Monday, 8 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-7 (Final Ending) 摩比神探之換魂記-7(大結局)

To everyone's utter astonishment, the figure of Claire in front of them suddenly transformed into that of an Indian woman, wearing a strange hat.

突然間,大家眼前的 Claire 變身成一位戴著奇怪帽子的印度少女。

"Oh, really? Is the world really fair? Will it ever be fair?" the Indian girl spoke in a trembling voice. "It's easy for you to say, as a privileged girl, growing up in a presumably rich family, your only worry being what to wear to go to school, or whether you are invited to prom. But it was very different for me. As a daughter of a servant to a wealthy British merchant living in India, my family may appear to be very privileged, having a decent monthly income, being taught to speak English, and seemed to be above others in the Indian society. However, that was all just an illusion. In reality, we were not only looked down upon by our masters, but were also secretly despised by our native relatives. On the surface, they seemed to respect us, but, deep down, they regard us as traitors to our motherland.


"But that was all endurable, until the Rebellion of 1857, when my father, whilst trying to protect his master, fell dead in the arms of his own fellow countrymen. Then, it has been a catastrophe for my family. We were torn between the loyalty to our master, fleeing with him and protecting him, but risking our lives; and the loyalty to our motherland. In the end, we chose the former, but the struggle didn't last long. Our hiding place was soon found out, and a fire was set to burn the house. In my desperation, I swore to take revenge on the British people and prayed to the Rat Goddess, who granted me the way of escape by turning me into a rat, so I could safely escape the fire. Afterwards, I boarded a ship departing for Britain. As a rat, I could not fulfill my oath, but I soon discovered that the Rat Goddess also granted me with magic. I switched souls with a young lady, getting rid of my rat body; but when I aged and was near by deathbed, I switched again so I could be young once more. I did it again and again for countless time. That was my own revenge to Britain, and this unfair world."

「這些都沒什麼,直到 1857年的暴動。我的父親為了保護主人,被自己的國人給殺了。然後,災難就來臨了。我們得做出重大的抉擇:到底是要背叛祖國來保護主人,還是被判主人去投靠祖國?最終,我們選擇了前者。但是,好景不常,不久,我們的避難所被發現了,有人放了一把火,試圖把整棟房子都給燒了。在這大難臨頭的迫切時刻,我發誓要報復英國人、並祈求鼠神的庇佑。鼠神將我變成了一隻老鼠,好讓我逃離現場。隨後,我便搭乘了一艘前往英國的船,來到了英國。身為老鼠,我無法實現誓言,但我很快地發現鼠神還賜予了我另一種能量。我和一位年輕女孩換了靈魂,終於,我不再是隻老鼠了。當我老了,在臨死前,我又和別人交換了靈魂。於是,我就一換再換,換到數都數不清了。這就是我對英國人的復仇!」

After hearing the speech of the Indian Enchantress, the four fell silent, brooding over her story. Without warning, Shaun opened a box which they brought with them and from the box, out jumped a black cat, which landed right onto the Indian Enchantress.


In fact, when Eliza told them about the incident of the stray kitten and that Claire seemed to extremely afraid of it, Shaun had began to suspect that the old lady might be some rat fairy of some sort. Furthermore, when Eliza had proven that there was no magical necklace involved, Shaun became certain that the old lady was able to perform magic. Therefore, when they departed for Claire and Eliza's flat, they placed a black cat, which they borrowed from the neighbour into a box, in case they need to terrorise the wicked old lady in giving Claire her body back.

事實上,當 Eliza 和大家說 Claire 突然會怕流浪小貓的事情時,孝恩就開始懷疑老太太是老鼠精之類的。然後,Eliza 又證實了根本沒有那個神奇項鍊的存在後,孝恩就確定了老太太會使用魔法。於是,當他們要前往 Claire 和 Eliza 共同居住的公寓時,他們就和鄰居借了一隻貓咪,裝進了紙箱,等待不時之需。

The Indian Enchantress immediately changed back to the form of Claire and with a deafening scream, fell backwards. The real Claire immediately grabbed her arm and both instantly felt extremely dizzy.

印度女巫看到了貓咪後便變回了 Claire 的樣貌,並向後跌倒。這時,真正的 Claire 趕緊抓住了她的手,兩人頓時都感到一陣暈眩。

Claire opened her eyes to Eliza and Shaun looking down on her. 

Claire 睜開眼睛看到 Eliza 和孝恩正在看著她。

Jeffrey, after seeing the cat trying to escape, immediately ran over and trapped it inside the box.


In fact, Claire's soul has returned to her original body; however, the soul of the Indian Enchantress wasn't that successful in returning to hers. The soul of the Indian Enchantress, in her fright, switched bodies with the cat, so that the soul now inhabiting the body of the old lady was the cat's.

其實,Claire 的靈回成功地回到了她原本的身體;然而,印度女巫的靈魂則沒有順利回到老太太的身體。印度女巫的靈魂在驚嚇中竟然和黑貓的靈魂對調了!

Well, I guess not every story has to have a perfect ending! At least, now, the Indian Enchantress will not be able to perform magic and switch bodies with anyone ever again. As for Claire, she was absolutely overjoyed to have her old body back.

事情沒有十全十美的嘍!至少現在印度女巫騙成了貓咪就無法再為非作歹了。而且 Claire 很高興回到了自己原本的身體。

"Oh Claire, you're finally back!" Eliza said as she embraced her BFF with great tenderness and relieve.

「Claire,你終於換回來了!」Eliza 抱著她最好的朋友說。

Claire responded, "Eww, look what I'm wearing! I'd better get these ugly clothes off me ASAP!" To which everyone in the room laughed.

Claire 答道:「噁,我穿著這什麼啊?我得趕快將這身醜陋的衣服換下來!」大家都笑了。

~The End~


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