Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-1 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-1

One calm evening towards the end of June, Eliza and Claire were driving to their graduation ball in their white convertible. "OMG! I can't believe it's already the big day!" Claire exclaimed, "I remember we've just entered high school like it happened yesterday!"

一個寧靜的六月底傍晚,Claire 和 Eliza 正開著白色敞篷車前往他們畢業舞會的現場。「噢買尬!真不敢想像大日子這麼快就到了!」Claire 驚歎道。「我們不是昨天才剛進高中嗎?」

"Yeah, I know right! Everything whizzed past so fast!" Eliza affirmed, "Especially this year: school starts, then half-term break, then Christmas, then MOCK, then Easter and study leave and those annoying exams.....up to now! Whoa! What a ride!"

「對呀!時間真的過得好快!」Eliza 確認道。「尤其是今年:開學、放萬聖節假期、然後耶誕節、然後模擬考、復活節,再來就考試了!哇!真的太精彩了!」

"Are you ready for your speech, deputy head student?" inquired Claire.

「你的畢業致詞準備的怎樣啊,學生會副會長?」Claire 問道。

"Yep! Had plenty of time to practice that since my exams finished pretty early!" replied Eliza, "Now, I just have to make it extremely emotional."

「差不多了!因為我很早就考完了,所以有很多時間可以準備!」Eliza 答道。「我只要把它講的很感人就好!」

"OMG! I'm so gonna cry!" exclaimed Claire. 

「屆時我一定會哭得!」Claire 說。

"Well, don't!" said Eliza, "Just think of the make-up you took three hours to put on!"

「別哭!別忘了你花了三小時畫妝耶!」Eliza 答道。

The two soon arrived at the hotel where their graduation ball was going to take place. 


"Wow! Such a fancy hotel!" exclaimed Eliza, "I don't think I see anyone from our class.....probably we're too early. Do you see anyone?"

「哇!好華麗啊!」Eliza 說。「我沒看到任何同學耶!可能是我們來得太早了。你有看到誰嗎?」

"Nope! We should go sign in first, then we'll wait for everyone here!" responded Claire.

「沒耶!不如咱們先去簽到,再坐在那兒等大夥兒吧!」Claire 答道。

After they have signed in, Claire inquired the receptionist, "Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me where is the location for the Graduation Ball of Playmobil High?"

兩人簽到後,Claire 問櫃台說:「不好意思,請問你可以告訴我們:摩比高中畢業晚會的地點嗎?」

"It is on the sixth floor, miss. However, as you are early, the hall is not yet open, it won't be ready until after 6:30 pm," replied the receptionist. "In the meanwhile, please wait at the lobby. Once the hall is ready, we will call you. Thank you!"


After some time of chatting whilst sitting on the luxurious sofa, they perceived a group of people in formal suits and fancy gowns entering the lobby. "Look! It's Helen and Harry!" exclaimed Eliza as she spotted their classmates, "And there's Anita and Joseph!" The girls hurried over to chat with their friends.

兩人坐在富麗堂皇的沙發上聊天片刻後,注意到一群穿著正式西裝和美麗禮服的人進入了旅館大廳。「你瞧!是海倫和哈力耶!」Eliza 發現同學後興奮地說。「還有阿霓塔和約瑟夫!」兩人趕緊跑去打招呼。

"You look fabulous today, Helen! I like your pink gown! It's really cute!" admired Claire, who, in fact, thought it looked like a curtain on the tall Helen.

「海倫,你今天真美!我喜歡你的粉色晚禮服,好可愛喔!」Claire 讚美道,其實內心覺得很高的海倫穿起來像是窗簾。

"Awww, thanks! You look wonderful too!" replied Helen, "I like your azure blue gown as well, it's very fashionable." In reality, she felt that it resembled a lamp cover.


After chatting for some time, the receptionist informed them that the hall was ready, so the excited group headed towards the hall.


~To be Continued~


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