Monday, 14 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor IV 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-4

那天晚上,Claire 和 Eliza 都睡得不好。一方面是因為想著這次的案子,愈想愈離奇;另一方面則是一直聽到『叩叩叩』,像是有人在敲東西的聲音。

That night, both Claire and Eliza couldn't sleep. On one hand, they were trying to figure out this case, which was getting weirder every second; on the other hand, they kept hearing a noise like someone is knocking.

事實上,這個奇怪的聲音已經持續許久了,甚至在 Claire 和 Eliza 在莊園住的第一個晚上就有了,可是因為那天晚上他們兩都很很累了,一躺上床便呼呼大睡,所以絲毫沒有去注意到這個聲音。

In fact, this strange noise has been going on for quite a long time already, and has even been there in the first night of Claire and Eliza's stay in the Manor. However, both of them were extremely exhausted on their first night, they slept soundly and didn't take much notice of it.

而且,並不是只有她們有聽到這個聲音,Jennifer 的媽媽以及所有的僕人們都說:這個聲音在每晚的午夜時便會開始;甚至還有女僕被吵得整晚睡不著,所以注意到這個聲音在每天凌晨三點便會停止。

Furthermore, they weren't the only ones to take notice of this noise, Mrs. Jennings and all of the servants of the house claimed that the noise always began at midnight, and a maid also said that one night she couldn't sleep at all and noticed it ended at three in the morning.

過了好久,Claire 和 Eliza 才漸漸睡著了。

After a long time, Claire and Eliza finally dozed off.

可是,沒過多久,Eliza 便忽然驚醒了,因為她做了一個很恐怖的噩夢,她夢見她們在睡覺時,黑影來到了她們的房間。於是,她趕緊把睡在一旁的 Claire 搖醒。

But, not long afterwards, Eliza woke suddenly after having had a frightening nightmare, she dreamt that the 'Dark Shadow' has intruded into their bedroom. Therefore, Eliza quickly woke Claire, who was sleeping beside her.

Claire 聽完 Eliza 的噩夢後,便起床巡視一下房間;一方面是試圖說服驚慌失色的 Eliza 並沒有任何異狀,另一方面則是說服自己,讓自己可以安心睡覺。

Claire, after hearing Eliza's nightmare, began to examine the bedroom closely. On one hand, she was trying to persuade the absolutely terrified Eliza that nothing has happened; and on the other hand, to persuade herself, so she could go to sleep in a less agitated mood.

結果,Claire 竟在梳妝台上發現了本來沒有在那兒的一張紙條,讀完紙條後,Claire 頓時臉色發白,幸好她急時扶著梳妝台,所以才沒有跌倒。

Nevertheless, Claire discovered a note on the dresser that was perviously not there. After she finished reading the note, her face instantly turned as pale as paper; she quickly clutched the side of the dresser to prevent herself from collapsing onto the floor.

Eliza 看著 Claire 的臉色不太對勁兒,趕緊拿起紙條一看,紙條上用著紅色的粗體字寫著:
諾威格莊園的鬼魂 上』

Eliza, after perceiving the terrified expression on Claire's face, hastily picked up the note, where a few lines of writing written in red ink read as follows:
"Dear guests,
You had better leave this instant, or else calamity will fall on your friend and her family. LEAVE!!!!
Yours sincerely,
The Ghost of Norwinger Manor"

這張紙條到底是如何來到 Claire 和 Eliza 的房間的呢?難道,真如 Eliza 的夢境一般,那個【黑影】趁著她們在睡覺時,偷偷的溜進她們的房間裏嗎?

How exactly did the note appear in Claire and Eliza's bedroom? Is it really like Eliza's dream that the Dark Shadow has secretly entered their room whilst they were sleeping?


~To be Continued~

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