Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Playmobil Spies: The Transparent Man-3 摩比嬌娃之透明人-3

After showing them the strange video, Monica went over to the cabinet next to them and brought out another huge pile of files. 


"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that you'll have to go through all these," Monica said apologetically, "Our station is really local, and it wasn't until a while back that we started to input all the info into the computer. True, there is one central system, but we still have some local cases that is still in the traditional files."


"Oh no!" She continued after glancing at her watch, "It's time for a patrol, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you guys to it until I can help you after I come back. See you later, good luck!" Monica hurried away.


After the female police was out of ear-shot, Eliza said, "Is it just me, or did I just catch a glimpse of a sneer on Monica's face? I don't trust her. I have a hunch that there is something she's trying to hide from us."

女警離開後,Eliza 說:「是我的錯覺嗎?我剛剛似乎有看到莫尼卡露出了冷笑耶!我不相信她。她一定有什麼事兒瞞著我們。」

"We'd better start on this pile now, if we want to get it finished at all today!" Claire replied as she pointed to the two piles, "I'll search this pile, and you can search the other."

「我們得趕緊開始找了,不然天黑前可能都還看不完。」Claire 指著那兩大疊的文件說。「我找這一疊,你找那一疊。」

"Hey, your pile's much smaller than mine!" Eliza complained.

「喂,這樣不公平啦!你的那疊比我的小疊耶!」Eliza 抱怨道。

"Too bad!" Claire said jestingly as she stuck out her tongue.

After a few hours of hard work, the spies' search was still fruitless. In fact, they were nearly finished with the pile, and Monica was still nowhere to be found.


"Urghh! I'm so fed up of this!" Eliza complained as she slammed another folder down onto the table, which nearly knocked the whole pile over. Eliza dove to rescue the falling pile, but in her move, she accidentally knocked Monica's laptop onto the floor.

「噁~好煩喔!」Eliza 抱怨完將一個檔案夾重重地摔在桌上,結果差點將整疊文件弄倒在地上,幸好 Eliza 身手敏捷,及時搶救才沒有釀成悲劇。然而,在搶救過程中,她不小心把莫尼卡的電腦摔到了地上。

"OMG! I hope the laptop isn't broken!" Eliza exclaimed as she kneeled down to pick up the laptop and turned it on to make sure.

「噢買尬!電腦不會壞掉吧!?」Eliza 趕緊彎下腰撿起筆電。

"Eliza, I think you're right, this Monica seems to be hiding something from us," Claire confirmed Eliza's suspicions. "I have a feeling that the information we need isn't even in the two piles, but on the computer system, which she tried to prevent us from searching."

「Eliza,我覺得你說得對,莫尼卡似乎對我們隱瞞了什麼。」Claire 說。「我有預感我們要找的資料就在她的筆電裡。」

"OMG! I think you're right!" Eliza exclaimed, "Maybe that's why she was in such a hurry to close her laptop after we've watched the video. There must be something fishy in here."

「對耶!很有可能唷!」Eliza 答道。「不然為什麼她給我們看完監視錄影機的影片後就趕快將電腦關起來,一定是裡面有鬼!」

Claire, after making sure the laptop was fine from the crash onto the floor, clicked on the police system programme.

Claire 確認過筆電沒摔壞後,點選了警察的系統程式。

"Oh bother, it requires a password for access!" Eliza exclaimed.

「討厭!要密碼耶!」Eliza 說。

"We might as well try this!" Claire said as she pressed ENTER without typing anything. As if my magic, it worked, and they were brought into a page, showing exactly the details of 'the transparent man', whom they have been searching for all along!

「我們只能死馬當活馬醫了!」Claire 說完便什麼都沒打就直接按下ENTER鍵。奇蹟似的,密碼對了,他們被帶入一個畫面。畫面上顯示的就是他們一直在找的『透明人』的資料!

Then, without warning, there was a power cut!


~To be Continued~


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