Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Playmobil Spies: Floral Frenzy-6

Having located the location of the submarine volcanic eruption, the spies began their investigation around the area to see if they could find any clues that might help them to predict the next place of eruption. 

"All I can see are aquatic plants," concluded Claire after glancing around for literally two seconds. "There's absolutely nothing down here, not to mention those disgusting underwater creatures. Ew.....leave me alone!" Claire screamed as a crab slowly advanced towards her.

"Calm down, Claire dear," soothed Emily. "It's only a cute little crab. Come here, old boy, let me touch you!" Without warning, the crab pinched Emily's finger. 

"Ouch! That hurts!" screamed Emily, although still in an elegant tone.

"Guys, look what I've found!" exclaimed Eliza as she pointed towards a bush. 

"Surprise! More plants!" replied Claire sarcastically. 

"No, look here, behind the bush!" Eliza pointed again. 

"Don't beat around the bush, Eliza. Hahahaha, get it? It's a pun.....the bush?" Claire laughed so hard at her own joke that she was lying flat on her stomach in the water. 

After Claire has calmed down, she swam towards the other side of the bush and perceived what Eliza was pointing at. "Just an old jug, no big deal!" shrugged Claire alluding to a green antique jar lying next to the bush. All this while, Emily was extremely pensive and appeared to be in deep thought. 

The conclusion of their investigation brought the spies back to the headquarters to do some research, in hope that it might shed some light on the results of their investigation. After doing some research on her laptop, Emily gasped. "It says here that volcanic mud is a great fertiliser for plants, this can potentially explain why the aquatic plants have flourished so much around the area of the recent eruption."

Then, Emily took out a map and said. "Claire, could you kindly search up the recent submarine volcanic eruptions around the world and tell me their locations?" As Emily listened to the results of Claire's findings, she started mapping out each location on the map using an X. As Claire reached the end of her list of recent submarine volcanic eruptions, the three spies glanced at the map and gasped in astonishment. What have they discovered?

~To be Continued~

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