"OMG!" Suddenly, Tiffany exclaimed in excitement. "I know! I know! Princess Kradula and Bosko the stable boy were childhood sweethearts but Princess Kradula was forbidden to marry Bosko by her father, the King. Afterwards, Princess Kradula was forced to marry a fat, ugly and old king of the neighbouring country against her will in order to enhance the political tie between the two countries. Bosko was also forbidden to leave the country to visit his sweetheart as the King feared they'd run away together. Then, Princess Kradula gradually grew ill due to her lovesickness, to the point that she only had a few days left to live in this sad world. After Bosko heard about the tragic news, he risked getting punished for breaking the law to escape the country and visit Kradula. But it was all too late, as he eventually arrived at Princess Kradula's deathbed. Kradula was delighted to see her sweetheart but was, by that point, too ill to recover. So, using her last breath, Kradula and Bosko prayed to the Bat Goddess and swore to be together for eternity, after which she died in the hands of her lover. At that moment, Bosko was caught by the king's guard and was hanged on the same day for sneaking into Kradula's room. Princess Kradula's husband (the fat king), who had never loved her, decided, in pity of the two lovers, to bury them together, and on the next day, married another young and pretty princess from another country. The Bat Goddess heard the wish of the two lovers and resurrected them by turning them into immortal vampires, so they can finally be together forever......." Tiffany inhaled a deep breath after finishing her story and glanced at everyone for approval.
Welcome to a fantastic PLAYMOBIL world constructed by an ardent Taiwanese 🇹🇼 fan! 歡迎蒞臨一個台灣🇹🇼摩比迷的摩比世界! Bienvenue dans un monde PLAYMOBIL fantastique construit par un fan taïwanais 🇹🇼 !
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Playmobil-70025-70026-Fi?ures series 15-摩比抽抽樂第15代
The Playmobil Fi?ures Series 15 will be launched worldwide in February 2019, let's take a look at what it has to offer!
Saturday, 26 January 2019
Friday, 25 January 2019
Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-25
Sans avertissement, un inconnu encore plus grand que Klaudia entra dans la pièce.
"Attend une seconde, qui es-tu?" interrogea Tiffany.
En guise de réponse, Klaudia prit la poupée que Tiffany laissa tomber à la porte et la tendit devant elle. Immédiatement, tout le monde sentit un vertige soudain les surmonter, la pièce commença à tourbillonner violemment et ils perdirent toute conscience juste après avoir perçu le rire assourdissant de Klaudia.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Playmobil Detectives: Island of the Spectres-25
Without warning, an unknown man who was even taller than Klaudia entered the room.
"Wait a sec, who're you?" questioned Tiffany.
As an answer, Klaudia picked up the doll which Tiffany dropped by the doorway and held it out in front of her. Immediately, everyone felt a sudden dizziness overcoming them, the room began to swirl violently, and they lost all consciousness just after they perceived the deafening cackle of Klaudia.
Sunday, 20 January 2019
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Friday, 18 January 2019
Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-24
"Si Jeffie n'est pas là, où peut-il être?" demanda Tiffany.
Soudainement, la silhouette mystérieuse du fantôme apparut de nouveau à l'entrée, après quoi le groupe suivit immédiatement. Ensuite, il disparut dans un escalier menant au rez-de-chaussée.
"Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait un sous-sol dans ce château," remarqua Nadia alors qu'ils descendaient les escaliers.
"Dépêchez-vous, nous devons sauver mon Jeffie!" cria Tiffany en menant en bas, tout en tenant la poupée qui ressemblait à Jeffrey dans sa main, le bras tendu devant elle.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Playmobil Detectives: Island of the Spectres-24
"If Jeffie isn't here, where can he be?" enquired Tiffany.
Suddenly, the mysterious figure of the ghost appeared again at the entrance, after which the group immediately followed. Then, it disappeared down a flight of staircase leading downstairs.
"I didn't know there was a basement in this castle," remarked Nadia as she hurried down the stairs.
"Hurry up, slow pokes. We've gotta save ma Jeffie!" shouted Tiffany as she led the way downstairs, all this while holding the doll that resembled Jeffrey tightly in her hand, with her arm extended in front of her.
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Saturday, 12 January 2019
Friday, 11 January 2019
Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-23
"De toute façon, nous devons trouver la chambre de Klaudia le plus tôt possible", conclut Shaun en se précipitant hors du salon dans le couloir, suivi par les filles. Cependant, les couloirs et les passages étaient tellement sinueux que, peu importe leurs efforts, ils se sont retrouvés au même endroit qu'ils commencèrent.
"Je parie que c'est une de ses astuces aussi!" déclara Shaun pensivement. "Elle a mis cet endroit sous un charme pour que nous ne puissions pas partir d'ici."
