Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Playmobil Spies: Floral Frenzy-2

The three girls arrived at the lecture hall ten minutes early, however, it was already packed with people. "I told ya, we should've headed out earlier!" said Heather. Claire and Eliza glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. 

Thus, the girls were obliged to sit at the front row where there were no tables. "Oh bother!" exclaimed Heather. "How am I supposed to take notes without a table?"

"As if we'll take notes," mumbled Eliza under her breath. 

Soon, Dr Marlow began her talk on anti-radiation plants, and before long, Claire and Eliza began to doze off.

After the colloquium, they headed out of the lecture hall. "OMG! This is like the best lecture I've ever had!" exclaimed Heather in amazement. "She's also like the prettiest professor I've ever seen, I mean, have you guys seen her hairdo? OMFG! It's soooo trendy, innit?"

"It was fabulous!" replied Claire laconically, meaning that she had a fabulous sleep.

"I've gotta head off for my next lecture," responded Heather as she checked her watch and waved goodbye to Claire and Eliza, who were excessively glad to get rid of their annoying house mate.

"Now what?" asked Eliza as she glanced at the clock on the corridor, "It's way too early for lunch, but I've still got plenty of time till my earliest lecture."

"We could head back and get some more sleep!" suggested Claire.

"No! I'm too lazy to go all the way back and then walk here again!" groaned Eliza.

"How about let's get some breakfast? I'm starving!" responded Claire after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, complaining for her missed breakfast.

Just when they were about to grab some food, Eliza's phone rang. It was a video-call from their boss- Tom. In fact, they weren't just any ordinary university students, but they were spies working for the Playmobil Secret Spies Organisation (PMSSO). "Good morning gals! Sorry to interrupt your breakfast plans, but I need you two at the headquarters as soon as possible. It's urgent business," Tom said through the video-call.  

~To be Continued~

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