Sunday, 10 July 2016

Playmobil Detectives: Madame Tigresse-7 摩比神探之虎姑婆-7

After they returned home, Shaun sat in front of his laptop whilst Jeffrey microwaved some food to eat.


"I swear, news nowadays are getting weirder and more varied," stated Shaun, "from the UK leaving the EU to children missing from all over France, and a Siberian tiger that escaped the zoo. Wow! What a range!"


Before Jeffrey could respond, the telephone in Shaun's room rang. "Must be my sister!" Shaun concluded as he dashed to answer the phone. On picking up the receiver, he was not at all surprised to discover that it was indeed Claire calling. "Hello, Claire! How's your graduation trip going?"

傑佛瑞還來不及回應,在孝恩房間裡的電話就響了。「一定是我妹!」孝恩沖到房間接電話時猜測道。果然不出他所料,孝恩接起來後就聽到 Claire 的聲音。「喂~小萊啊?你的畢業旅行進行得如何呀?」

"Oh, everything's fine, especially the weather, we've really enjoyed ourselves at the beach this morning," replied Claire, "One of my classmates- Tiffany got pinched by a crab LOL."

「喔~一切都挺好的啊!尤其這兒的天氣特好的!今早我們還在海邊度過了美好的時光呢!」Claire 答道。「我的一個同學~蒂芬尼還被螃蟹夾到咧~哈哈!」

"Oh, I remember her! She's the one we met during your mission of "The Phantom of the Restaurant", right?" inquired Shaun, "She seems to have quite a comedic personality."


"Yeah! She's always getting into scrapes!" laughed Claire, "Oh, yeah! I've nearly's Tiffy doing? Has he got accustomed to your place yet?"

「對呀!她常常惹麻煩!」Claire 笑道。「噢,對了,差點兒忘了!提飛怎麼樣啦?牠適應你家沒呀?」

"'!" stuttered Shaun as he glanced at the empty basket in the living room.


"Why are you stuttering?" queried Clare suspiciously.

「你為啥支支吾吾地?」Claire 用著懷疑的語氣問道。

" I?" concealed Shaun.


"Whatever, I've gotta go partying in Lisa's room now, ttyl!" concluded Claire as she hung up.

「哎喲,隨便啦!我等會兒還要去麗莎房間參加派對呢~再聊啦!」Claire 說畢便掛斷了。

"Phew! She'll no doubt kill me if she knew I lost the cat," the relieved Shaun wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked out to the living room and spoke to his friend, "Jeff, we have to find the cat, or there'll be another murder case on the news if my sister finds out."


"Sorry! I feel it's kinda my fault- I should've closed the window," replied Jeffrey apologetically, scratching his head. 


"Nah! It's no one's fault at all!" said Shaun, "There are four more days before they come back, we have to find a way of finding Tiffy. How about let's advertise around city? Someone's bound to have seen it somewhere to provide a clue!"


"Naw, that's too much of a bother!" responded Jeffrey with a wave of his hand, "That Nadia seems to me to be quite skillful with animals, you know, her studying Animal Science and all that drama we observed the other day. I'm sure we can trust on her. Oh! How about let's meet up with her tomorrow and start searching together?" 


"I know...I just wanna create an opportunity to see her," teased Shaun, "Go ahead, call her....I'm here to support you, bro!!"


"No, Mr Shaun Lee, you have quite mistaken! I am not in any way whatsoever in love with her! Why would I like an insane girl?" explained Jeffrey with his face turning scarlet in embarrassment, "I'm just trying to help, that's all!"


"Okay....okay....okay.....don't make a mountain out of a mole hill!" laughed Shaun, "Call her and say let's meet up for lunch tomorrow at Omar's. Perhaps, I shall be busy during that time."


~To be Continued~


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