Saturday, 9 February 2013

摩比嬌娃之古文物展的竊盜(中)Playmobil Spies and the Theft in the Antiques Exhibition II

In the last episode:

The Playmobil Spies had already wasted lots of time in locating their destination, but their mission has only just started!

摩比嬌娃們〜Eliza 和 Claire 來到了展覽館的二樓發現現場毫無動靜〜大家都還輕輕鬆鬆的那兒喝茶的喝茶,聊天的聊天。她們雖然有耽誤了點時間,但幸好還來得及,壞人似乎還未下手。可是現場看似悠閒的人群們以她們專業的眼光來看每個都很可疑!
Eliza and Claire came to the first floor of the exhibition and found that all was ordinary~everyone were enjoying tea and chatting away, very carefree. Although they did waste a lot of time, but it seems that they're not too late, the suspects haven't started yet. But through their professional eyes, everyone in the exhibition seems very fishy.
「妳瞧兒,坐在那兒的兩位貴婦不就是比我們先進來的嗎?她們坐在那兒竊竊私語,行蹤也相當可疑哦!」Claire 對 Eliza 小聲地說。

"Look! Aren't they the ladies that came in before us? They are whispering so quietly, they seem fishy too!" Claire whispered to Eliza.
「對,現在每個人都有可能是嫌疑犯,我們絕對不能掉以輕心!」謹慎的 Eliza 也接著回答。
"Yes, everyone could be the suspect, we must be very careful!" Eliza replied.


Even the entrance from the balcony on the first floor are guarded with security guards to ensure everyone's safety.

Claire 和 Eliza 趕緊衝去尋找傳說中的王冠,找了好久終於鎖定目標!

Claire and Eliza quickly went to check on the targeted crown.

「我覺得歹徒覬覦的是這個皇冠,因為它鎖在櫃子裏表示它比較珍貴!」聰明的Eliza 推理著。
「嗯,有道理!」〜雖然 Claire 壓根兒都沒想到,可是還是得假裝一下嘛!

However, to their astonishment and horror, they discovered that there was another crown in the same exhibition! This one was locked in a showcase. Which one are the suspects going to steal?
"I think the suspects might have their targets on this crown here, because the fact that it is locked in the showcase is an evidence that it is more precious!" Eliza concluded.
"Hmmm, possible!" Although Claire hadn't the least idea before it was mentioned, she pretended to have noticed it as well.


"May I help you?" Walking towards was a brown-haired woman that looked exactly the same as the worker they met downstairs who informed them of place of the antiques exhibition. The Spies stood there, speechless. How did she come up here so fast???
「呵呵,我們又見面啦!我們真有緣!」機靈的Eliza 趕緊回過神來,和她打招呼!

"Oh, hello! I see we meet again!" the quick-minded Eliza instantly recovered from her shock and pretended that nothing happened.

"Ummm, I'm sorry. But I cannot quite recollect that we have met before....." The worker's reply shocked the Spies once more.

Why doesn't she recognise the Spies? Have they remembered the wrong person? there another side to the story?

「哦,不好意思,可能是我們認錯人了!」Eliza 趕緊前來緩和尷尬的氣氛。

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have remembered the wrong person!" Eliza quickly resolved the awkward situation.


The worker hurried away after excusing herself. The Spies were also relieved and angry because of their own mistake.


But they soon recovered from the fit and concentrated on the two suspicious men strolling near the crown.

「像那個戴草帽的人就看起來很可疑!」Claire 悄悄的對Eliza 說。

"That man wearing the straw hat seems very fishy, they must be the suspects!" Claire whispered to Eliza.
Eliza 只是默默地點頭,不發一語。

Eliza only nodded her head and was reluctant to come to a conclusion this early.


The two men sat on the coach opposite and began to chat away.


After a long time, the exhibition was over and nothing happened. Everyone started walking out of the hall.

Just when the Spies thought that their mission is over, their "Contact Mirrors" suddenly rang.

What is happening? Does the headquarter have some other news to inform them? Or just purely to congratulate them for their successful mission?


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