Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Playmobil Spies: Floral Frenzy-1

One normal weekday, Claire and Eliza, two university students, were preparing breakfast. "OMG, I shouldn't have got up so early today," yawned Eliza as she stared at her breakfast. "I don't have class until 2pm."

"Then why did you get up so early?" enquired Claire robotically as she poured herself some coffee. 

"It's all Heather's fault," responded Eliza, alluding to their flatmate. "She started watching her favourite TV series at half past six! How can I possibly snooze under her deafening bursts of laughter?" 

Just at this instant, when Claire was about to reply, Heather walked into the kitchen. "Morning gals!" saluted Heather whilst looking at her phone, "Fancy you being up so early, Eliza. I thought you don't have any morning classes today."

"No, I don't. But you know what? Sometimes I don't mind getting up early to take the rubbish out," answered Eliza sarcastically. 

After remembering that it was her turn to take the rubbish out the previous evening, but she forgot, Heather quickly changed the subject. "OMG! You're not gonna believe who's coming to our uni for a Biology Colloquium today!" 

"Let me guess: Ariana Grande?" questioned Claire as she rolled her eyes. 

"Nope, but close!" replied Heather, who majored in Biological Sciences, excitedly. "It's Dr Mandy Marlow coming to talk about her genetically-modified, synthetic ultra anti-radiation plants." 

"What?" exclaimed Eliza, baffled by Heather's technical terms.  

"You've gotta come and listen to the talk with me!" exclaimed Heather excitedly as she half-dragged Claire and Eliza out of their seats. "We've gotta hurry or else we'll miss the opening. It's a 9am lecture." 

Both Claire and Eliza didn't have any classes that morning, so they could not think of an excuse for refusing the overly-excited Heather. Thus, they were obliged to quickly grab their bags, leaving their untouched breakfast behind and followed Heather out. Eliza didn't forget to mumble under her breath, "I hate 9am lectures!"

"So, um....who's this Mandy Marlow?" enquired Claire, pretending to be interested, in order to break the awkward silence. 

"OMG you didn't know?" said Heather in her usual dramatic tone. "She's like the most famous botanist. She recently won a Nobel Prize for Anti-Radiation after she successfully genetically-modified some synthetic plants that were able to absorb up to 99.9% of the radiation emitted from nuclear waste. This could potentially help to combat nuclear accidents that have occurred in the past, such as Tchernobyl and....." Claire and Eliza pretended to listen, but were in fact still half-asleep. 

~To be Continued~

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