Undecided about the source of the music, Shaun suggested, "Let's split up to look for clues!"
Jeffrey nodded in acquiescence and added, "You'll search the second floor, and I'll search the first. Then we'll meet up on the ground floor to compare notes," as they both dashed up the stairs.
Having made a mental note of the location of each rooms on every floor, Jeffrey sprinted across winding corridors and concealed passageways, opening the doors of each room separately in search of the mysterious piano. Many of the rooms were quite empty, some with only a broken chair or a ghostly-looking statue in them.
As for Shaun, it didn't take long for him to discover that the topmost floor was, likewise, quite empty, except for some belongings which he presumed to have been left over by the previous owner.
Nevertheless, one room, which had a Christmas Tree in it, had particularly attracted Shaun's attention, as he couldn't recall to have been shown this room during their tour in the morning. Not only was the attic-room exceptionally dust-free, but also, the sound of the piano was especially vivid in there. Nonetheless, no piano was to be found anywhere.
As Shaun and Jeffrey rushed back down to the ground floor to report their fruitless searches to each other, abruptly, the music has stopped altogether. Shaun glanced at the clock above the mantelpiece and perceived that it was exactly two o'clock. "How time flies, two hours has already elapsed since we began our search," Shaun noted.
"Now that the music that has been guiding us has stopped, there's no point to continue our search," Jeffrey yawned as he craved for the comfort of his bed, "Let's go back to sleep so we have more energy to search more thoroughly at day time tomorrow, indeed, many of the rooms were way too dark for us to see clearly."
"Wait a sec, you said that the music was guiding us.......what if......the music was, in fact, trying to mislead us? What if, the music did not actually come from the house, but was played somewhere close so as to distract us from discovering something?" Shaun replied, excitedly.
"And what could they be trying to distract us from discovering?" Jeffrey inquired, rubbing his sore eyes.
"Something illegal, perhaps? Such as a burglary?" Shaun conjectured, "We'll have to ask Mrs Schwarz in the morning to see if anything was missing. Anyways, you're right, we'd better grab some sleep now. Looks like we're gonna have many more sleepless nights if we don't solve this mystery as soon as possible." At the conclusion of Shaun's speech, the two blurry-eyed and bushy-tailed detectives trod back to their bedrooms to enjoy the joy of sleep.

~To be Continued~
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