Saturday, 26 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish III 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-3

當 Claire 抵達二樓時,已經沒看見黑衣女子的身影,她不知在何時消失了!

When Claire arrived on the second floor, nothing could be seen of the woman in black as she has disappeared!


The light upstairs was even darker than that in the first floor, only a dim, red light illuminated the room.

過了一陣子後,Claire 的眼睛漸漸適應新的光線,看到在不遠處有一張桌子,桌子後面坐著一個穿著打扮像是吉普賽人的女人,桌上有一塊石頭;原來,紅色的燈光就是從那個石頭發出來的!

After a while, when Claire's eyes gradually became more accustomed to the dark, she perceived a table not far from her, sitting behind the table was a woman who dressed like a gypsy, and on top of the table was a stone, which was the source of the dim, red light!

突然,那個打扮像是吉普賽人的女人開口了,她用著她低沉卻宏亮的聲音說:「Claire, 妳好呀!我就是神仙教母,我已經等妳很久了!趕快坐下~别浪費時間!」並指著桌子前方的椅子。

Suddenly, the woman who dressed like a gypsy said with a deep but clear voice: "Hello Claire, I am the Fairy Godmother. I have been expecting you for a long time. Sit down quickly, don't waste my time!" She pointed at a chair in front of the table.

當 Claire 坐下時,原本從石頭發出來薄弱的紅色燈光突然變強了,Claire 的眼睛一時無法習慣,感到非常刺眼。

Without warning, the moment Claire had sat down, the previously dim light became brighter. Claire's eyes, which were by now accustomed to the dark, felt extremely uncomfortable.

這時,神仙教母開始說話了,神仙教母每講一句話,Claire 的臉色就變得更慘白,呼吸變得更快速。因為,神仙教母所陳述 Claire 的過去,句句都精準無比,甚至連 Claire 自己都没有如此一般的瞭解自己。

The Fairy Godmother then began to speak, every single sentence from her made Claire's face even paler, and her breaths more rapid than before. This is because everything the Fairy Godmother stated about Claire's past was exactly as it was, even Claire could not be so certain to know so much about herself.

神仙教母陳述完 Claire 的過去後,便開始講到她的未來。她做了許多的預言,包括 Claire 會在幾歲結婚,就連 Claire 未來的先生的容貌神仙教母都能精準地描述出來。Claire 嚇了一大跳,因為神仙教母所描述的那個人的容貌,竟然就是 Claire 隔壁班上的男生!

After the Fairy Godmother finished talking about Claire's past, she moved on to her future. She made many prophecies, including the age that Claire will marry, she could even describe in detail the appearance of her future husband! Claire was extremely shocked to notice that the description of the Fairy Godmother fits exactly that of a boy in another class that is in the same year group as Claire!

當神仙教母結束她的預言後,黑衣女子就不知從哪裡出現了!黑衣女子帶著 Claire 下樓梯,回到她的朋友們身邊。

After the Fairy Godmother has finished, the woman in black appeared! She led Claire back down the stairs to her waiting friends.

Eliza 看著 Claire 和 Selena 下樓後的臉色都怪怪的,於是就和黑衣女子說自己身體有些不舒服,於是便決定不去見神仙教母了。

Eliza, after perceiving both Claire and Selena's expressions to be very pale after their encounter with the Fairy Godmother, claimed that she was not well and decided not to see the Fairy Godmother anymore.


The three friends walked out of the door and left the sinister place behind.

這個神仙教母究竟是何方神聖,竟然能對 Claire 和 Selena 的過去瞭若指掌?案情又會在下集有甚麼樣的發展呢?

Who exactly is this Fairy Godmother that knows so much about Claire and Selena's past? How will the case develop in the next episode?


~To be Continued~

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