Sunday, 13 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor III 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-3


Many days after the event, everything was normal and nothing more was heard about the 'dark shadow'.


In the evening of a week after the event, the three friends were in the library of the Manor, reading books and chatting away happily.

Claire, Eliza 和 Jennifer 皆是愛書人,Claire 和 Eliza 超級羨慕 Jennifer 家裏的圖書室藏書那麼的豐富,她們愈聊愈開心。

Claire, Eliza and Jennifer are all book-lovers, Claire and Eliza envied greatly the amount of book collections in the library of Jennifer's home.

突然間,Jennifer 大聲尖叫,並指著角落說:「是...是黑影!!」

Suddenly, Jennifer screamed, pointed at a corner of the library and exclaimed: "Look! It''s the shadow!!"

Claire 和 Eliza 才猛然抬頭一看,發現傳說中的黑影果真出現了,並朝著她們的方向飄過來!!

Claire and Eliza, after hearing the scream, raised their heads to discover that the legendary 'Dark Shadow' has really appeared, and was gliding towards them!!

Eliza 第一個回過神來,大聲說:「快抓住它!一定要找出黑影的真相!」,大家才回過神來。

Eliza was the first to come to her senses, she exclaimed: "Quick, we have to catch it if we want to find out the secret behind the black shadow!" Only then, did everyone start to get up on their feet.


However, at this instant, the dark shadow disappeared as quickly as it has appeared!

Claire, Eliza 和 Jennifer 趕緊衝下樓梯,又在圖書室裏仔細得找了一番,卻什麼線索都沒找到,讓案情變得更加懸疑了。

Claire, Eliza and Jennifer dashed down the stairs, examined the library closely, but was all in vain as they couldn't find any clues at all, which made the whole thing ever more bizarre.

這時,Jennifer 突然間以顫抖的聲音說:「這棟房子的歷史悠久,我們家也是最近才買的,這並不是我們祖傳的......難道.....是這棟房子某一代主人的靈魂因為這棟房子被賣給了別人所以無法得到安寧,現在才會....才會出來!?我們....我們該如何是好呀?」Jennifer 說完便開始哽咽,她被嚇得驚慌失色,不知所措。
Jennifer whispered in her trembling voice: "This manor has a long history which my family is completely ignorant of as we have just bought it recently and it did not come from our ancestors. Maybe...maybe the spirit of the previous owner's ancestor of this manor could not rest in peace as it has been sold to someone else, so it came out to haunt us!!! Oh...whatever could we do?" Jennifer bursted into a violent fit of sobbing caused by the fright.
Claire 趕緊安慰她們的朋友說:「別擔心!我們一定會幫妳把這件事情查個水落石出的,現在先別瞎猜,我們從頭開始找線索!」
Claire quickly tried to calm their friend by saying: "Don't worry! We will help you to discover the secret behind this dark shadow, in the mean time, please don't make any assumptions. We will start from the beginning to find more clues!"
Jennifer 冷靜下來後便說:「真得很謝謝妳們~妳們人真好!不過,我真的對妳們感到十分的抱歉,本來開開心心的來我家玩兒.....結果,事情竟然變成這樣!我....我.....真的不知道該如何是好呀!」
After Jennifer has calmed herself down, she said: "Oh, thank you, thank you, you are very very kind indeed! However, I feel very sorry and guilty for all of this, I invited you to my holiday home to take a break, and...and....things turn out like this!! Oh! I really don't know what I should do!!"
Eliza 和 Claire 安慰完 Jennifer 後便又進入沉思,這次的案件並不只是她們的任務,還攸關了她們朋友 Jennifer 及她的家人。
Eliza and Claire fell into another deep thought after they've successfully calmed their friend down. This time, their mission is not only their job, but also they felt that it was their duty as a friend to solve the mystery for Jennifer and her family.
這整個案件可說是愈來愈離奇了!究竟這個【黑影】的真面目是什麼呢?它又為何會突然出現及消失呢?難道正如 Jennifer 所說的一樣嗎?案情在下集又回有怎樣的變化呢?
This case has certainly became very bizarre! What exactly is this 'Dark Shadow'? And why could it appear and disappear so suddenly and leaving no trace? Is it really like what Jennifer said? How will the case develop in the next episode?
~To be Continued~

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