Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Playmobil Detectives: Queen of the Nile-13

On arriving at Cairo, the two detectives were met with an Egyptian, who was employed by the Egyptian branch of Tiffany's father's company. They were provided with two camels in order to continue their quest in search of Tiffany. 

"Can't you provide us with a car or something?" enquired Jeffrey. 

"I am sorry, sir," responded the Egyptian employee, "But camels are the only way to cross the desert onto the other side of the city. Cars will be stranded midway in no time."

Therefore, the two detectives climbed onto their camels, commencing the quest across the vast desert. 

It was 2017 BC, the night before the Prince's wedding with the Indian Princess Aarika. Tiffernini's brother- Shonubis knocked on the door of his sister's room. As Tiffernini opened the cumbersome door, Shonobis immediately noticed that she had been crying.

"Oh, Tiffernini!" exclaimed Shonubis, "You deserve better than this. You would have won the tournament if that Princess Aarika didn't distract you. A concubine can have no wedding, and tomorrow, you'll have to sit through their wedding when it should've been yours. Oh, Tiffernini! Alas, pray do not spend the last night at home crying! You'll be leaving tomorrow to move into the palace."

"Shonubis, I don't care if I get a wedding or not," answered the headstrong Tiffernini, "I truly love Prince Tephoim with all my heart, and my only wish is to stay by his side. Surely, it is too greedy to demand for more after I have lost the tournament? Tomorrow, I will leave this place where I have been fortunate enough to call home for the past nineteen years. Pray, take care of father when I am away." In the conclusion of her speech, Tiffernini broke into tears.

~To be Continued~

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