Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-10

Amused by the scarecrow that had asked for her help, Cinderella strolled towards the scarecrow and untied him from the branches of the forest trees.

"Phew~ That was so very much better. Thank you! Thank you so very much! I am so very much obliged to you!" The scarecrow thanked Cinderella true-heartedly.

"How did you even end up in that awkward position in the first place?" enquired the curious Cinderella. 

"That was a so very long story," replied the scarecrow, shaking his head. "Before I was tied here, I was just a so very normal scarecrow, standing on a field chasing away the crows. However, I was so very stupid that I couldn't distinguish between sparrows and pheasants and crows, so I ended up chasing every single bird I saw away. My master got so very angry when I chased away a pheasant, which he was about to shoot with his gun, so he took me here and abandoned me by tying me on a tree."

"Wow, that is such a sad story," replied Cinderella sympathetically. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Cindy Ella Smith, but everyone just calls me Cinderella. I'm going along the Golden Brick Road to meet the wizard Ali Buda to ask him where my grandmother lives."

 "I it possible that you can do me another favour?" entreated the scarecrow earnestly. "Could you please take me along with you to the great wizard so I can beg him to give me a brain so I can gain intelligence and wisdom."

"Of course, I'd be glad to have a company," answered Cinderella. "I'm beginning to get lonely walking alone on this road."

Cinderella and the scarecrow chatted away happily whilst strolling down the golden brick road. They discovered that they had a lot in common, which made conversation between them very natural. The scarecrow especially loved to listen to Cinderella telling him of where she used to live, and how it was like over there. He also felt sorry for Cinderella's situation.

After some time of walking, the golden brick road began to become very narrow and uneven. Cinderella, who was not agile enough, often stumbled over the bricks. Suddenly, they encountered a knight standing by the gate of a stone castle.

"Is this the great wizard Ali Buda's castle," wondered Cinderella. "But that doesn't seem right, as the golden brick road doesn't end here."

"Why not let's ask that knight over there? Perhaps he'd be able to tell us something," suggested the scarecrow.

"Great idea!" agreed Cinderella.

~To be Continued~

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