Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor V 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-5

隔天一大早,Claire 和 Eliza 就趕緊拿著那張紙條給 Jennifer 看,和她一起討論該怎麼辦。Jennifer 看完臉色也頓時變得慘白,驚慌失色,不知所措。

On the following morning, Claire and Eliza showed Jennifer the note so they could discuss the case together. After she read it, Jennifer's face immediately turned as pale as paper, she was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.

Eliza 看著 Jennifer 又準備要開始哽咽了,便趕緊說:「我看,我們還是趕緊回房間巡視一番,看看能不能找到什麼線索。」

Eliza, after seeing Jennifer about to weep again, quickly said: "I think we should go back to our bedroom to try and search for any clues."


The three friends quickly returned to their bedroom and examined it closely, however, all was in vain as they couldn't find anything suspicious.

Claire 說:「因為我們的房間那天晚上有上鎖,所以除非黑影會穿牆,不然根本不可能將紙條帶進房間裏啊!」

"As we have locked our room that night, unless that Dark Shadow can pass through the walls freely, it would be quite impossible for it to bring the note in." Claire said to herself thoughtfully.

Jennifer 說:「也不可能是風把紙條從門縫裏吹進來呀~哪會有這麼剛好放在梳妝台上?」

"It would also be impossible that the note flew into your room through the crack under the door, as it would really be a coincidence that it could land exactly on the dresser." Jennifer concluded.

正當她們準備放棄,打算在別處另找線索時,Eliza 發現從衣櫃後面似乎有一陣風吹進房間裏來,他們三人費了九牛二虎之力聯合將衣櫃推開後,發現果然衣櫃後面有一扇門!

Just when they were about to give up and look elsewhere for clues, Eliza felt a gust of wind coming from behind the wardrobe. The three friends pushed the wardrobe aside together to discover a secret door behind it!!

Claire 對 Jennifer 說:「我和 Eliza 去看看就好了!你就留在這兒吧!」

Claire said to Jennifer: "I will go with Eliza, and you will have to stay here!"

Jennifer 剛開始不同意讓她的朋友自己去冒險,後來是 Eliza 說:「如果我們三個人都不見了,你媽媽和奶奶會非常擔心的!你要留在這兒陪她們,我們去看看,馬上就回來!」Jennifer 才依依不捨的看著 Claire 和 Eliza 走進通道裏。

At first, Jennifer didn't agree to let her friends go alone without her into unknown possible danger, only after Eliza said: "If all of us has disappeared, your mother and grandmother will be extremely anxious! You have to stay here to take care of them, we will come back in no time!" did Jennifer reluctantly see her friends enter the door leading to a tunnel.


The tunnel was extremely small and have many turnings, after many ups and downs, the spies eventually arrived at the end of the tunnel, where they perceived a wooden door.


The spies quickly took out their Contact Mirrors and pressed a button. In a blink of an eye, they have changed into their Spies uniform, signalling that their mission was about to begin!


What is waiting for them behind that door?


~To be Continued~

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