Sunday, 27 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish IV 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-4


On the following morning, the spies received a video-call from their boss- Tom.


Tom said: "Good morning, ladies! I hope I have not disturbed you by calling you so early. The headquarters have just received some news that the fortune-teller Fairy Godmother will be calling a public press conference this morning at 9 am in order to announce something. As all of her believers are expected to attend, I hope you can reach there in time to find a good seat and investigate what exactly she is up to. In case of any news, please contact the headquarters as soon as possible. Good luck!"


The spies hastily got dressed and arrived at the press conference on time.


Exactly like Tom had anticipated, when they arrived, the hall was already full of people, only a long settee was unoccupied.


The spies quickly went to sit down on the long settee and waited for the press conference to begin.


When the spies have sat down, the Fairy Godmother commenced: "Since everyone is here, I will begin!" She continued with her deep but clear voice, "The reason why I gathered everyone here today is because of this jug of water. In fact, this jug of water is no ordinary water, this jug contains the Water of Judgement. God uses this Water of Judgement to judge whether an individual is good or bad. If a person of a benevolent disposition puts his or her hand in it, nothing will happen; however, if an individual with a malevolent disposition places his or her hand in it, he or she will suffer from extreme pain and die of a slow and painful death. Today, I will use this Water of Judgement to judge my believers to see who is good, and who is bad."


After she has finished, the Fairy Godmother poured the jug of water into a basin that was previously prepared.

「我先將我自己的手放入這盆神聖的審判水裏,一方面是證明我自己是個好人;另一方面是給在坐有懷疑我的能力的人看看,這盆水並沒有下毒!」神仙教母一邊說一邊朝著 Claire 和 Eliza 的方向望去,彷彿能看穿她們的心思,知道她們是來試圖找出她的破綻的。

"I will now put my own hand into this Water of Judgement, on one hand, it is to prove that I have a benevolent disposition; on the other hand, it is to prove to anyone below that suspects my power that this jug of water is not poisoned!" the Fairy Godmother looked to the direction of Claire and Eliza whilst talking, as if she could see through their intention of investigation.


The Fairy Godmother continued: "Alright, now, who would like to give it a try?"


When The Fairy Godmother has finished, there was a deadly silence, as everyone was afraid of being judged to be bad.


Will there be anyone that dares to give it a try? And is that basin of water really as extraordinary was the Fairy Godmother claimed it to be?


~To be Continued~

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