Sunday, 10 February 2013

摩比嬌娃之古文物展的竊盜(下)Playmobil Spies and the Theft in the Antiques Exhibition III

In the last episode:, the Spies thought that their mission is accomplished when the exhibition has finished when suddenly their Contact Mirrors rang. What is it this time?

 When they heard the ringing of their "Contact Mirrors", they quickly hid behind the exhibition building and turned on their web-cam.
This is what they see in their "Contact Mirrors":
她們的老闆~Tom 透過筆電和她們進行視訊。
Their boss~Tom was talking to them using his laptop.

He said: "Good evening ladies! The headquarters have just received the newest information that there is something missing in this exhibition."
"How is that possible?" The Spies exclaimed together: "We were there the whole time and we made sure that both crowns are untouched before we left the exhibition!"
Tom 緊接著說:「王冠的確毫髮無傷,因為這次被盜的是埃及Tutankhamen法老王的一個金手鐲。看來歹徒似乎察覺偷王冠太冒險也太明顯了,所以轉換焦點改偷比較不值錢的展覽品。可是遺憾的是,目前總部尚未查明歹徒的身份,所以請妳們務必找到歹徒,並協助警方將他們逮補究案、移送法辦。謝謝!祝好運!」
Tom continued: "Yes, indeed, both crowns are untouched, because this time, the thieves decided to steal the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen's gold bracelet. It seems like the thieves thought it too adventurous to steal something so obvious as the crown and decided to steal something smaller in size but equally as precious. You have to support the police to capture the thieves. Good luck!"
聰明的 Eliza 推理著:「像是手鐲那麼小的東西,一定是藏在身上帶跑的!但是管內戒備森嚴,不會這麼容易令歹徒有機可乘;所以如果我的推理無誤的話,歹徒一定是有買館內的某件物品,然後再順手牽羊將手鐲夾帶出去的。」
The intelligent Eliza concluded: "Something as small as a bracelet must be hidden on someone to be taken out of the exhibition unnoticed. But the security of the exhibition is very high, the crime couldn't be that easily done without alarming anyone. If I am not mistaken, the thieves must have bought something from the exhibition and then put the bracelet with the bought item to steal it out of the exhibition.
Claire 也緊接著說:「嗯,有道理!那我們趕緊去櫃檯問一下看今天有賣出哪些展示品,再一一去追蹤吧!依我看,今天展覽生意好像不怎麼好。你看,館內還剩下那麼多展示品。」
 Claire added: "Hmmm, possible! We should go and ask the reception to check which items are sold today, then follow them up one by one. I doubt that a lot, if anything, was sold today in the exhibition."
So, they quickly returned to the exhibition and inquired the reception after all the items that have been sold on the day.
Fortunately, there was only one item sold~ a scarce species of flowers imported from the Bahamas. Finally got a clue, they inquired further on the customer details to investigate further.
After they found the customer details, they quickly turned on their laptop and started searching.
Quite out of anyone's anticipation, the customer that bought the scarce flower was actually the owner of the mansion that the exhibition was set in. In conclusion, the only reason why thief offered his mansion for the exhibition was to steal something from it!!
The Spies quickly changed into their outfits!
 The Spies swiftly pursued after the thieves using their motorcycles.
Fortunately, there was only one path leading away from the exhibition, so the Spies quickly saw the thieves.
To their astonishment, sitting beside the thieves are the two workers they met in the exhibition~ and they look exactly the same. 
Actually, they are twins and are the sisters of the thief, they pretended to be the workers of the exhibition to help steal the bracelet so they can sell it for a good price in the black market.
But the Spies could not see where they hid the bracelet, so there was so evidence to capture them!!
The Spies quickly wore on their infrared scanning glasses and discovered that the cunning thieves hid the bracelet on the stem of the flower and then used a cloth to cover the flower so no one can spot it! Thanks to the infrared scanning glasses, the Spies finally found some evidence of their crime.
The Spies sped forward and blacked the thieves' way.
 And successfully captured them.
 Congratulations to the Playmobil Spies for successfully accomplishing a mission again!!

~The End~

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