Friday, 16 September 2016

Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-3 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-3

Once they entered the strange machine, Eliza announced, "Right now is the time for you two to explain yourselves: What on Earth do you mean by calling us grandma?" 

大夥兒都進入了奇怪的機器後,Eliza 宣佈道:「好啦!現在你們可以解釋了吧?你們為什麼叫我們阿嬤?」

"That's because we're really your granddaughters!" The golden-haired girl elucidate, "I'm number 1345987345, and she is 1384750186. Just call us Annie and Cathy. We come from the year 2084 AD, where you two- our grandmas are in danger from the grandson of Dr Dickinshfirtz, whom you have encountered in your mission of "Back to the Cretaceous", the one that tried to clone dinosaurs and bring them back to modern day. Well...."


"Whoa, whoa, wait a sec..." interrupted Claire. "One question: Why are your name numbers? What are you? Convicts?"

「等一下!」Claire 打斷道。「我有問題:你們的名字為什麼是數字啊?你們是犯人嗎?」

"No, because in 2084, aka the future for you, we have an unified international language, which is not English, consisting of numbers. Hence, all our names need to be numbers for us to be identified." Cathy- the dark-haired girl replied.


"Right! Please continue..." said the overwhelmed Eliza.

「哦~瞭解!請繼續吧!」聽了一頭霧水的 Eliza 說。

"Don't worry, grandma, we'll keep it short." Annie (the golden-haired one) resumed her talking, "Well, Dr Dickinshfirtz's grandson- Professor Dickinshfirtz is angry that you defeated his grandfather, so he wants to take revenge on you. Therefore, he decided to travel back in time to when you were children and kidnap you, so you won't be able to become spies, hence you won't defeat his grandfather. Our mission is to stop him. Done."


" what should we do now?" inquired Claire, who was starting to think that the girls in front of her were a bit out of their minds.

「那.....我們現在該怎麼做?」開始覺得她前面這兩個女孩是瘋子的 Claire 問道。

"We'll operate this Time Booth, the machine we're in, so that we can bring ourselves back to 2084, and stop Prof Dickinshfirtz before he sets off on his time trip," explained Cathy, "As once he starts to time-travel, it'll be extremely difficult for us to find him."

「我們會啟動時光亭,也就是我們現在所在的機器,並將我們帶回 2084 年。好在迪肯弗博士開始時光之旅前阻止他。」凱西解釋道。「因為一旦他開始時空之旅,我們就很難找到他了!」

"We've travelled in time before, but this machine seems different to does this work?" Eliza inquired, looking around.

「我們也穿越時空過,可是這台機器怎麼好像感覺跟我們所使用過的不太一樣?」好奇的 Eliza 一邊東張西望一邊問道。

"It's pretty simple, grandma. All you have to do is to get in to this cylinder, then, it will separate all the molecules in your body, and transport them together to the time you want," elucidated Annie, "This technology is much faster than its predecessor, as the individual molecules in your body has such a small mass, so it is easier for it to be accelerated past the speed of light, since that's the only way to travel in time, which is according to Einstein's equation: E=mc^2."

「阿嬤,其實這很簡單。你們只要進入那邊那個圓柱體,然後他就會把你們身體分解成分子,然後將其一一帶到所指定的時空。」安妮解釋道。「這個科技比之前的快速,因為分子的質量很小,所以加速使其超越光速也比較快。因為,時空旅行唯一的辦法就是要讓物體的速度超越光速,這是由愛因斯坦的公式 E=mc^2 所推演出來的。」

"Please! That is way too much to comprehend! I thought I dropped Science before GCSEs! " said Eliza clutching her head, "Just tell me what to do!"

「天啊~拜託!這也未免太詳細了吧!我不是很早以前就不讀科學了嗎?」Eliza 摸著頭說。「只要告訴我們該怎麼做就好。」

"Grandma, just step in the machine here, yes, it can fit two people, then we'll set everything up for you!" said Cathy.


"Wait!" exclaimed Claire, "If the molecules in our body are separated, then once it is ready to put them back together, won't it get our molecules mixed up?"

「等等!」Claire 說。「如果我們身體會被分解成分子,那麼當機器把它們一一還原後,難道不會弄亂原本的位子嗎?」

"Don't worry, grandma!" reassured Annie, "This machine is much more clever than you think! Just trust us!" After she finished, she went to the control panel next to the 'Cylinder' and started pressing some buttons. 


~To be Continued~


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