning.

「啊!色狼!」Claire 尖叫後便跳起來、表演了一下空中旋轉後,狠狠地踹了機器人的『眼珠造型的心臟』。那顆球滾到了地上,機器人也瞬間靜止了。

"Don't blame me, blame your girlfriend, who told her to design you to be so humane!" Claire beamed, "And now, I've got to untie myself and try and stop that mad woman, or else we'll all explode!"

「別怪我~要怪就要怪你女朋友!誰叫她把你設計得這麼人性化!」Claire 說。「好啦,現在我得把自己鬆綁,然後去阻止那個瘋婆子!」

It didn't take long for Claire to find Andrews, who was pacing up and down the corridor, with a machine in her hand, muttering to herself, "Now, my plan should work fine!"

Claire 毫不費吹灰之力就找到了在走廊上一邊自言自語,一邊徘徊的安德魯:「如此一來,我的計劃就要成功啦!」

"Yo, Andrews!" Claire shouted and pulled her target towards her.

「喂!安德魯!」Claire 把安德魯拉過去後大叫道。

"How did you get out of my boyfriend's sight?" Andrews gasped, "What did you do to him?"


"Looks like he's not that loyal to you as you've thought!" Claire responded, "He was trying to touch my thigh, which was why I kicked his ball out!"

「看來,他沒有你想像中對你這麼忠誠!」Claire 答道。「他剛剛試圖摸我大腿,我就一腳把他的球踹開啦!」

"Impossible!" Andrews exclaimed, "He only loves me! He never touches any other girls. No, he shouldn't. He mustn't! NOOOO!"


"Listen to me!" Claire said, "You've gotta stop your evil plan right now! If you don't, we'll all explode!"

「聽我說!」Claire 說。「如果你再不停止你的邪惡計劃的話,我們都要被炸掉了!」

"You mean YOU will all explode? As I'm gonna get the hell outta here right now!" Andrews said as she tried to push Claire away.

「你是說:你會炸掉吧?我現在就要離開這裡了!」安德魯說完便試圖將 Claire 推開。

Without warning, Claire slapped her on the face, and continued with tears in her eyes, "Wake up! Look, I know you've suffered from the prejudice of human beings, who aren't open-minded enough to accept whomever is different to them. But please don't judge the entire human race just by the tiny proportion of people you've encountered! I strongly believe that there are many people like me, who will not judge you by your preferences, but will only condemn you for what you've done that is wrong.....that is cruel.......How dare you be cruel to the entire human race just because a small number of people were cruel to you? Have you thought how sad the families and friends of the people will be if they've exploded in the middle of space? How selfish you are!"

突然,Claire 狠狠地賞了安德魯一個耳光,然後含著眼淚說:「醒醒吧!我知道你因為一些無法接受和自己不一樣的人的偏見而飽受了委屈。但是,請別因為一些人的行為就一竿子打翻一船的人,認為所有人類都是這樣的!我堅信,這個世界上也有很多跟我一樣的人:不會因為一個人的偏好而排擠他,而是因為他偏差、殘忍的行為而譴責他。你竟敢因為一表部分的人對你很殘忍,你就要報復整個地球的人類!你何曾想過如果他們真的就這麼在太空裏爆破身亡了,他們的家人和朋友會有多傷心嗎?你還真自私啊!」

Andrews was suddenly dumb-stricken.


"I don't hate you for who you are! I don't care if you're man, woman or gay or whatever! As long as you have a good heart, one does not have the right to judge you! However, if you repay an eye for an eye, it will never end! So, be a good girl, and listen to me. Turn the space-hub back to Earth!"


After some time, the space-hub safely landed back to where it had taken off, and Andrews was arrested immediately. Tom appeared at the scene, with a weird machine that will de-hypnotise people from Andrews' hypnosis. Tom, on seeing the appearance of Claire, exclaimed, "Claire! Thank God you are safe! After some detailed analysis of the photographs you've sent us of the concert, the headquarters have discovered that a certain wavelength of light is emitted from the eyes of the LOL team, which had a hypnotising effect. I tried to contact you, but you were already in space where there was no signal. We thought it would all be too late! Where's Eliza? Is she OK?"

經過一些時間後,太空梭順利地回到了地球,安德魯也馬上被逮捕了。湯姆帶著一個可以消除催眠術的怪異機器出現在現場。湯姆看到Claire 的出現後,馬上說:「Claire! 謝天謝地妳毫髮無傷。總部仔細的分析了你傳給我演唱會現場的照片後,發現從LOL的成員眼睛裏射出了一個有著催眠功能的特定波長的光波。我試圖聯絡你,可是你沒有訊號,因為你已經在外太空了!我還以為所有事情都為時已晚了!Eliza 呢?她還好嗎?」

"She's fine! She's probably still asleep in the compartment, she'll be out soon!" Claire replied.

「她很好啦!她現在可能還在睡覺吧!應該等會兒就會出來了!」Claire 答道。

As Andrews was taken away, she paused in front of Claire, with tears climbing down her cheeks and said, "Thank you, young lady, for your kind words. This was the first time that I've ever felt accepted in my entire life! Finally, someone is willing to throw away their prejudice when it comes to judging me......That slap of yours definitely woke me up from my desire for revenge."

安德魯被扣押走之前,淚流滿面地對 Claire 說:「謝謝你的話!這是我生平第一次感到被接受!終於,有人願意拋開歧視。妳那一巴掌打醒了我要復仇的心!」

"I'm so sorry.....I didn't mean to slap....I....." Claire apologised.

「我很抱歉.....我不是故意要打你的.....我.....」Claire 道歉道。

"No, if it wasn't for that slap, we would have all exploded in space. Thank you!" Andrews responded.


"No, I have to thank YOU! Thank you for your wise decision in the end to turn the space-hub back, you've saved the lives of many innocent souls! Although it's such a pity that I don't get to see the meteor showers!" Claire said.

「不!我才要謝謝你,最後決定將太空梭轉回來,拯救了無數人的生命!只可惜我沒能看到流星雨!」Claire 說。

~The End~


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