Sunday, 10 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright III 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-3

Eliza 和湯姆通完視訊不久後,就聽到有人敲門。

Not long after Eliza's video-call with Tom has ended, someone knocked on the door.


When Eliza went to open the door, she was astonished to discover a handsome boy standing behind the door!

突然,帥哥開口說:「妳好,我叫 Freddy,我是總部派來協助妳的探員!」

The handsome boy said: "Hi! My name's Freddy, I was sent from the headquarters to aid you!"

Eliza 心想:「哼~我和 Claire 一向都是一起合作的,從來也不需要其他人協助,雖然這次 Claire 失蹤了,我相信依我的能力也能自行偵破此案,根本不需要甚麼協助。湯姆太看不起我了!不過,既然他派了個帥哥給我,我這次就暫時不和他計較,呵呵!」

Eliza thought to herself: "Huh! Claire and I have always been partners and we never needed anyone to aid us! Although Claire has disappeared, I believe that I could solve this mystery all by myself, without any help. Tom must have underestimated my ability hugely! However, since he sent a cute guy to help me, I would forgive him for once, hehehehe!"

Freddy 進去房間後,Eliza 就說:「我們是不是要先變裝,身手較俐落、也好勘查現場!」隨後便拿出她的通訊鏡,準備換上嬌娃的制服。

After Freddy has entered the room, Eliza said: "Why don't we change into our uniforms, it would help us with the investigation!" and she took out her Contact Mirror, ready to click a button and change.

「嗯,好主意!」Freddy 說完便拿出手錶,在投射出的選單上選取換裝的按鈕。

"Great idea!" Freddy said as he took out his watch, from the projected screen, he selected a button.

Eliza 心想:「哼~湯姆還真是偏心!給 Freddy 的裝備就這麼先進,給我和 Claire 的就是一面破鏡子,有夠難攜帶的。手錶掛在手上,多方便呀!」

Eliza thought to herself: "Huh, this is unfair! Tom gave Freddy such high technological gadgets and gives me and Claire a stupid mirror! Where are we supposed to store it in!? I would love to have such a watch, which would certainly make everything much more convenient for us!"


In a blink of an eye, they have changed into their outfits!

Eliza 偷偷喵了一下 Freddy 的裝扮,當場噗嗤的哈哈大笑了起來!因為 Freddy 的裝扮實在太滑稽啦,全黑的制服配上螢光綠的線條、搭上紅色的靴子,胸前還有一個S的標記,簡直就像是kuso版的超人。

Eliza took a small glimpse at Freddy's costume, and bursted into a laugh. As Freddy's outfit was extremely funny, a black outfit with fluorescent green lines for decoration, red boots and a "S" symbol on his chest, exactly like a funny superhero outfit!

「哇!你這是甚麼裝扮呀?怎麼會那麼.......特別呀!」Eliza 一邊問,一邊大笑,笑得肚子都開始疼起來了!

"Wow! What kind of outfit is this? It' special! Hahahaha!" Eliza said as she nearly laughed her head off.

Freddy 無奈的回答說:「你以為我愛穿這樣呀?還不是總部分配的制服,我拿他一點兒辦法也沒有!」

Freddy replied: "Do you think I like this outfit? No! The headquarters told me to wear it, I have no choice at all!"

換裝完畢,Eliza 和 Freddy 就分別在房間的各處找尋線索。

After they've finished changing, Eliza and Freddy started examining the room for clues.

一邊找線索,Eliza 還一邊偷喵 Freddy 的裝扮,不禁又偷笑了起來。

Eliza took small glimpses at Freddy whilst looking for clues, and started to giggle to herself.

她心想:「湯姆還是對我們比較好!至少他沒有分配好笑的制服給我們穿,若是真要我穿那樣,我寧願不幹了!不過,人長得帥,穿甚麼都好看呀!雖然制服很好笑,可是穿在 Freddy 身上也別有一番型男的味道呀!呵呵!」

She thought: "Tom still treats us better! At least he doesn't tell us to wear that outfit! If he tells me to wear something like that, I would rather quit! However, although that outfit is hilarious, when it's put on Freddy, it's actually quite fashionable. Hmmm, it must be because he's too cute! Hehehehe!"

這時,Freddy 突然大叫一聲,Eliza 趕緊跑去查看。原來,是發現了一塊布,卡在床與床單的夾縫中。

Suddenly, Freddy started and Eliza dashed to take a look. He discovered a piece of cloth sandwiched between the bed and the bedclothes.

「依那塊布的顏色及料子,我認為就是從 Claire 身上的衣服扯下來的!」Eliza 說。

"According to the colour and texture of the cloth, I think that it must have came from Claire's dress!" Eliza exclaimed.

當 Freddy 試圖把布料抽出來時,突然,床整個移位,露出了一個大洞,有一股強大的吸力將 Eliza 和 Freddy 都吸到洞裏去了!

When Freddy tried to pull the piece of cloth out, the bed suddenly changed position and revealed a huge hole. A strong force of attraction pulled Eliza and Freddy into the hole!


What is waiting for them in there?


~To be Continued~

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