Sans avertissement, le fantôme dont le conscient Shaun était entré est apparu de l'autre côté du couloir et leur fit un signe de le suivre. "Ahhhhh! Un fantôme!" Tiffany cria.
"Ne t'inquiète pas, il a dû être un bon fantôme", déclara Shaun. "C'est lui qui m'a amené à trouver les indices prouvant que Klaudia est un vampire. Je pense qu'il ne signifie aucun mal, nous devrions le suivre."
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Playmobil Detectives: Island of the Spectres-23
"Anyhow, we have to find Klaudia's room as soon as possible," concluded Shaun as he dashed out of the drawing room into the corridor, followed by the girls. However, the corridors and passageways were so winding like a labyrinth that, no matter how hard they tried, they ended up in the same place they've started.
"I'll bet this is one of her tricks, too!" declared Shaun pensively. "She's put this place under a spell so we won't be able to leave here."
Without warning, the ghost whose conscious Shaun had entered appeared on the other side of the corridor and motioned them to follow him. "Ahhhhh! A ghost!" Tiffany screamed.
"Don't worry, he's supposed to be a good guy," said Shaun. "He was the one that led me to find the hints proving that Klaudia's a vampire. I think he means no harm, we should follow it."
Sunday, 6 January 2019
Saturday, 5 January 2019
「我本來是要上去的,但誰曉得那瘋婆子會突然出現!」蒂芬尼說。「眞是的,有時她眞的會讓我全身起雞皮疙瘩。她在小傑面前就臉上掛著她那虛僞的笑容 ~我是不會讓她這種狐狸精把我的小傑搶走的!」
Friday, 4 January 2019
Les Détectives Playmobil: L'île des Spectres-22
Pendant ce temps, dans le salon, Nadia et Tiffany se tchatchaient.
"Mon dieu, pourquoi suis-je toujours aussi fatiguée malgré avoir dormi plus de 12 heures?" bâillait Tiffany en s'allongeant sur la chaise longue victorien.
"Moi aussi. J'avais l'impression de ne pas avoir dormi du tout", acquiesça Nadia. "J'ai continué à avoir des rêves aléatoires qui n'ont aucun sens."
"J'vais bientôt me coucher et cette fois, je prends une douche en premier!" déclara Tiffany. "J'vais pas aller dans cette hutte hantée encore."
"Eh bien, qui t'a dit d'aller dans cette cabane en premier lieu?" demanda Nadia.
"Je t'l'ai déjà dit, c'était Klaudia!" répondit Tiffany.
"Bien, pourquoi n'es-tu pas venu me demander?" interrogea Nadia.
"J'allais, mais cette folle est sortie de nulle part!" dit Tiffany. "Mon dieu, elle me donne parfois la chair de poule. Elle ne met que son faux sourire devant Jeffie. Je le jure, elle est désespérée pour lui. Mais je ne la laisserai pas avoir ma Jeffie."
Juste au moment où Nadia était sur le point de défendre Klaudia, elle aperçut Shaun qui se précipita dans la pièce avec un visage extrêmement pâle, tout en tenant un livre d'or entre ses mains. "Eh bien, si tu veux sauver ton Jeffie, tu ferais mieux d'être rapide, car Jeffrey est déjà dans la chambre de Klaudia", déclara Shaun, essoufflé de courir tout le long de l'escalier.
"Quoi!" cria Tiffany. "J'savais pas qu'elle était si désespérée!"
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Playmobil Detectives: Island of the Spectres-22
Meanwhile, in the drawing room, Nadia and Tiffany were chatting, or as close to chatting as the two could possibly go without Tiffany starting an argument.
"OMG, why am I still so tired despite having slept for more than 12 hours?" yawned Tiffany as she lay on the blue Victorian coach.
"To be frank, I'm tired, too. It felt like I haven't been sleeping at all," acquiesced Nadia. "I kept having random dreams that don't make any sense."
"Imma head to bed soon, and I'm taking a shower first, this time!" declared Tiffany. "I ain't gonna go to that haunted hut again."
"Well, who told you to go to that hut in the first place?" enquired Nadia.
"I told you, it was Klaudia!" replied Tiffany.
"Well, why didn't you come up and ask me?" queried Nadia.
"I was gonna, but that crazy woman just appeared out of nowhere!" said Tiffany. "Jeez, she gives me the creeps sometimes. She only puts on that fake smile of hers in front of Jeffie. I swear, she's desperate for him. But I won't let her get ma Jeffie."
Just when Nadia was about to defend Klaudia, she perceived Shaun rushing into the room with an extremely pale face, whilst holding a golden book in his hands. "Well, if you want to save your Jeffie, you'd better be quick, cos Jeffrey is already in her room," said Shaun, breathless from running all the way down the staircase.
"WTF!" screamed Tiffany. "I didn't know she was that desperate!"