Friday, 5 August 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-2 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-2

After boarding Tiffany's luxury yacht, Tiffany decided to take them around for a tour.


"OMG! It's like a mini-house!" Claire exclaimed in awe as she glanced here and there, "There's practically everything one could ever wish for! I could almost live here for the rest of my life!"

「噢買尬!這根本就是一間小屋子嘛!」Claire 驚歎道。「裏面東西應有盡有!要我住在這兒一輩子都行!」

"Except that you'll be seasick for the rest of your life!" Eliza replied calmly as she placed their luggage on the side. 

「那我看你會一輩子都暈船吧!」Eliza 一邊將行李箱放在一旁,一邊冷冷地答道。

"Why are there two beds for children?" Claire queried as she pointed to the small-sized mattresses.

「為什麼會有兩張小孩床啊?」Claire 好奇地問道。

"Here's the trick!" Tiffany, excited to show off her property, lifted the mattresses to reveal a hidden storage area underneath, filled with cutlery, cooking tools and cans of food.


"That's so impressive! I've never been on a yacht before!" Claire exclaimed. Tiffany sat on the side, beaming like a dog which was just patted by its owner.

「好壯觀呀!這是我第一次坐快艇耶!」Claire 驚歎道。蒂芬尼坐在一旁,得意地笑著。

Soon, they followed Tiffany up onto the deck, and only then did they realise that no one was driving it!


"OMG! Get on the wheel, Tiffany!" Eliza screamed as she perceived that they were already far from the pier.

「噢買尬!蒂芬尼,還不快點兒去開快艇!」Eliza 發現他們已經離港口很遠了後尖叫道。

"I would if I knew how to drive it!" Tiffany replied as she sat casually on the side.


"I thought you said you have a license?" Claire questioned.

「你剛剛不是說你有駕照?」Claire 問道。

"I do, but I don't know how to drive it!" Tiffany responded, shrugging her shoulders, "My dad bought the license!"


"Well, you're lucky that I have a license and know how to drive it!" Eliza remarked as she started steering the yacht. "Or else we'll all be stranded here!"

「你們真幸運我不但有駕照也會開!」Eliza 邊轉動方向盤邊說。「要不然我們就要被困在這兒了!」

"We'll just call cute Jeffrey to rescue us!" Tiffany giggled as she referred to Eliza's handsome cousin, whom she gained acquaintance in the episode of the Phantom of the Restaurant

「那我們就叫阿傑來救我們就好啦!」蒂芬尼一邊想著上次在『餐廳魅影』那一集裡遇到的 Eliza 的帥表哥就一邊笑著。

"Just tell me where to drive!" Eliza responded curtly. 

「告訴我要往哪兒開!」Eliza 冷冷地說。

Claire and Tiffany sat on the side enjoying the comfortable sea breeze. 

Claire 和蒂芬尼坐在一旁享受著清涼的微風。

"Look, it's gone sunny again!" Claire pointed to the now azure blue sky, "I thought it was gonna rain a few hours ago!"

「哇!你看,太陽出來了耶!」Claire 指著湛藍的天空說。「我之前還以為會下雨呢!」

"That's why I said you'd be a perfect meteorologist!" Eliza joked.

「所以我說你很適合在氣象局工作啊!」Eliza 開玩笑地說。

~To be Continued~


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