Saturday, 9 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright II 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-2

Eliza 睡完午叫起床後,還是不見 Claire 的蹤影。

After Eliza woke up from her nap, Claire still hasn't returned.

「那個 Claire 買個冰淇淋需要買那麼久嗎?她一定是自己一個人偷偷跑去逛街了!哼,竟然沒等我!」Eliza 一邊自言自語,一邊拿起電話打到 Claire 的手機去。

"How long does it take Claire to buy an ice-cream? She must have went off shopping by herself without waiting for me! Huh!" Eliza muttered to herself whilst calling Claire's mobile phone from the hotel room telephone.

可是,Eliza 赫然發現 Claire 竟然沒有帶手機,因為她的手機還放在旅館房間裏!

However, she was astounded to discover that Claire did not take her mobile phone with her, as she left it in the room!

這時,Eliza 便開始感到有些著急了!因為,她知道 Claire 是個名符其實的【低頭族】,出門是絕對不可能不帶手機的。

Eliza suddenly began to feel anxious, as she knew that Claire literally cannot live without her phone, so it is quite impossible for her to go anywhere without it!

Eliza 換了一套衣服後,便決定到樓下去找 Claire。可是,她找了好久,始終沒看到 Claire 的蹤影。

After changing into a new set of clean clothes, Eliza went downstairs to look for Claire. However, all was in vain, as she couldn't find her anywhere.

於是,Eliza 走到旅館櫃台問道:「小姐,不好意思,請問你有看到一個穿著紅色衣服和短裙,留著黑色短髮的女生走出旅館嗎?我在找我的朋友,她跟我説她要下樓買冰淇淋,可是等了好久她遲遲都沒上樓來,所以我想説她會不會是出去了.......」

Eliza walked to the reception and inquired: "Excuse me, miss, did you see a girl wearing a red dress with short, black hair walk out of the hotel door? I am looking for my friend, she told me that she's going downstairs to buy an ice-cream about an hour ago, but she still hasn't returned, so I was thinking that maybe she has went out....."


The lady at the reception replied: "I am very sorry to say that I haven't seen anyone that matches your description, and that our hotel doesn't sell ice-cream. Perhaps she has already returned to her room, why don't you go up and check?"

Eliza 和櫃台小姐道謝後便回到了房間,可是還是沒有看到 Claire。Eliza 突然有種不祥的預感,覺得這件事情並不單純,於是她決定用【通訊鏡】打視訊通話給她的老闆~湯姆。

After Eliza thanked the reception lady, she returned to her room, but Claire was still nowhere to be found. Eliza has a sudden sense of foreboding that this is not as simple as it seemed, therefore, she decided to video-call her boss- Tom, using her Contact Mirror.

原來 Claire 和 Eliza 不只是普通的高中女學生~她們的另一個身份是在【P.M.祕密間諜組織】工作的間諜!

In fact, Claire and Eliza aren't just any ordinary high school girls, they work as spies for the P.M. Secret Spies Organisation!


Tom answered her call from his laptop.

「Eliza,妳找我有甚麼事呀?Claire 呢?妳不是和她一起在夏威夷渡假嗎?」湯姆說。

"Hello Eliza! Anything I can help you? Where's Claire? Aren't you in Hawaii with her right now?" Tom said.

「湯姆,你還真是無所不知呀!連我們來夏威夷渡假你都知道!其實,我打電話給你是要告訴你:Claire 不見了!我要去洗澡前她告訴我説她要下樓去買個冰淇淋吃,我洗完澡出來就沒看見她的人影,我想説她下樓了,所以不以為意。可是,我睡完了午覺起來,還是沒看到她!她連手機都沒帶。我剛剛下樓去問櫃台,小姐說沒有看到她出門。我覺得這件事情並不單純,所以想説來問問你的看法。」Eliza 著急的說。

"Tom, you certainly always seem to have the latest information! Indeed, we've came to Hawaii for a vacation. Actually, I've called you to tell you that Claire has disappeared! Before I went to take a bath, she told me that she will go downstairs to buy an ice-cream, when I came out of the bathroom, she was already absent from the room. After I woke up from my nap, she still hasn't returned, and she didn't even take her mobile phone with her! I just went downstairs to ask the reception lady, but she said Claire didn't go out either. I have a hunch that this isn't as simple as it seems, so I want to know your opinion." Eliza said anxiously.

湯姆沉思了好久後,突然用沉重的語氣說:「看來,妳們遇到了詭異的【瑪德琳旅館失蹤案】了!在每年的這天,都會有人在妳們所待的【瑪德琳旅館】的 201 號房失蹤。這個奇案已經延續了五年,可是,警方始終未偵破此案。總部每年也都有派人去調查,卻也不了了之。因為這間旅館的歷史悠久,在1930年代也曾經發生過命案,所以有些人認為是冤魂在作祟;可是,這個說法尚未遭到證實,很有可能只是無稽之談罷了。總之,總部會派人去協助妳辦案,一定要將 Claire 的下落查個水落石出。若有任何新消息請儘快和總部報告!祝好運!」

Tom fell into a deep thought, after he has recovered, he replied gravely: "Looks like you've encountered the strange case of 'The disappearance in Madeleine Hotel'. Every year for five years consecutively, at this day, people disappeared in the room 201 in the hotel you stayed- Madeleine Hotel. However, neither the police nor the headquarters was able to discover anything so far. Due to the long history of the hotel and a murder took place there in the 1930s, some people suspected it to be haunted; however, this theory has not yet been proved to be accurate, and it could well be false. In short, the headquarter will send someone to help you with the case, we have to discover where Claire is! In case of any news, please contact the headquarters immediately. Good luck!"

聽完,Eliza 不禁感到不寒而慄,因為現在正是農曆七月,中國人俗稱的【鬼月】,讓這個失蹤案為冤魂作祟的說法的可能性大幅提升。

Eliza felt her hair on her spine standing on end after their conversation has finished, as she felt that the theory of the hotel being haunted was not entirely impossible.

Claire 究竟是去了哪裡?案情在下集又會有何進展呢?

Where exactly has Claire gone? And how will the case develop in the next episode?


~To be Continued~

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