Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-6 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-6

The spies soon arrived in front of Banianiotto's laboratory building, which was shaped like a Frozen Palace, completely made out of ice and snow blocks. 


"Wow!" Claire and Eliza exclaimed in astonishment as they stared in wonder at the Frozen Palace. "But how do we get in there without him noticing?" 

「哇!」Claire 和 Eliza 驚訝地說。「只是我們要怎麼偷溜進去纔不會被他發現?」

"Follow me, I've studied the map, and there's a secret tunnel which he does not frequent," replied Margaret. Claire and Eliza rolled their eyes.


On emerging from the secret tunnel, they perceived a strange object, like a small tower, but with wings in the shape of flower petals. "I wonder where this leads to," muttered Eliza as she threw a sideways glance at Margaret. 

從秘密通道出來後,映入眼簾的是一個物體,長得像一個塔一樣,卻有著花瓣樣子的翅膀。「這會通到哪兒去啊?」Eliza 一邊說一邊偷瞄著瑪格麗特的反應。

"I.....I don't know," stammered Margaret, "This isn't shown on the map."


"Why not let's enter it, perhaps it'll lead us right to his laboratory," suggested Claire.

「那咱們爲什麼不進去瞧瞧呢?說不定這就是通往實驗室的通道。」Claire 提議道。

"Or right into his trap!" exclaimed Margaret, much to the surprise of the others, "I mean...we don't know where it leads it's better safe than sorry!"


"Well, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to just step inside for a bit," Eliza insisted as she entered the tower with Claire. Margaret, seeing them, also reluctantly stepped in.

「唉唷,只是進去一下會怎樣?」Eliza 邊走進去邊說。瑪格麗特看見大家都走進去後,也猶豫地緩緩走進去。

"See, I told....." Before Claire could finish off her sentence, as fast as lightning, the petals closed in around them. Oh no! The spies are trapped.

「看吧!我不是說.....」Claire 還來不及說完,花瓣就以迅雷不及掩耳的速度將大家包圍住。糟了!嬌娃們被困住了!

~To be Continued~


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