Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Playmobil Detectives: Taipei Love Story-28

After Jeffrey and Eliza took turns in checking out the 'magic' rice cooker, they sat down to lunch.

"So, how was your trip to Kaohsiung?" asked Blythe's Grandma. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was a truly romantic city that blends tradition with modern fashion in perfect harmony," responded Jeffrey. "It's quite different to Taipei in the sense that it's less metropolitan, so you feel less rushed. Yet, you don't feel the inconvenience of smaller towns. In fact, it has more convenience stores, modern skyscrapers and better transportation facilities than most cities in Europe!"

"Basically, it's the perfect place for a honeymoon!" added Eliza.

"We didn't get to visit Cijin Island or Kenting beach, which was a shame, as they're even more picturesque than the city centre of Kaohsiung," said Blythe. "By the way, Claire, how is Tiffany? I hope she's much better now?"

Claire responded by shaking her head and sighed. "I'm afraid she's not any better. She was delirious the whole day, muttering strange names in a language which neither me nor grandma could understand."

"What language is she speaking?" enquired Shaun as his eyebrows locked in deep thought.

"Tiffany's words weren't very distinguishable as they weren't in coherent sentences, but she kept repeating the name Ahuat, which I think sounds like Hokkien," answered Claire. "But that's impossible, because she doesn't know the language. So, it might be meaningless altogether."

"OMG! Did you say Ahuat?" Suddenly, Jeffrey jumped up from his chair in total astonishment.

"Um, everything ok?" replied the bewildered Claire.

Only then did Jeffrey briefly recount his dream from the previous evening to everyone, which consisted of Ahuey's miserable life. "But I couldn't understand a single thing, as the dream was in a completely foreign language," added Jeffrey. "I thought it was just a random dream and didn't pay much attention to it until you mentioned the name Ahuat, which seemed to belong to the girl's lover. His name was mentioned repeatedly throughout the dream, and that's about all I could make out of it."

On the conclusion of Jeffrey's words, everyone became silent, especially Blythe, Shaun and their grandma, who fell into a deep contemplation. 

~To be Continued~

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