Monday, 8 August 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-5 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-5

On the following morning, Claire and Eliza both woke up at midday from a restless night. Claire made themselves some coffee whilst Eliza went looking for canned food for brunch. 

隔天早上,Claire 和 Eliza 中午時才醒來,兩人整晚都沒睡好。Claire 起來後便開始泡咖啡,Eliza 則是去尋找一些罐頭食品來當早午餐吃。

"I'm so tired," Eliza yawned as she sat down.

「我好累啊!」Eliza 打著哈欠說。

"Same here!" Claire took out her mirror and glanced at her panda eyes. "Must be because I was too seasick from the yacht trip."

「我也是!」Claire 拿出鏡子看著自己的熊貓眼說。「一定是昨天我暈船暈得太厲害了!」

"Maybe we were simply exhausted." Eliza muttered as she munched on some peas. 

「可能是我們都累壞了吧!」Eliza 邊吃著豆子邊說。

Suddenly, the door of the caravan bursted open, and the girls perceived their classmate Tiffany standing by the door, with messed-up hair and panda eyes.


"Hi! How was your sleep?" Eliza inquired, already knowing the answer.

「早啊!昨天睡得如何?」Eliza 明知故問。

"Awful!" Tiffany stomped towards the table, "I kept dreaming about weird stuff, about a carnival of some sort."


"OMG, me too!" Claire exclaimed as Tiffany sat down, "I can't quite recollect everything about my dream, but it does seem like people are celebrating something."

「噢買尬,我也是耶!」蒂芬尼坐下後,Claire 驚叫道。「我不太記得夢中的情節,只記得好像有人在慶祝什麼。」

"I had a weird dream, too!" Eliza admitted after being in deep thought for a long time, "It all doesn't seem to make any sense, but I could just about remember some bits and bobs. I remember being in an oriental garden."

「我也做了怪夢!」Eliza 沈思了片刻後說。「整體來說完全不合乎邏輯,可是我記得一些片段。我記得我置身在一個東方花園內。」

"There was a fountain with water coming out from a gold dragon." Claire continued.

「那兒有一個噴泉,水從一條金龍中噴出來!」Claire 繼續道。

"There was a lady with small eyes holding a handkerchief!" Tiffany exclaimed. 


"OMG yes! And there was a huge peacock!" Eliza affirmed.

「噢買尬,對耶!還有一隻巨大的孔雀!」Eliza 確認道。

"Apart from that, there was a woman playing some sort of musical instrument!" Tiffany added.


"Yes, that's called the pipa! It's a Chinese traditional instrument!" Claire explained.

「對呀!那就做琵琶!是中國古代的傳統樂器!」Claire 解釋道。

"It seems like a carnival, there were lots of people celebrating, and lanterns were everywhere!" Eliza said.

「好像是辦嘉年華一樣,大家都在慶祝,燈籠也是處處可見!」Eliza 答道。

"How come I didn't see you guys in my dream?" Tiffany inquired.


"OMG Tiffany, it's just a dream!" Claire cried.

「拜託~那只是場夢罷了!」Claire 回應道。

"It must be because of that Chinese movie we watched last night!" Eliza pointed out, "Our actions in the day influence our dreams at night. It must've just been a coincidence that we had similar dreams."

「一定是因為昨晚看那部中國片的緣故!」Eliza 指出。「日有所思、夜有所夢。我們作同一場夢一定只是巧合。」

"I agree!" Claire nodded, "The dream didn't make sense anyways. We could've just been too tired. I felt like I was dreaming all night and got no rest at all."

「我同意!」Claire 點點頭說。「再說,夢也不符合邏輯啊!我們一定是累壞了!我覺得整個晚上都在做夢,根本就沒睡好。」

"Maybe we should just take a rest for today, then start out pH testing tomorrow!" Eliza suggested.

「那不如我們今天就休息一天,測水質什麼的就明天再開始吧!」Eliza 提議道。

"Great idea!" Tiffany quickly agreed, excited to not do any work.


~To be Continued~


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